ID search supersedes all other criteria. If you want to search by
any of the other criteria, make sure the Value text box is empty.
The text search rows and other sections are ANDed together.
Within the attribute sections, all selections are ORed together.
For example, if both "suf" and "pref" are checked in the PoS section,
entries that are either suffixes or prefixes will be found.
Within the attribute sections, no boxes checked is generally the
same as all boxes checked.
If "Search In" is Auto, the given text will be searched for according
to the characters in the search string. If the search string contains:
any kanji characters: the kanji table is searched.
kana characters but no kanji: the reading table is searched.
neither kanji nor kana characters: the gloss table is searched.
You can explicitly specify the table if you want to override this (to search
for kanji strings that contain a particular kana substring for example.)
If Freqency of Use criteria are given, an entry will match if the criteria
occur in either the reading FoU or the kanji FoU.
When criteria are ANDed, they are considered across the entire entry.
For example if a gloss string and a PoS attribute are specified, any entry
containing both will returned, even when they occur in different senses.
Text searches (including Submitter Name) are case-insensitive.
When "Wildcard" is selected for Submitter Name, "?" will match any
single character, and "*" will match any substring of zero or more
characters. To treat a "*" or "?" as themselvers, precede them with
a backslash ("\") character.