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1. |
▶ to lead astray |
4. | D 2023-07-25 23:53:29 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | They're both valid causative forms but only 惑わす is in the refs. |
3. | D 2023-07-24 23:35:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 惑わす 61305 惑う 35395 惑わされない 76481 |
Comments: | I think it's actually from 惑わす. |
2. | D* 2023-07-24 23:01:15 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think so. None of my refs have a separate entry for this inflected form. |
1. | A* 2023-07-23 22:54:36 Tyler Winn <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | does this need an entry? simply an inflection of 惑う? |
1. |
▶ buying (in large quantities) ▶ (wholesale) purchase ▶ buying in |
2. |
▶ (one's) usual (store, supplier, etc.) ▶ regular ▶ favourite (brand, shop, etc.) |
4. | A 2023-07-25 23:52:48 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-07-25 21:18:02 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, prog, daij 買い付けの 40,106 49.9% 買付けの 22,337 27.8% 買付の 17,158 21.4% 買いつけの 692 0.9% |
Comments: | Not the place itself. |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -25 +26,3 @@ -<gloss>purchase (in large quantities)</gloss> +<gloss>buying (in large quantities)</gloss> +<gloss>(wholesale) purchase</gloss> +<gloss>buying in</gloss> @@ -27,0 +31 @@ +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -29,2 +33,3 @@ -<gloss>place where one is a regular customer</gloss> -<gloss>habitual purchase</gloss> +<gloss>(one's) usual (store, supplier, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>regular</gloss> +<gloss>favourite (brand, shop, etc.)</gloss> |
2. | A 2023-07-24 11:54:28 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-07-24 02:49:16 Marcus Aseth <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijisen |
Comments: | Given this has a very similar definition to 買い付ける on dajisen and given that term has been updated recently, this should be updated as well |
Diff: | @@ -25,2 +25,6 @@ -<gloss>buying</gloss> -<gloss>purchasing</gloss> +<gloss>purchase (in large quantities)</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>place where one is a regular customer</gloss> +<gloss>habitual purchase</gloss> |
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▶ short pillar set on a beam to support a ridgepole
2. |
▶ mud wall with raised roof edge (as a fire wall and status symbol) ▶ raised roof edge |
4. | A 2024-01-26 20:44:55 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Just noting that sankoku, meikyo, and daijirin say that "うだつ" in the expression "うだつが上がらない" can be interpreted to refer to either sense 01 or 02 here. |
3. | A 2023-07-25 00:14:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 卯建 5897 5.6% 宇立 186 0.2% 梲 178 0.2% うだつ 97897 93.1% 卯立 992 0.9% |
Comments: | Despite the restriction in Daijisen, WWW hits and images show 卯建 being used for sense 1. I think the other forms can be included as search-only. |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9,9 @@ +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>卯立</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>宇立</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -14 +22,0 @@ -<stagk>梲</stagk> |
2. | A* 2023-07-24 06:30:50 Opencooper | |
Refs: | kokugos |
Comments: | * 「梲」 isn't outdated: it's in meikyo, smk, gg5, etc. * jawiki has 「宇立」, but it isn't in any of the usual refs, so better to exclude it. A select few refs—heibonsha and 建築学用語辞典—have 「卯立」 though. |
Diff: | @@ -8,3 +7,0 @@ -<keb>宇立</keb> -</k_ele> -<k_ele> @@ -12 +8,0 @@ -<ke_inf>&oK;</ke_inf> @@ -17,0 +14 @@ +<stagk>梲</stagk> @@ -21,0 +19,6 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<misc>&uk;</misc> +<gloss>mud wall with raised roof edge (as a fire wall and status symbol)</gloss> +<gloss>raised roof edge</gloss> |
1. | A 2005-03-05 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ jumble ▶ hodgepodge ▶ mishmash ▶ disorderly mixture |
6. | A 2023-07-25 20:33:59 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Aligning. |
Diff: | @@ -18 +18 @@ -<gloss>confused mixture</gloss> +<gloss>disorderly mixture</gloss> |
5. | A 2023-07-24 11:53:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2023-07-23 23:59:01 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | prog, chujiten, saito |
Comments: | I've only ever heard "mix-up" used to refer to a confusion of one thing with another. |
Diff: | @@ -15,2 +14,0 @@ -<gloss>mess</gloss> -<gloss>mix-up</gloss> @@ -17,0 +16,3 @@ +<gloss>hodgepodge</gloss> +<gloss>mishmash</gloss> +<gloss>confused mixture</gloss> |
3. | A 2023-07-23 07:19:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2023-07-22 23:42:19 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,2 @@ +<pos>&adj-na;</pos> +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -13,2 +15,3 @@ -<gloss>jumble (of two or several things)</gloss> -<gloss>mix</gloss> +<gloss>mess</gloss> +<gloss>mix-up</gloss> +<gloss>jumble</gloss> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ titanite ▶ sphene
2. | A 2023-07-25 20:36:04 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<gloss>sphene</gloss> |
1. | A 2009-06-20 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ leaf scorch |
6. | A 2023-07-27 01:53:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD |
5. | A* 2023-07-26 22:14:20 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | RP |
Comments: | "sun scald" is something different. |
Diff: | @@ -13,2 +12,0 @@ -<gloss>sunscald</gloss> -<gloss>leaf scald</gloss> |
4. | A 2023-07-26 00:49:32 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-07-25 21:20:13 | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<field>⊥</field> |
2. | A 2010-11-17 04:03:17 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ jumble ▶ hodgepodge ▶ mishmash ▶ disorderly mixture
3. | A 2023-07-25 20:34:16 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Aligning. |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17,2 @@ +<gloss>mishmash</gloss> +<gloss>disorderly mixture</gloss> |
2. | A 2023-02-10 19:15:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-02-10 15:20:48 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij, koj ごったまぜ 1547 ごった混ぜ 1265 ごたまぜ 11713 |
1. |
▶ water, power and heating cost ▶ utility cost |
3. | A 2023-07-26 04:27:30 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I reworded it a bit. I think it was like this. |
Diff: | @@ -12,2 +12 @@ -<gloss>cost of water, fuel and lighting</gloss> -<gloss>cost of water, heat and electricity</gloss> +<gloss>water, power and heating cost</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-07-25 20:54:06 Nicolas Maia | |
Comments: | Jim, I think you approved this one before the database error the other day. |
1. | A* 2023-06-17 07:17:18 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |光熱費 会計上の勘定科目においては、水道料金を含めて水道光熱費(すいどうこうねつひ)と呼称するのが一般的である。 |
Comments: | 水道光熱費 34581 |
1. |
▶ receipt verification ▶ receipt write-off |
3. | A 2023-07-26 19:16:28 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 入金消し込み 3135 入金消込み 495 |
Comments: | 入金消込 gets far more web hits. |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,7 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>入金消し込み</keb> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>入金消込み</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
2. | A 2023-07-25 01:15:20 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Comments: | Rather A+B. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,2 @@ +<field>&finc;</field> +<gloss>receipt verification</gloss> @@ -13 +14,0 @@ -<gloss>receipt application</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-06-30 00:50:27 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |翻訳/日本語-英語/入金消込 |
Comments: | 入金消込 1677 |
1. |
▶ (giving a) small present ▶ trifling gift |
2. |
▶ pledging loyalty to one's lord |
5. | A 2023-07-26 00:45:46 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Stray character. |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15 @@ -<gloss>trifling gift</gloss> +<gloss>trifling gift</gloss> |
4. | A 2023-07-25 03:09:14 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I have raised a general issue about uncommon terms which are in kokugos. I think this can be closed now. |
3. | A* 2023-07-03 01:19:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think it's OK with appropriate tagging. We probably need to address the policy for handling uncommon/archaic/only-in-large-kokugo terms. I don't mind including them. They're not exactly cluttering the pages. |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&arch;</misc> @@ -18,0 +20 @@ +<misc>&arch;</misc> |
2. | A* 2023-07-02 14:00:07 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | This appears to be archaic. Not in the JEs or smaller kokugos. Only one hit in Aozora. I don't think it's needed. |
1. | A* 2023-07-01 07:17:41 Alan Cheng <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr/s, koj, etc 献芹 88 |
1. |
▶ size of account ▶ amount of savings |
3. | D 2023-07-25 03:29:25 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I guess it's a bit obvious. I've removed the sentence index. |
2. | A* 2023-07-12 11:49:44 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 預金高 2458 |
Comments: | I don't think this is needed. It's not especially common and we have a 高(たか/だか) entry. |
1. | A* 2023-07-11 06:04:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, JLD, Eijiro |
Comments: | Not obvious. It's in an example sentence |
1. |
▶ Trying to help is perjudicial sometimes, (because you don't have the knowledge to do certain things, or the help was unsolicited). ▶ Plucking the seedling may be more help than necessary. |
3. | D 2023-07-28 23:13:43 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK. Closing it off. |
2. | D* 2023-07-25 01:10:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 0 n-grams. Not in JEs or kokugos. Has a Wiktionary entry and is in a couple of yoji sites. |
Comments: | I don't think this makes it. |
1. | A* 2023-07-11 19:47:28 pranarrana <...address hidden...> |
1. |
▶ background check for links to organized crime |
2. | A 2023-07-25 01:16:55 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I suspect it's more common now. |
1. | A* 2023-07-19 04:42:47 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |反社チェック&f=live |
Comments: | 反社チェック 119 Low ngrams, but many web hits and Twitter uses. Effectively used at work. |
1. |
▶ toilet insect ▶ insects that frequent toilets |
2. | A 2023-07-25 05:41:43 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -14 +14 @@ -<gloss g_type="expl">type of insects that appear in bathrooms</gloss> +<gloss>insects that frequent toilets</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-07-19 07:14:37 Opencooper | |
Refs: | *便所虫 * * 便所虫 3,984 |
1. |
▶ incorrect assignment (e.g. entering against the wrong account, delivering to the wrong location) |
5. | A 2023-07-25 03:06:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2023-07-25 02:58:56 Nicolas Maia | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Incorrect assignment (e.g. entering against the wrong account, delivering to the wrong location)</gloss> +<gloss>incorrect assignment (e.g. entering against the wrong account, delivering to the wrong location)</gloss> |
3. | A 2023-07-25 01:03:43 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Jitsuyou |
Comments: | Not just finance. |
Diff: | @@ -19,2 +19 @@ -<field>&finc;</field> -<gloss>Incorrect assignment (e.g. entering against the wrong account)</gloss> +<gloss>Incorrect assignment (e.g. entering against the wrong account, delivering to the wrong location)</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-07-24 23:59:09 Brian Birtles <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -20 +20 @@ -<gloss>To be incorrectly assigned (e.g. entered against the wrong account)</gloss> +<gloss>Incorrect assignment (e.g. entering against the wrong account)</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-07-19 07:53:29 Brian Birtles <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 大辞林 e.g. 「期首残高の入り繰りを修正しました」 (My tax accountant correcting my bad bookkeeping) |
Comments: | 入繰り is from this page Marked as sK because google n-grams gives: 入り繰り 717 100.0% 入繰り 0 0.0% I have only seen the いりぐり reading on so I'm not sure how common it is. Google n-grams gives no hits for いりぐり vs 87 for いりくり. |
1. |
▶ opening up a kindergarten playground to young children and parents from the local area |
4. | A 2023-07-27 02:19:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK |
3. | A* 2023-07-27 00:42:23 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 園庭開放では、在園児やその弟妹、近隣の未就園児たちが、地域の遊び場の一つとして安心して遊べるスペースを提供します。 |
Comments: | Doesn't refer to the kindergarten itself. How's this? |
Diff: | @@ -12,2 +12 @@ -<gloss>nursery school or kindergarten grounds open to parents and young children</gloss> -<gloss>playgroup held at a nursery school or kindergarten</gloss> +<gloss>opening up a kindergarten playground to young children and parents from the local area</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-07-25 05:33:44 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Comments: | Maybe something like this? |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>?</gloss> +<gloss>nursery school or kindergarten grounds open to parents and young children</gloss> +<gloss>playgroup held at a nursery school or kindergarten</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-07-19 12:32:37 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 園庭開放 27611 |
Comments: | In Swedish this is called "öppen förskola". closest expression in the UK seems to be "parent/mother and toddler/baby group (held at a kindergarten)"...? |
1. |
▶ feigned ignorance ▶ pretending not to know
5. | A 2023-07-26 00:48:56 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2023-07-25 23:59:59 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, luminous, daij, koj |
Comments: | It's in all the major refs. I don't think we need an entry for 知らぬ. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,2 @@ +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>feigned ignorance</gloss> @@ -13 +14,0 @@ -<gloss>someone feigning ignorance</gloss> |
3. | D* 2023-07-25 11:45:14 Marcus Aseth <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | the wikipedia page says this is an idiom, and I guess that's also the reason for why it has an entry on daijisen. Don't know if this makes a difference, I'll mention it just in case |
2. | D* 2023-07-25 01:36:13 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 知らぬ 700258 知らぬ顔 34083 <- entry 1800330 " (1) feigned ignorance; pretending not to know; pretending not to recognize (someone); ignoring; (n) (2) unconcerned air; indifference; nonchalance" 知らぬ顔の半兵衛 1895 |
Comments: | Given that 知らぬ顔 is an entry already, I can't really see much use for an entry alluding to the legendary Hanbei. If this is kept it needs an expanded gloss explaining the "の半兵衛". Should we have an entry for 知らぬ? GG5 has one. |
1. | A* 2023-07-24 01:47:22 Marcus Aseth <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |知らぬ顔の半兵衛 daijisen etc... |
1. |
▶ diarrhea ▶ diarrhoea |
3. | A 2023-07-25 21:53:39 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think it needs to be visible. |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
2. | A 2023-07-24 11:49:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think 下痢ぴー should be there too. |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>下痢ぴー</keb> @@ -17,0 +21 @@ +<gloss>diarrhoea</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-07-24 05:13:10 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | ゲリピー 3988 28.5% げりぴー 674 4.8% 下痢ぴー 1403 10.0% 下痢ピー 7940 56.7% native informer |
1. |
▶ social implementation ▶ [expl] using the results of research and development to solve social problems |
6. | A 2023-08-11 22:51:51 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Gone quiet again. |
5. | A* 2023-08-04 11:12:29 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | That doesn't really work as "social implementation" is really a 直訳 rendering of the term. It might work better to have the full meaning as an explanatory gloss. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>social implementation (of the results of research)</gloss> +<gloss>social implementation</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">using the results of research and development to solve social problems</gloss> |
4. | A* 2023-08-03 23:38:20 | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>social implementation (using the results of research and development to solve social problems)</gloss> +<gloss>social implementation (of the results of research)</gloss> |
3. | A 2023-08-03 06:29:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Quiet. Closing. |
2. | A* 2023-07-25 10:21:52 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 0 n-grams but a squillion WWW hits. The term was created by JST. |
Comments: | Suggested revision. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>utilizing knowledge, technology, products and services obtained through research and development in the real world</gloss> +<gloss>social implementation (using the results of research and development to solve social problems)</gloss> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ playgroup |
2. | A 2023-07-25 10:53:48 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 05:25:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | RP, 新英和大辞典. etc. プレイグループ 12581 |
Comments: | Not in JEs; only EJs. The explanations vary from the playgroups my kids were in years ago to varieties of unofficial kindergartens. |
1. |
▶ light in the darkness ▶ guiding beacon of light ▶ godsend |
3. | A 2023-07-26 05:51:18 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Koj too. 闇夜の灯火 933 The JEs have 闇夜に提灯, which is less common. |
Diff: | @@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ -<gloss>a light in the darkness</gloss> -<gloss>a guiding beacon of light</gloss> -<gloss>a godsend</gloss> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>light in the darkness</gloss> +<gloss>guiding beacon of light</gloss> +<gloss>godsend</gloss> |
2. | A* 2023-07-26 03:33:17 Marcus Aseth <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | as additional info, there is also 闇夜の提灯(ちょうちん) that has the same meaning |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 13:05:07 Marcus Aseth <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijiten, daijisen |
Comments: | this is also found in two of kenkyuusha's example sentences for 闇夜 - all the meanings are from kenkyuusha |
1. |
▶ to smile ▶ to crack a smile |
3. | A 2023-07-27 23:52:14 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 口元がゆるむ 799 |
Comments: | I think these two glosses are sufficient. |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>口元がゆるむ</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -14 +17,0 @@ -<gloss>to relax into a smile</gloss> |
2. | A 2023-07-26 00:02:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 口元が緩む 2374 口元が緩んだ 997 口元が緩んで 3611 |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<pos>&v5m;</pos> @@ -13,0 +15 @@ +<gloss>to crack a smile</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 14:04:31 Marcus Aseth <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |口元が緩む |
Comments: | this is found on kenkyuusha among the example sentences for 口元 and for 緩む. Given 緩む definition says nothing about smiling, I'm assuming this is an expression |
1. |
▶ cow tipping (prank) |
5. | D 2023-07-29 10:04:09 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Only 3 hits on Twitter. |
4. | A 2023-07-28 23:34:22 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |カウティッピング |
Comments: | I was on the verge of rejecting it initially. I think we can live without it, although I see Unidic has it as a morpheme. |
3. | A* 2023-07-26 12:26:13 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think this belongs in a JE dictionary. Romanized term with less than 500 Google hits. Almost all the results appear to be definitions/explanations. |
2. | A 2023-07-26 00:59:39 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Bizarre. Quite a lot of hits. |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +7,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>カウ・ティッピング</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -9 +12 @@ -<gloss>cow tipping</gloss> +<gloss>cow tipping (prank)</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 15:22:43 | |
Refs: |カウ・ティッピング |
1. |
▶ degree day |
3. | A 2023-07-26 13:05:43 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>degree-day (in weather forecast)</gloss> +<field>&met;</field> +<gloss>degree day</gloss> |
2. | A 2023-07-26 04:03:11 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5: 【気象】 〔1 日の平均気温の標準値からの偏差; 燃料消費量などの指標〕 a degree-day. |
Comments: | Needs context. |
Diff: | @@ -3,0 +4,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>デグリーデー</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -9 +12 @@ -<gloss>degree-day</gloss> +<gloss>degree-day (in weather forecast)</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 19:50:36 | |
Refs: | 研究社 新和英大辞典 第5版 |
1. |
▶ colorimetry |
2. | A 2023-07-25 23:51:25 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 21:36:03 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, eij, RP G n-grams: 1638 |
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▶ colorimetry ▶ colorimetric analysis |
2. | A 2023-07-25 23:51:49 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 21:38:54 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, chujiten, daij, nikk |
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▶ color comparison |
2. | A 2023-07-25 23:51:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 21:40:47 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, daij, koj |
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▶ colorimetry ▶ color measurement |
2. | A 2023-07-25 23:52:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 21:43:50 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, eij, RP, 世界大百科 測色 10,403 測色計 1,372 測色器 1,042 測色機 726 測色値 430 測色学 388 |
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▶ colorimeter |
2. | A 2023-07-25 22:18:47 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 21:45:26 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, daij, koj |
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▶ colorimeter |
2. | A 2023-07-25 23:52:20 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 21:46:41 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, daij, koj |
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▶ bullet climb ▶ [expl] climbing a mountain (esp. Mt. Fuji) without recommended rest along the way |
8. | A 2023-11-11 00:54:52 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
7. | A* 2023-11-10 22:59:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | "bullet climb" is a 直訳 that does see some online use but it can't be said to be widespread in English so I'm not sure it's appropriate to use it as a gloss. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<gloss g_type="expl">climbing a mountain without recommended rest along the way (esp. Mt Fuji)</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">climbing a mountain (esp. Mt. Fuji) without recommended rest along the way</gloss> |
6. | A* 2023-11-10 17:20:12 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | How to Bullet Climb Mount Fuji STOP! “Bullet Climbing" Bullet Climbing, or dangan tozan, means to climb throughout the night without taking sufficient rest on the previous day. It is quite dangerous. I Tried Bullet Climbing On Fuji And I Failed 🇯🇵 Japan |
Comments: | From personal experience. "bullet climb" is actually a common term for Mt. Fuji in English. I didn't realize this was a literal translation, just stumbled into it. Just google: "bullet climb" I see there was some discussion on how general this was, with "e.g." added. I'd suggest "esp." reflects the common use of the term, while still remaining flexible for other mountains. "without the use of a mountain hut" is 100% baked into the Fuji meaning, as a mountain-hut stop is considered a routine step. The thing bullet-climbers specifically fail to do is stop at altitude for their blood to acclimate to the low-oxygen environment. This is why the government is always trying to discourage bullet climbing. Daijs says specifically "途中で休憩や睡眠を取らず", I don't think we should leave this out. I think we can consider the "descent" implied in order to shorten the gloss. I say "without recommended rest" and not "without resting", as this really is the point. Climbing a small mountain quickly without resting doesn't seem to make it a bullet climb. Maybe in a very broad definition. Consider 2023 this article: 富士山「山小屋満室」で“弾丸登山”急増…体調急変者も続出「準備不足でした」 Mountain huts being full leads to rise in bullet climbing, "we were not prepared". And here's a practical definition from the article: 山小屋に宿泊せず、夜に登山を開始し山頂でのご来光を目指す、いわゆる弾丸登山。 This is a so-called bullet mountain climbing where you do not stay in a mountain hut and start climbing at night and aim to see the sunrise at the summit. I find it curious that 弾丸登山 is not in the ngram database. I would not be surprised if this was a neologism coined specifically for Fuji. "esp. an overnight climb to see the sunrise" would also not be incorrect. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>quick climb up and down a mountain (e.g. Mt Fuji)</gloss> +<gloss>bullet climb</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">climbing a mountain without recommended rest along the way (esp. Mt Fuji)</gloss> |
5. | A 2023-08-03 23:05:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Quiet. Closing. |
4. | A* 2023-07-27 02:09:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD: 弾丸登山 〔強行日程の山行〕 a quick climb up (and down) a mountain; a climb up to the top 《of Mt. Fuji》 and back down again. ●弾丸登山者 a 「climber [mountaineer] who makes a quick climb up (and down) a mountain |
Comments: | I can see that it's often used in Fuji contexts but the entry is more general. Maybe this? |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>quick climb up and down a mountain</gloss> +<gloss>quick climb up and down a mountain (e.g. Mt Fuji)</gloss> |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
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▶ Mount Watamuki |
2. | A 2023-07-25 00:53:05 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>Mt. Watamuki</gloss> +<gloss>Mount Watamuki</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-07-25 00:20:40 | |
Refs: | |
Diff: | @@ -11,2 +11,2 @@ -<misc>&unclass;</misc> -<gloss>Watamukiyama</gloss> +<misc>&place;</misc> +<gloss>Mt. Watamuki</gloss> |