JMdictDB - Japanese Dictionary DatabaseHelpSearch | Advanced Search | New Entry | Submissions | Help |
Tag group | Tag | Description | Where used | Format | Examples |
dial | kwds | Dialect | Senses | [dial=kw] or just [kw] | [ksb] [dial=ksb] |
ginf | kwds | Translation type | Gloss |
gloss text... (1) Since "equ" (equivalent translation) is the default ginf value for glosses, it will rarely need to be specified explicitly. (2) The tag can placed at either the beginning or end of the gloss text. |
there are no birds in last year's nest [lit] there aren't always loach under the willow tree [expl] good luck does not always repeat itself |
fld | kwds | Domain, aka field-of-application tags | Senses | [fld=kw] or just [kw] | [food] [fld=mil] |
freq | kwds | Frequency-of-use codes | Kanji, Readings | [freq=kw] or just [kw] | [ichi1] [freq=ichi1] [news1,nf8] |
kinf | kwds | Kanji information | Kanji | [kinf=kw] or just [kw] | [ateji] [kinf=ik] |
lang | kwds | Language | Senses (applies to gloss) |
[xxx] gloss
text... (1) Specifies the language of the associated gloss. "xxx" is a three-letter code from ISO-639-2. See language keywords for a full list. (2) The tag can placed at either the beginning or end of the gloss text. (3) If not given, default is "eng" (english). |
[eng] welcome!; [fre] bienvenue! |
lsrc | lsrc | Source language and word. | Senses |
lsrc=lng/wp:text] (1) "lng" is an optional three-letter language code from ISO-639-2. See language keywords for a full list. If not given, default is "eng" (English). (2) "wp:" optional and is either w: (wasei), p: (partial), or wp: (wasei and partial). A slash character is used to separate the "lng" and "wp" arguments and should not be given unless both arguments are given. The ":" is required. (3) "text" is optional. If given it must be enclosed in quotes (&) if it contains spaces, commas, slashes or other special characters. Otherwise quotes are not needed. |
[lsrc=por:] [lsrc=ger:Arbeit] [lsrc=eng/w:"eye mate"] [lsrc=eng/w:outerior] [lsrc=ice] |
misc | kwds | Miscellaneous sense information | Senses | [misc=kw] or just [kw] | [sl,derog] [misc=uk] |
note | note | Ad-hoc sense information. | Senses |
note text..."] (1) The text must be enclosed in quotes (&) if it contains spaces or commas. Otherwise quotes are not needed. |
[note="misspelling of こんにちは"] |
pos | kwds | Part-of-speech information | Senses | [pos=kw] or just [kw] | [n,vs] [pos=n,pos=adj-na] |
rinf | kwds | Reading information | Readings | [rinf=kw] or just [kw] | [ok] [rinf=ik] |
restr | restr | Reading and sense restrictions. | Readings, Senses |
[XX,XX,...] [restr=XX;XX;...] [restr=nokanji] [nokanji] (1) If the tag is in the Reading section, the XX's must be kanji strings occuring in the Kanji section. (2) If the tag is in the Reading section, XX may be "nokanji". When "nokanji", no other XX's may be used on the reading the tag applies to. (3) If the tag is in a Sense, the XX's may be either kana strings that occur in the Reading section, or kanji strings that occur in the Kanji section. (4) Restr tags are not allowed in the Kanji section. (5) Multiple reading or kanji restriction text may follow the "restr=" part; separate them with ASCII or JIS semicolons. (6) The "restr=" part is optional, you can also just put the kanji or reading restriction text in brackets (separated by ASCII or JIS commas). (7) To create a restr tag to a kanji or reading that contains a "・" character or other special characters such as numerics, put the kanji or reading inside double quotes. |
[惚け、呆け] [restr=惚け;呆け] [惚け][restr=呆け] [nokanji] [restr="アジア・太平洋戦争"] [一人一人,"1人1人"] |
xref | see, ant | Cross-reference | Senses |
(a) [TYP=SEQ CORP・KK・RR[sense-nums]] (b) [TYP=KK・RR CORP[sense-nums]] (1) TYP can be either "see" or "ant":
(3-form a) If SEQ is given, KK and RR are optional and if given will be used when displaying the xref. If KK and/or RR are not given, a suitable KK/RR pair for display will be selected automatically. (4-form b) SEQ・ may be left out if KK and/or RR are supplied and uniquely identify a single target entry. The kanji (KK・ part) or reading (・RR part) may be left out if the remaining part still uniquely identifies the target entry. (5) In other words, the difference between the two forms is:
(7) To make an cross reference to a kanji or reading entry that contains a "・" character, put the kanji or reading in double quotes. (8) When an entry is displayed, it will show cross references to other entries with a right-pointing arrow (⇒). These cross references will appear as [see=...] or [ant=...] tags in the edit page and can be edited directly. Cross references shown with a left-pointing arrow (⇐) are references to this entry from another one and won't appear on the edit page. To change these, edit the other entry. A bi-directional arrow (⇔) indicates each entry has a cross reference to the other. |
[see=涼しい・すずしい[1]] [ant=暑い[1,2]] [see=1006830・その[1]] [see="スポーツ・ファン"] [see=万事 jmnedict] |
Rinf -- reading info | ||
gikun | gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading) | 1 |
go | on-yomi, go | 130 |
ik | word containing irregular kana usage | 3 |
jouyou | approved reading for jouyou kanji | 105 |
kan | on-yomi, kan | 129 |
kanyou | on-yomi, kan\'you | 132 |
kun | kun-yomi | 106 |
name | reading used only in names (nanori) | 103 |
ok | out-dated or obsolete kana usage | 2 |
on | on-yomi | 128 |
rad | reading used as name of radical | 104 |
rk | rarely used kana form | 5 |
sk | search-only kana form | 4 |
tou | on-yomi, tou | 131 |
Kinf -- kanji info | ||
ateji | ateji (phonetic) reading | 5 |
iK | word containing irregular kanji usage | 1 |
ik | word containing irregular kana usage | 4 |
io | irregular okurigana usage | 2 |
oK | word containing out-dated kanji or kanji usage | 3 |
rK | rarely used kanji form | 6 |
sK | search-only kanji form | 7 |
Freq -- frequency-of-use metrics
The Freq keywords below denote the frequency-of-use scale. They are always followed by a number that gives a value on that scale. The valid numbers for gai, ichi, news, and spec is 1 or 2. For nf it is 1 through 48. Thus, you can use "ich1" or "ichi2" but not "ichi3", or "nf27" but not "nf49". | ||
gai | Common loanwords based on wordfreq file, 1-2 | 2 |
ichi | Ranking from "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", 1-2. | 1 |
news | Ranking in wordfreq file, 1-2 | 7 |
nf | Ranking in wordfreq file, 1-48 | 5 |
spec | Ranking assigned by JMdict editors, 1-2 | 4 |
Misc -- miscellaneous sense info | ||
abbr | abbreviation | 2 |
aphorism | aphorism (pithy saying) | 82 |
arch | archaic | 3 |
char | character | 174 |
chn | children's language | 4 |
col | colloquial | 5 |
company | company name | 184 |
creat | creature | 175 |
dated | dated term | 86 |
dei | deity | 176 |
derog | derogatory | 6 |
doc | document | 178 |
euph | euphemistic | 29 |
ev | event | 172 |
fam | familiar language | 8 |
fem | female term, language, or name | 9 |
fict | fiction | 160 |
form | formal or literary term | 88 |
given | given name or forename, gender not specified | 189 |
group | group | 179 |
hist | historical term | 87 |
hon | honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language | 11 |
hum | humble (kenjougo) language | 12 |
id | idiomatic expression | 13 |
joc | jocular, humorous term | 28 |
leg | legend | 162 |
m-sl | manga slang | 14 |
male | male term, language, or name | 15 |
myth | mythology | 161 |
net-sl | Internet slang | 85 |
obj | object | 173 |
obs | obsolete term | 17 |
on-mim | onomatopoeic or mimetic word | 27 |
organization | organization name | 191 |
oth | other | 177 |
person | full name of a particular person | 188 |
place | place name | 182 |
poet | poetical term | 26 |
pol | polite (teineigo) language | 19 |
product | product name | 185 |
proverb | proverb | 81 |
quote | quotation | 83 |
rare | rare term | 18 |
relig | religion | 170 |
sens | sensitive | 25 |
serv | service | 171 |
ship | ship name | 193 |
sl | slang | 21 |
station | railway station | 190 |
surname | family or surname | 181 |
uk | word usually written using kana alone | 22 |
unclass | unclassified name | 183 |
vulg | vulgar expression or word | 24 |
work | work of art, literature, music, etc. name | 192 |
X | rude or X-rated term (not displayed in educational software) | 1 |
yoji | yojijukugo | 84 |
Pos -- part-of-speech info | ||
adj-f | noun or verb acting prenominally | 56 |
adj-i | adjective (keiyoushi) | 1 |
adj-ix | adjective (keiyoushi) - yoi/ii class | 7 |
adj-kari | 'kari' adjective (archaic) | 63 |
adj-ku | 'ku' adjective (archaic) | 64 |
adj-na | adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi) | 2 |
adj-nari | archaic/formal form of na-adjective | 66 |
adj-no | nouns which may take the genitive case particle 'no' | 3 |
adj-pn | pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi) | 4 |
adj-shiku | 'shiku' adjective (archaic) | 65 |
adj-t | 'taru' adjective | 5 |
adv | adverb (fukushi) | 6 |
adv-to | adverb taking the 'to' particle | 8 |
aux | auxiliary | 9 |
aux-adj | auxiliary adjective | 10 |
aux-v | auxiliary verb | 11 |
conj | conjunction | 12 |
cop | copula | 15 |
ctr | counter | 51 |
exp | expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) | 13 |
int | interjection (kandoushi) | 14 |
n | noun (common) (futsuumeishi) | 17 |
n-adv | adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi) | 18 |
n-pr | proper noun | 67 |
n-pref | noun, used as a prefix | 20 |
n-suf | noun, used as a suffix | 19 |
n-t | noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi) | 21 |
num | numeric | 24 |
pn | pronoun | 61 |
pref | prefix | 25 |
prt | particle | 26 |
suf | suffix | 27 |
unc | unclassified | 98 |
v-unspec | verb unspecified | 68 |
v1 | Ichidan verb | 28 |
v1-s | Ichidan verb - kureru special class | 29 |
v2a-s | Nidan verb with 'u' ending (archaic) | 59 |
v2b-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'bu' ending (archaic) | 81 |
v2b-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'bu' ending (archaic) | 93 |
v2d-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'dzu' ending (archaic) | 79 |
v2d-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'dzu' ending (archaic) | 90 |
v2g-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'gu' ending (archaic) | 77 |
v2g-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'gu' ending (archaic) | 86 |
v2h-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'hu/fu' ending (archaic) | 80 |
v2h-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'hu/fu' ending (archaic) | 92 |
v2k-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'ku' ending (archaic) | 76 |
v2k-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'ku' ending (archaic) | 85 |
v2m-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'mu' ending (archaic) | 82 |
v2m-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'mu' ending (archaic) | 94 |
v2n-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'nu' ending (archaic) | 91 |
v2r-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'ru' ending (archaic) | 84 |
v2r-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'ru' ending (archaic) | 96 |
v2s-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'su' ending (archaic) | 87 |
v2t-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'tsu' ending (archaic) | 78 |
v2t-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'tsu' ending (archaic) | 89 |
v2w-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'u' ending and 'we' conjugation (archaic) | 97 |
v2y-k | Nidan verb (upper class) with 'yu' ending (archaic) | 83 |
v2y-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'yu' ending (archaic) | 95 |
v2z-s | Nidan verb (lower class) with 'zu' ending (archaic) | 88 |
v4b | Yodan verb with 'bu' ending (archaic) | 74 |
v4g | Yodan verb with 'gu' ending (archaic) | 70 |
v4h | Yodan verb with 'hu/fu' ending (archaic) | 60 |
v4k | Yodan verb with 'ku' ending (archaic) | 69 |
v4m | Yodan verb with 'mu' ending (archaic) | 75 |
v4n | Yodan verb with 'nu' ending (archaic) | 73 |
v4r | Yodan verb with 'ru' ending (archaic) | 53 |
v4s | Yodan verb with 'su' ending (archaic) | 71 |
v4t | Yodan verb with 'tsu' ending (archaic) | 72 |
v5aru | Godan verb - -aru special class | 30 |
v5b | Godan verb with 'bu' ending | 31 |
v5g | Godan verb with 'gu' ending | 32 |
v5k | Godan verb with 'ku' ending | 33 |
v5k-s | Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class | 34 |
v5m | Godan verb with 'mu' ending | 35 |
v5n | Godan verb with 'nu' ending | 36 |
v5r | Godan verb with 'ru' ending | 37 |
v5r-i | Godan verb with 'ru' ending (irregular verb) | 38 |
v5s | Godan verb with 'su' ending | 39 |
v5t | Godan verb with 'tsu' ending | 40 |
v5u | Godan verb with 'u' ending | 41 |
v5u-s | Godan verb with 'u' ending (special class) | 42 |
v5uru | Godan verb - Uru old class verb (old form of Eru) | 43 |
vi | intransitive verb | 44 |
vk | Kuru verb - special class | 45 |
vn | irregular nu verb | 52 |
vr | irregular ru verb, plain form ends with -ri | 58 |
vs | noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru | 46 |
vs-c | su verb - precursor to the modern suru | 62 |
vs-i | suru verb - included | 48 |
vs-s | suru verb - special class | 47 |
vt | transitive verb | 50 |
vz | Ichidan verb - zuru verb (alternative form of -jiru verbs) | 49 |
Fld -- usage domain | ||
agric | agriculture | 63 |
anat | anatomy | 28 |
archeol | archeology | 45 |
archit | architecture | 11 |
art | art, aesthetics | 52 |
astron | astronomy | 12 |
audvid | audiovisual | 67 |
aviat | aviation | 61 |
baseb | baseball | 13 |
biochem | biochemistry | 37 |
biol | biology | 14 |
bot | botany | 15 |
boxing | boxing | 93 |
Buddh | Buddhism | 1 |
bus | business | 16 |
cards | card games | 75 |
chem | chemistry | 10 |
chmyth | Chinese mythology | 95 |
Christn | Christianity | 31 |
civeng | civil engineering | 89 |
cloth | clothing | 72 |
comp | computing | 2 |
cryst | crystallography | 48 |
dent | dentistry | 74 |
ecol | ecology | 51 |
econ | economics | 17 |
elec | electricity, elec. eng. | 35 |
electr | electronics | 41 |
embryo | embryology | 55 |
engr | engineering | 18 |
ent | entomology | 36 |
figskt | figure skating | 87 |
film | film | 84 |
finc | finance | 19 |
fish | fishing | 57 |
food | food, cooking | 3 |
gardn | gardening, horticulture | 58 |
genet | genetics | 53 |
geogr | geography | 56 |
geol | geology | 20 |
geom | geometry | 4 |
go | go (game) | 65 |
golf | golf | 47 |
gramm | grammar | 40 |
grmyth | Greek mythology | 44 |
hanaf | hanafuda | 66 |
horse | horse racing | 54 |
internet | Internet | 94 |
jpmyth | Japanese mythology | 96 |
kabuki | kabuki | 77 |
law | law | 21 |
ling | linguistics | 5 |
logic | logic | 46 |
MA | martial arts | 6 |
mahj | mahjong | 29 |
manga | manga | 73 |
math | mathematics | 7 |
mech | mechanical engineering | 60 |
med | medicine | 22 |
met | meteorology | 38 |
mil | military | 8 |
min | mineralogy | 91 |
mining | mining | 76 |
motor | motorsport | 88 |
music | music | 23 |
noh | noh | 78 |
ornith | ornithology | 69 |
paleo | paleontology | 50 |
pathol | pathology | 49 |
pharm | pharmacology | 34 |
phil | philosophy | 32 |
photo | photography | 43 |
physics | physics | 9 |
physiol | physiology | 33 |
politics | politics | 79 |
printing | 64 | |
prowres | professional wrestling | 86 |
psy | psychiatry | 71 |
psyanal | psychoanalysis | 83 |
psych | psychology | 42 |
rail | railway | 70 |
rommyth | Roman mythology | 82 |
Shinto | Shinto | 24 |
shogi | shogi | 30 |
ski | skiing | 81 |
sports | sports | 25 |
stat | statistics | 62 |
stockm | stock market | 80 |
sumo | sumo | 26 |
surg | surgery | 90 |
telec | telecommunications | 59 |
tradem | trademark | 39 |
tv | television | 85 |
vet | veterinary terms | 92 |
vidg | video games | 68 |
zool | zoology | 27 |
Dial -- dialect | ||
bra | Brazilian | 13 |
hob | Hokkaido-ben | 12 |
ksb | Kansai-ben | 2 |
ktb | Kantou-ben | 3 |
kyb | Kyoto-ben | 4 |
kyu | Kyuushuu-ben | 9 |
nab | Nagano-ben | 11 |
osb | Osaka-ben | 5 |
rkb | Ryuukyuu-ben | 10 |
std | Tokyo-ben (std) | 1 |
thb | Touhoku-ben | 7 |
tsb | Tosa-ben | 6 |
tsug | Tsugaru-ben | 8 |
Lang -- language
These three-letter codes are the same as those defined in ISO-639-2. Any of the ISO 639-2 codes may be used in JMdictDB (use the B version when there is a choice). The table below lists only those codes currently in use in JMdictDB. | ||
eng | English | 1 |
afr | Afrikaans | 9 |
ain | Ainu | 10 |
alg | Algonquian languages | 15 |
amh | Amharic | 17 |
ara | Arabic | 21 |
arn | Mapudungun; Mapuche | 25 |
bnt | Bantu (Other) | 58 |
bre | Breton | 61 |
bul | Bulgarian | 65 |
bur | Burmese | 66 |
chi | Chinese | 79 |
chn | Chinook jargon | 82 |
cze | Czech | 101 |
dan | Danish | 103 |
dut | Dutch; Flemish | 116 |
epo | Esperanto | 125 |
est | Estonian | 126 |
fil | Filipino; Pilipino | 133 |
fin | Finnish | 134 |
fre | French | 137 |
geo | Georgian | 149 |
ger | German | 150 |
glg | Galician | 155 |
grc | Greek, Ancient (to 1453) | 163 |
gre | Greek, Modern (1453-) | 164 |
haw | Hawaiian | 172 |
heb | Hebrew | 173 |
hin | Hindi | 177 |
hun | Hungarian | 182 |
ice | Icelandic | 186 |
ind | Indonesian | 195 |
ita | Italian | 201 |
khm | Central Khmer | 221 |
kor | Korean | 230 |
kur | Kurdish | 239 |
lat | Latin | 245 |
lit | Lithuanian | 250 |
mal | Malayalam | 267 |
mao | Maori | 269 |
mas | Masai | 272 |
may | Malay | 273 |
mnc | Manchu | 284 |
mol | Moldavian | 288 |
mon | Mongolian | 289 |
nor | Norwegian | 316 |
per | Persian | 342 |
pol | Polish | 346 |
por | Portuguese | 348 |
rum | Romanian | 360 |
rus | Russian | 363 |
san | Sanskrit | 370 |
scr | Croatian | 376 |
slo | Slovak | 387 |
slv | Slovenian | 388 |
som | Somali | 400 |
spa | Spanish; Castilian | 403 |
swa | Swahili | 413 |
swe | Swedish | 414 |
tah | Tahitian | 417 |
tam | Tamil | 419 |
tgl | Tagalog | 426 |
tha | Thai | 427 |
tib | Tibetan | 428 |
tur | Turkish | 445 |
ukr | Ukrainian | 453 |
urd | Urdu | 456 |
uzb | Uzbek | 457 |
vie | Vietnamese | 460 |
yid | Yiddish | 475 |
Ginf -- gloss info | ||
equ | equivalent | 1 |
expl | explanatory | 4 |
fig | figuratively | 3 |
lit | literally | 2 |
tm | trademark | 5 |
Src -- corpus info | ||
jmdict | 1 | |
jmnedict | 2 | |
test | Corpus for testing and experimentation | 99 |
Stat -- entry status | ||
A | Active | 2 |
D | Deleted | 4 |
R | Rejected | 6 |
Xref -- cross-reference types
Note that only "ant" and "see" are currently used in JMdict. | ||
ant | Antonym | 2 |
cf | cf. | 4 |
ex | Usage example | 5 |
kvar | Kanji variant | 8 |
pref | Preferred | 7 |
see | See also | 3 |
syn | Synonym | 1 |
uses | Uses | 6 |
vtvi | Transitive-intransitive verb pair | 9 |