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1. |
Source lang:
fre "onomatopée"
▶ onomatopoeia
6. | A 2023-10-10 11:11:42 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Done. |
Diff: | @@ -6,3 +5,0 @@ -</r_ele> -<r_ele> -<reb>オノマトペア</reb> |
5. | A* 2023-10-10 09:59:45 Opencooper | |
Refs: | koj |
Comments: | 「オノマトペア」 is from English, so needs to be split out. |
4. | A 2023-09-23 22:01:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-09-23 20:25:29 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーーーー─┬────────┬───────╮ │ オノマトペ │ 30,981 │ 98.4% │ │ オノマトペー │ 102 │ 0.3% │ - sk │ オノマトペア │ 403 │ 1.3% │ - (in koj, nikk) │ オノマトピーア │ 0 │ 0.0% │ - drop ╰─ーーーーーーー─┴────────┴───────╯ |
Comments: | rare kana candidate |
Diff: | @@ -8,3 +7,0 @@ -<reb>オノマトペー</reb> -</r_ele> -<r_ele> @@ -14 +11,2 @@ -<reb>オノマトピーア</reb> +<reb>オノマトペー</reb> +<re_inf>&sk;</re_inf> |
2. | A 2019-03-04 22:36:52 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | nikk |
Comments: | Ling seems appropriate. |
Diff: | @@ -17,0 +18 @@ +<field>&ling;</field> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
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Source lang:
ger "Kitsch"
▶ kitsch |
1. | A 2023-10-10 00:27:47 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij, koj |
Diff: | @@ -10 +10 @@ -<lsource xml:lang="ger"/> +<lsource xml:lang="ger">Kitsch</lsource> |
1. |
▶ stupid ▶ dim-witted ▶ dense ▶ dull ▶ obtuse ▶ slow |
4. | A 2023-10-12 00:41:20 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Comments: | I don't think this needs a derog tag. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +12,0 @@ -<misc>&derog;</misc> @@ -14,0 +14 @@ +<gloss>dim-witted</gloss> @@ -16 +15,0 @@ -<gloss>dim</gloss> @@ -18 +16,0 @@ -<gloss>dumb</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-10-10 11:14:59 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 愚鈍 42845 愚鈍は 260 愚鈍が 227 愚鈍な 15730 GG5, etc. |
Comments: | Adjective glosses. |
Diff: | @@ -14,5 +14,7 @@ -<gloss>stupidity</gloss> -<gloss>silliness</gloss> -<gloss>asininity</gloss> -<gloss>imbecility</gloss> -<gloss>dim-wittedness</gloss> +<gloss>stupid</gloss> +<gloss>dense</gloss> +<gloss>dim</gloss> +<gloss>dull</gloss> +<gloss>dumb</gloss> +<gloss>obtuse</gloss> +<gloss>slow</gloss> |
2. | A 2014-05-04 09:21:12 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 |
Comments: | I guess so. It's pretty much a "use-with-cate" word anyway. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<misc>&sens;</misc> +<misc>&derog;</misc> @@ -15,0 +16,3 @@ +<gloss>asininity</gloss> +<gloss>imbecility</gloss> +<gloss>dim-wittedness</gloss> |
1. | A* 2014-04-24 01:59:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | derog rather than sens? |
1. |
▶ remainder of the year ▶ rest of the year |
2. | A 2023-10-10 05:21:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 05:20:00 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Noun glosses. I see we also have an entry for 年内に |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16,2 @@ -<gloss>by the end of the year</gloss> +<gloss>remainder of the year</gloss> +<gloss>rest of the year</gloss> |
1. |
▶ day after tomorrow |
2. |
(あさって only)
▶ wrong (e.g. direction)
7. | A 2023-10-10 05:20:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
6. | A* 2023-10-10 03:37:33 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr/s, smk, meikyo, etc. |
Diff: | @@ -9,0 +10 @@ +<re_inf>&gikun;</re_inf> |
5. | A 2022-01-31 10:59:11 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -23,0 +24 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="2849931">あさっての方を向く</xref> |
4. | A 2021-07-16 04:21:28 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, etc. |
Comments: | Seems to be tied to the あさって reading. 明鏡国語辞典 hints that it's from 明後日を向く. |
Diff: | @@ -21,0 +22 @@ +<stagr>あさって</stagr> |
3. | A* 2021-07-15 21:33:58 Philipp <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Goo dictionary (see meaning 2):明後日_(あさって)/#jn-3470 |
Diff: | @@ -20,0 +21,4 @@ +<sense> +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> +<gloss>wrong (e.g. direction)</gloss> +</sense> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
{food, cooking}
▶ sushi ▶ [expl] range of dishes made with vinegared rice combined with fish, vegetables, egg, etc.
6. | A 2023-11-26 23:04:51 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 壽司 3,273 壽し 2,141 |
Comments: | Adding kyūjitai forms |
Diff: | @@ -19,0 +20,8 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>壽司</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>壽し</keb> |
5. | A 2023-10-16 23:41:00 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 巻き寿司 271065 3.2% 寿司 8295963 96.8% |
Comments: | Quiet. The xref for 巻き寿司 should go the other way. |
Diff: | @@ -30 +29,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1665520">巻き寿司</xref> |
4. | A* 2023-10-11 08:42:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Trying for a more succinct explanation. |
Diff: | @@ -33 +33 @@ -<gloss g_type="expl">any of several different dishes made with vinegared rice whixh may also contain vegetables, spices, fish, or other delicacies</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">range of dishes made with vinegared rice combined with fish, vegetables, egg, etc.</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-10-10 13:39:02 | |
Diff: | @@ -33 +33 @@ -<gloss>anything made with vinegared rice (may also contain vegetables, spices, fish, or other delicacies)</gloss> +<gloss g_type="expl">any of several different dishes made with vinegared rice whixh may also contain vegetables, spices, fish, or other delicacies</gloss> |
2. | A 2023-10-10 10:48:43 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ smith ▶ blacksmith |
2. |
《usu. written as カジヤ》 ▶ small crowbar for extracting nails ▶ cat's paw |
8. | A 2024-05-02 05:26:27 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |���결 |
Comments: | Thanks. Fixed. |
7. | A* 2024-05-02 04:25:14 Syed Raza <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | For clarity, it seems Eve is specifically referring to how this entry displays on WWWJDIC: 鍛冶屋; カジ屋 【かじや; 】. |
6. | A* 2024-05-02 03:29:19 Eve Kushner <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | There's an extraneous semicolon after the yomi. |
5. | A 2023-10-12 00:27:20 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | カジヤ isn't used for sense 1. |
Diff: | @@ -23 +23 @@ -<re_nokanji/> +<re_inf>&sk;</re_inf> @@ -34 +34 @@ -<s_inf>usu. カジヤ</s_inf> +<s_inf>usu. written as カジヤ</s_inf> |
4. | A 2023-10-11 09:29:44 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Never heard them called that. |
Diff: | @@ -22,0 +23 @@ +<re_nokanji/> @@ -33 +34,3 @@ -<gloss>cat's paw (small crowbar for pulling nails) (usu. カジヤ)</gloss> +<s_inf>usu. カジヤ</s_inf> +<gloss>small crowbar for extracting nails</gloss> +<gloss>cat's paw</gloss> |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ serpentine (mineral) |
4. | A 2023-10-10 22:16:42 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-10-10 14:03:35 | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<field>&geol;</field> |
2. | A 2023-10-10 05:18:21 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 05:07:46 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Comments: | For the benefit of people who don't pay close attention to the PoS tags, it might help to clarify that this isn't an adjective |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>serpentine</gloss> +<gloss>serpentine (mineral)</gloss> |
1. |
▶ forged weaponry (e.g. swords, spears, etc.) ▶ forged metal tool |
2. |
▶ molded dry confectionery ▶ moulded dry confectionery |
3. |
▶ percussion instrument |
3. | A 2023-10-11 09:22:02 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 - merges tools and weapons. |
Diff: | @@ -16,4 +15,0 @@ -<gloss>forged weapon</gloss> -</sense> -<sense> -<pos>&n;</pos> |
2. | A* 2023-10-10 18:00:32 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーー─┬───────┬───────╮ │ 打ち物 │ 1,753 │ 27.2% │ │ 打物 │ 2,050 │ 31.8% │ - add (daijr/s, koj, etc.) │ うちもの │ 2,645 │ 41.0% │ ╰─ーーーー─┴───────┴───────╯ |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>打物</keb> |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 17:54:50 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | sanoku has 4 glosses, not 3, the missing one is: 打って作った金属器具. <->鋳物 (this must be an antonym, forged vs. cast metal). 打ち物 1753 98.6% 打物師 24 1.4% 打ち物師 0 0.0% |
Comments: | This is relevant as well for the related [rare] term 打物師. I don't mind if [1] and [2] are grouped together, but sankoku lists them separately. "metal" is redundant, I know. It just seems off without it, but whatever you think. If moved into [1], I'm sure "forged tools" is fine. |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17,4 @@ +<gloss>forged metal tool</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> |
1. |
▶ smith ▶ metalsmith |
2. |
▶ swordsmith |
3. | A 2023-10-12 00:02:44 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -20,0 +21 @@ +<misc>&rare;</misc> |
2. | A 2023-10-11 09:18:40 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Daijirin: (1)金属をきたえて器物を作る職人。(2)刀剣をきたえる職人。刀工。 GG5: a swordsmith |
Diff: | @@ -18,0 +19,4 @@ +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>swordsmith</gloss> +</sense> |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 18:05:36 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | A metalsmith or simply smith is a craftsperson fashioning useful items (for example, tools, kitchenware, tableware, jewelry, armor and weapons) out of various metals.[1] Smithing is one of the oldest metalworking occupations. Shaping metal with a hammer (forging) is the archetypical component of smithing. Swordsmiths: 打物師 24 0.0% 打ち物師 0 0.0% 刀匠 23598 33.8% 刀工 17291 24.8% 剣匠 3117 4.5% 刀鍛冶 25803 36.9% A whole article on Buddhist 打物 mentioning 打物師職人のつぶやき仏具打物師編・仏具の話大谷派/ 打物ってかいて、“うちもの”って呼びます。なんかボールを打つみたいですが、真鍮や銅の板を叩いて菊灯や、灯籠を作る職人を打物師といいますねん。 |
Comments: | Just edited the entry for 打物. The daijs entry for 打物師 actually says nothing about weapons. Not only that, but swordsmith implies swords, and 打物[1] is *any* metal weapon. I'm not sure if there is an (esp. of weapons) sense here or not. daijs: 金属を打って器物を作る職人。 Seems like an 打ち物師 is anyone who hammers metal into stuff. Doesn't have to be a blacksmith (iron). Could be a coppersmith, goldsmith, etc. It's someone who makes uchimono. The last ref. is someone who works with brass and copper (not a blacksmith, not a swordsmith). |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15,3 @@ -<gloss>swordsmith</gloss> +<misc>&rare;</misc> +<gloss>smith</gloss> +<gloss>metalsmith</gloss> |
1. |
▶ actor
6. | D 2023-10-13 00:39:21 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Closing. |
5. | A* 2023-10-10 22:29:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't mind if this one goes. has an issue with deletions. I generate a daily list of deleted entries and Kim periodically does a cull. He's working on an NG version which won't have this problem. |
4. | A* 2023-10-10 17:11:28 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't disagree with that in principle, but I want to note that at least one app which updates daily does not remove entries that get deleted in JMdict. 勁卒 is still visible at even though its entry for JMdict says it's using the 2023-10-10 data. It might not be a bad idea to allow these apps to update the entries with [arch] tags before we delete them. |
3. | D 2023-10-10 11:09:12 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | If it's only in kanwa dictionaries, it can go. |
2. | A 2023-10-10 02:47:26 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ doughnut effect (exodus of residents from city centers to the suburbs) ▶ donut effect
6. | A 2023-10-10 11:12:19 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Aligning. |
Diff: | @@ -17 +17 @@ -<gloss>doughnut effect</gloss> +<gloss>doughnut effect (exodus of residents from city centers to the suburbs)</gloss> |
5. | A 2023-10-09 04:05:30 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | more commonly as xref |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="2566710">ドーナツ化現象</xref> |
4. | A 2023-10-09 04:03:58 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | demog? |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16,2 @@ -<gloss>doughnut phenomenon</gloss> +<gloss>doughnut effect</gloss> +<gloss>donut effect</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-10-01 11:40:56 Marcus Richert | |
Comments: | re-opening as remainder to align w ドーナツ化現象 |
2. | A 2023-09-30 09:06:29 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ self-mastery and devotion |
9. | D 2023-10-11 09:11:45 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I agree. |
8. | D* 2023-10-10 23:43:41 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think this is needed. If it's not yoji, it's just a very rare compound. 0 n-grams. Not in the refs. |
7. | A 2023-10-10 22:32:13 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Can't find it in yoji references. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +11,0 @@ -<misc>&yoji;</misc> |
6. | A* 2023-10-10 13:42:31 | |
Comments: | No evidence of vs. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<pos>&vs;</pos> +<misc>&yoji;</misc> |
5. | A 2023-10-09 12:20:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think those xrefs help. |
Diff: | @@ -13,3 +12,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1285760">克己</xref> -<xref type="see" seq="1380040">精進・1</xref> -<xref type="see" seq="1380040">精進・2</xref> |
(show/hide 4 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ stupid ▶ dumb |
3. | R 2023-10-10 11:01:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Already an entry (1245190). |
2. | A* 2023-10-10 09:42:19 | |
Diff: | @@ -5 +5 @@ -<keb>愚純</keb> +<keb>愚鈍</keb> @@ -8 +8 @@ -<reb>ぐじゅん</reb> +<reb>ぐどん</reb> |
1. | A 2005-12-22 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ stupid ▶ dumb
4. | D 2023-10-19 22:52:26 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | No great loss. |
3. | D* 2023-10-11 23:48:42 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | This isn't in any of my refs. I don't think ぐじゅん is a real word. It's surely no coincidence that 鈍 and 純 look very similar. 愚純 can be added to the 愚鈍 entry as an sK form. |
2. | A* 2023-10-10 11:04:13 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 愚純 193 JWN |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,2 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1245190">愚鈍</xref> +<misc>&rare;</misc> |
1. | A 2005-12-22 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ it's my turn ▶ the ball is in my court ▶ it's up to me
6. | A 2023-10-10 05:19:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2023-10-10 03:58:36 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーーーーーーー─┬───────┬───────╮ │ お鉢が回ってくる │ 1,566 │ 91.3% │ │ お鉢が回って来る │ 88 │ 5.1% │ - sK │ 御鉢が回ってくる │ 31 │ 1.8% │ - sK │ 御鉢が回って来る │ 0 │ 0.0% │ - sK │ おはちがまわってくる │ 31 │ 1.8% │ ╰─ーーーーーーーーーー─┴───────┴───────╯ |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -11,0 +13 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -14,0 +17 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
4. | A 2015-10-15 05:36:37 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2015-10-14 00:10:02 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, G n-grams お鉢が回ってくる 1566 おはちがまわってくる 31 御鉢が回ってくる 31 お鉢が回って来る 88 御鉢が回って来る No matches |
Comments: | GG5 has お鉢が回る as a subentry, but the explanation is for お鉢が回ってくる. See 2417310 for discussion. |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,9 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>お鉢が回って来る</keb> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>御鉢が回ってくる</keb> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>御鉢が回って来る</keb> @@ -13 +22,4 @@ -<gloss>one's turn finally comes round</gloss> +<misc>&id;</misc> +<gloss>it's my turn</gloss> +<gloss>the ball is in my court</gloss> +<gloss>it's up to me</gloss> |
2. | A 2011-02-14 23:47:06 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Added additional PoS via batch update.Added additional PoS via batch update. -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +12,1 @@ +<pos>&vk;</pos> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ unrefined sap of the lacquer tree
6. | A 2023-10-10 22:34:13 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2023-10-10 13:43:40 | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>生うるし</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
4. | A 2023-10-09 01:56:19 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-10-09 00:25:23 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Kokugos use the '漆' kanji form of うるし in their entries for 生漆. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1320520">漆樹・2</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="1320520">漆・2</xref> |
2. | A 2020-11-26 06:41:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1320520">漆樹</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="1320520">漆樹・2</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ doughnut effect (exodus of residents from city centers to the suburbs) ▶ donut effect
7. | A 2023-10-10 02:19:16 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
6. | A* 2023-10-10 01:28:59 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Comments: | I think we need to include a definition. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>doughnut effecr</gloss> +<gloss>doughnut effect (exodus of residents from city centers to the suburbs)</gloss> |
5. | A 2023-10-09 04:04:52 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Not a Japanese concept. Aligning w ドーナツ現象 |
Diff: | @@ -16,2 +16,2 @@ -<gloss g_type="lit">doughnut phenomenon</gloss> -<gloss g_type="expl">combination of urban sprawl and inner-city decay</gloss> +<gloss>doughnut effecr</gloss> +<gloss>donut effect</gloss> |
4. | A 2023-09-30 09:32:05 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-09-28 06:00:10 Marcus Richert | |
Refs: | ドーナツ現象 1173 13.9% ← also an entry ドーナツ化現象 7283 86.1% entries should be aligned |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>ドーナッツ化現象</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ tidal river
3. | A 2023-10-10 11:14:51 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +11,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2615520">海嘯・かいしょう・1</xref> |
2. | A 2011-03-11 21:27:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2011-03-11 16:35:23 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, daij, eij, gg5 |
1. |
▶ adventure travel ▶ adventurous trip |
5. | A 2023-10-11 20:50:35 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | We don't use exp for compounds. |
Diff: | @@ -11 +10,0 @@ -<pos>&exp;</pos> |
4. | A 2023-10-11 08:22:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think tourism fits very well. |
Diff: | @@ -14 +13,0 @@ -<gloss>adventure tourism</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-10-10 15:49:32 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | adventure tourism |
Comments: | I won't be surprised if "safari" comes back because of the cited refs, but how often do we think that this term, in the wild, means "animal hunting expedition(in africa)"? This seems to muddy the waters when there is a very simple word for Safari in particular: サファリ 503366 92.6% 冒険旅行 40134 7.4% I would suggest "adventurous trip" over "adventuresome trip" if we want that kind of gloss(google gives for more results for the former). ("adventurous trip" was my thought, but I see eijiro also has it). "adventure tourism" comes from reverso, seems reasonable to me in some contexts. I think there a number of cases where "旅行" might be reasonably glossed as "tourism". "safari" seems like a kind of 冒険旅行, but it seems overly specific as a gloss here. Maybe in old Japanese texts this was the word they used for "safari". It seems, minimally, like a [dated] gloss, and we have no way to identify that. "expedition", or simply "an adventure" (also from eijiro) probably work at times: 冒険旅行からの帰国 return from an expedition 冒険旅行に出かける go [set out] on an adventure |
Diff: | @@ -14,2 +14,2 @@ -<gloss>adventuresome trip</gloss> -<gloss>safari</gloss> +<gloss>adventure tourism</gloss> +<gloss>adventurous trip</gloss> |
2. | A 2012-02-17 01:08:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, リーダーズ+プラス, Eijiro |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +12,1 @@ +<pos>&n;</pos> @@ -13,0 +14,2 @@ +<gloss>adventuresome trip</gloss> +<gloss>safari</gloss> |
1. | A* 2012-02-17 00:12:06 Francis | |
Refs: | See below. |
Comments: | Perhaps a step too far for you after my previous two submissions, but for the novice it would help. Naturally, pleanty on Google and other sources. However, I accept that it is all a matter of sensible balance. "冒険" is of course already an entry. If you did promote, the RH showing the same word as above could be deleted. |
1. |
▶ tailings ▶ mine dumps |
8. | A 2023-10-10 05:17:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
7. | A* 2023-10-10 05:02:59 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | As Robin suggested below |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<field>&mining;</field> |
6. | A 2022-05-10 04:23:43 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I grew up in a mining area, and I've never heard of "slickens". Simplifying a bit. Tailings need not include residue from ore processing. |
Diff: | @@ -14,2 +13,0 @@ -<gloss>leach residue</gloss> -<gloss>slickens</gloss> |
5. | A* 2022-05-09 15:36:17 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki: "Tailings are also called mine dumps, culm dumps, slimes, tails, refuse, leach residue, slickens, or terra-cone (terrikon). " English N-gram Counts mine dumps 6123 culm dumps 48 leach residue 902 slickens 908 terra-cone 0 terrikon 0 |
Comments: | current gloss is confusingly close to homonym 尾行 (tailing) by itself |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13,3 @@ +<gloss>mine dumps</gloss> +<gloss>leach residue</gloss> +<gloss>slickens</gloss> |
4. | A 2021-05-18 12:02:33 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ private practice ▶ one-person business |
2. |
▶ business-to-customer selling ▶ B2C
4. | A 2023-10-10 02:43:12 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | RP, Reverso |
Comments: | Not really sure about sense 2. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<gloss>private practice</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-10-10 02:23:00 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: | 一口に営業職といっても「法人営業(BtoB)」と「個人営業(BtoC)」の2種類があり |
Comments: | 個人営業 28030 |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13,6 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="2859001">法人営業</xref> +<gloss>business-to-customer selling</gloss> +<gloss>B2C</gloss> |
2. | A 2020-01-02 16:12:52 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | eij has 'private practice'. seems like a convenient but not entirely accurate translation |
1. | A* 2020-01-02 10:05:12 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr nikk (マーケティング用語集 on kotobank has it as a different meaning: consumer company |
1. |
▶ government-established university ▶ national university
5. | A 2023-10-11 20:48:11 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |官立大学-2875753 戦前期における国立大学の呼称。 |
Comments: | Looks OK. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1287200">国立大学</xref> |
4. | A* 2023-10-11 09:09:03 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | A bit 直訳. Maybe this. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<gloss>official university</gloss> +<gloss>government-established university</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-10-10 14:27:33 Marcus Richert | |
Comments: | Is "official university" a meaningful gloss? |
2. | A 2023-10-09 13:33:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 官立大学 1990 |
1. | A* 2023-09-25 03:06:15 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: |官立大学-2875753 |
1. |
{food, cooking}
Source lang:
fre "fricadelle"
▶ frikadelle (pan-fried meatballs)
2. |
{food, cooking}
▶ frikandel (minced-meat sausage) |
11. | A 2023-10-10 00:48:43 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
10. | A* 2023-10-10 00:26:37 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | フランス語では、フリカデル(ドイツではフリカデレ、イタリアだとポルペッテ) ドイツ民の愛するフリカデレ。女性冠詞でラ フリカデルはフランスはリール地方の郷土料理。 また、"Le guide culinaire"には、"Fricadelle"(フリカデル)の記載もあり、 |
Comments: | We do now include the capitalised form in the lsrc tag whenever the gloss is lowercase. It wasn't until a few years ago that we started doing this consistently. I don't think フリカデル comes from German. The spelling suggests a French origin ("fricadelle"). I found some support for this online. I suggest splitting out フリカデレ (which definitely comes from German) into a separate entry. Might as well add a sense for frikandel. |
Diff: | @@ -10,3 +10,7 @@ -<r_ele> -<reb>フリカデレ</reb> -</r_ele> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="2859000">フリカデレ</xref> +<field>&food;</field> +<lsource xml:lang="fre">fricadelle</lsource> +<gloss>frikadelle (pan-fried meatballs)</gloss> +</sense> @@ -16,2 +20 @@ -<lsource xml:lang="ger"/> -<gloss>frikadelle (pan-fried meatballs)</gloss> +<gloss>frikandel (minced-meat sausage)</gloss> |
9. | A* 2023-10-09 21:17:43 | |
Comments: | Well, shouldn't they? Or how are they different? The point is that German capitalizes nouns... |
8. | A 2023-10-09 12:36:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Not always. ウムラウト, キッチュ, etc. |
7. | A* 2023-10-09 12:02:18 | |
Comments: | In other entries derived from German, the lsrc info contains the capitalized German word even when the same word is the first gloss. |
(show/hide 6 older log entries) |
1. |
《after the -masu stem of a verb》 ▶ looking as if one wants to ... ▶ looking eager to ... |
7. | A 2023-10-12 00:51:17 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think think this is sufficient. |
Diff: | @@ -11,3 +11,2 @@ -<gloss>having the appearance of wanting to ...</gloss> -<gloss>looking eager to</gloss> -<gloss>seeming as if</gloss> +<gloss>looking as if one wants to ...</gloss> +<gloss>looking eager to ...</gloss> |
6. | A* 2023-10-11 09:03:59 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | ルミナス: (…したそうな様子である) look 「anxious [eager] to do…; (…かのように見える) look [seem] 「as if [like] … |
Diff: | @@ -12,2 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>looking as if</gloss> -<gloss>seeming</gloss> +<gloss>looking eager to</gloss> +<gloss>seeming as if</gloss> |
5. | A* 2023-10-10 10:58:37 | |
Refs: |たげ-559984 |
Comments: | I think only the first definition is appropriate. |
4. | A 2023-10-09 08:57:25 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Probably not. |
Diff: | @@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ -<gloss>to have the appearance of wanting to ...</gloss> -<gloss>to look as if</gloss> -<gloss>to seem</gloss> +<gloss>having the appearance of wanting to ...</gloss> +<gloss>looking as if</gloss> +<gloss>seeming</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-10-09 00:29:53 Marcus Richert | |
Comments: | Should this have verb glosses? |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
{food, cooking}
Source lang:
ger "Frikadelle"
▶ frikadelle (pan-fried meatballs)
2. | A 2023-10-10 02:26:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | As I mentioned, they were called フリカデール on the menu in Nagasaki. Perhaps the chef was thinking of the French version. |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 00:26:11 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | See comments on 2858922. |
1. |
▶ corporate sales ▶ business-to-business selling ▶ B2B
2. | A 2023-10-10 02:45:27 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Reverso |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<gloss>corporate sales</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 02:20:37 Nicolas Maia | |
Refs: | 一口に営業職といっても「法人営業(BtoB)」と「個人営業(BtoC)」の2種類があり |
Comments: | 法人営業 175331 |
1. |
▶ O mark (indicating a correct answer, agreement, approval, etc.)
3. | A 2023-10-12 10:30:43 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Style alignment. |
Diff: | @@ -21 +21 @@ -<gloss>o-mark (indicating correctness, agreement, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>O mark (indicating a correct answer, agreement, approval, etc.)</gloss> |
2. | A 2023-10-10 10:45:49 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, ルミナス |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 05:40:38 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, iwakoku丸印 〈丸/まる/マル〉〈印/じるし/ジルシ〉 Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーー─┬────────┬───────╮ │ 丸印 │ 25,735 │ 88.6% │ │ マル印 │ 1,679 │ 5.8% │ │ まる印 │ 1,359 │ 4.7% │ │ 丸じるし │ 40 │ 0.1% │ │ まるじるし │ 167 │ 0.6% │ │ マルじるし │ 54 │ 0.2% │ ╰─ーーーーー─┴────────┴───────╯ |
1. |
{food, cooking}
▶ sushi
2. | A 2023-10-10 10:48:11 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | JWN |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 05:50:54 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr/s, koj, meikyo, smk, iwakoku, etc. Most refs say "すしの異称" and a few have [col] tags. Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーー─┬────────╮ │ 弥助 │ 22,612 │ ╰─ーー─┴────────╯ |
1. |
▶ onomatopoeia
2. | A 2023-12-07 18:03:30 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Rare in comparison to the x-ref |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +11 @@ +<misc>&rare;</misc> |
1. | A 2023-10-10 11:11:49 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Split from 1034540. |
1. |
▶ adventure tourism |
2. | A 2023-10-11 08:54:18 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | May as well add it. Ecotourism is not two words. |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>アドベンチャー・ツーリズム</reb> |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 15:28:04 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | JATO: The Japan Adventure Tourism Organization アドベンチャーツーリズムとは ADVENTURE TOURISM ... (long definition) |
Comments: | I didn't find any evidence anywhere of a ・ form. (There isn't one in our entry for エコツーリズム either). lots and lots of google hits, though I imagine this is more for marketing use than anything else. |
1. |
▶ space tourism |
2. | A 2023-10-10 22:17:38 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 16:26:04 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | reverso for "space tourism" gives this and 宇宙旅行 (no examples of the full 宇宙観光旅行) 宇宙旅行 127377 94.3% 宇宙観光 6215 4.6% 宇宙観光旅行 1540 1.1%宇宙観光 space sightseeing but: 宇宙観光事業 space tourism business and: 宇宙観光旅行 space tourism Japanese vs. English wikipedia (parallel translation):第67次長期滞在 第67次長期滞在の期間中に宇宙ステーションには、2022年4月9日に3人の宇宙旅行者が元NASAの宇宙飛行士マイケル・ロペス=アレグリアとともに参加した宇宙観光ミッションであるアクシオム ミッション1のクルーが訪れている。 vs. English: During Expedition 67, the space station was also visited by the crew of Axiom Mission 1, a space tourist mission that brought three spaceflight participants to the station on April 9, 2022 along with former NASA astronaut Michael López-Alegría, who had previously commanded the station during Expedition 14. T 宇宙旅行者 = "space flight participants" 宇宙観光ミッション = "space tourist mission" (though maybe "sightseeing mission" would have been better, but not "space sightseeing mission" ...) 宇宙観光プロジェクトの資本コストについて 朝 倉 啓一郎 Capital Cost on Space Tourism Project KEIICHIRO ASAKURA 宇宙観光 [JSME Mechanical Engineering Dictionary] 宇宙観光 space sightseeing |
Comments: | Obviously "宇宙旅行" is more broad in application. eijiro does offer "space sightseeing", but this seems a bit silly to me(in English). Obviously it is used, but: "space sightseeing" 3 hits "space tourism" 2300 hits The very nice looking pdf link gives: 宇宙観光(Space Tourism),資本コスト(Capital Cost),正味現在価値(Net Present Value; NPV),宇宙船「観光丸」(Spaceship KANKO-MARU) Seems nicer to leave the "sightseeing" gloss off, to save non-natives from an awkward literal translation. |
1. |
▶ 駆け詰め」に同じ |
3. | R 2023-10-11 08:10:56 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Fork |
2. | A* 2023-10-10 22:14:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 駈け通し 51 駆け詰め 0 |
Comments: | Needed as an entry? |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 16:34:38 Robert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |駆通し/ |
Comments: | I'm not sure what the best English translation would be. |
1. |
▶ long sprint ▶ dash ▶ run |
3. | A 2023-10-11 08:48:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I guess so. |
2. | A* 2023-10-10 16:57:13 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | This is the ます stem of 駆ける (entry 1244720, sense 1) combined with the suffix 通し (entry 2643570) 〈駆(け)/駈(け)/かけ〉〈通/どお〉し Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーー─┬───────┬───────╮ │ かけ通し │ 1,994 │ 63.0% │ - lots of false positives (e.g. from 掛け通し) │ 駆け通し │ 184 │ 5.8% │ │ 駈け通し │ 51 │ 1.6% │ │ 駆通し │ 0 │ 0.0% │ │ 駈通し │ 0 │ 0.0% │ │ 駆どおし │ 0 │ 0.0% │ │ 駆けどおし │ 0 │ 0.0% │ │ 駈どおし │ 0 │ 0.0% │ │ 駈けどおし │ 0 │ 0.0% │ │ かけどおし │ 938 │ 29.6% │ ╰─ーーーーー─┴───────┴───────╯ 駆け詰め gets 0 n-gram counts. 〈駆(け)/駈(け)/かけ〉〈詰(め)/づめ〉 |
Diff: | @@ -3,0 +4,3 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>駆け通し</keb> +</k_ele> @@ -12 +15,4 @@ -<gloss>駆け詰め」に同じ</gloss> +<misc>&rare;</misc> +<gloss>long sprint</gloss> +<gloss>dash</gloss> +<gloss>run</gloss> |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 16:34:38 Robert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |駆通し/ |
Comments: | I'm not sure what the best English translation would be. |
1. |
▶ old car ▶ rattletrap ▶ jalopy |
6. | D 2023-10-12 00:18:08 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Despite it being in GG5, I think it can go. |
5. | D* 2023-10-12 00:00:48 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think this is needed. Rare compound. Meaning is obvious. |
4. | A 2023-10-11 08:18:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2023-10-10 22:48:09 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーーーー─┬────────╮ │ ボロ車 │ 12,687 │ │ ぼろ車 │ 936 │ │ ポンコツ車 │ 8,014 │ │ ぽんこつ車 │ 263 │ │ ポンコツ自動車 │ 506 │ ╰─ーーーーーーー─┴────────╯ |
Comments: | This is an easily parsed A+B, and I think users who find this entry from reverse lookups would be looking for a more common variant. |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<misc>&rare;</misc> |
2. | A 2023-10-10 22:22:08 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | ボロ自動車 131 80.4% ぼろ自動車 32 19.6% |
Diff: | @@ -3,0 +4,3 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>ボロ自動車</keb> +</k_ele> @@ -13,0 +17 @@ +<gloss>jalopy</gloss> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ lottery |
3. | D 2023-10-11 08:17:38 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Done |
2. | D* 2023-10-10 22:36:15 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Merge with 2830939・ロッテリー |
1. | A* 2023-10-10 22:24:54 | |
Refs: |ロッタリー |