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1. |
《じーっと is more emphatic》 ▶ motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait) ▶ (be) still |
2. |
▶ fixedly (e.g. gaze, stare) ▶ intently (e.g. listen, think)
3. |
▶ patiently (endure) ▶ stoically |
4. |
▶ firmly (e.g. hold) ▶ restrained |
9. | A 2022-01-29 06:15:28 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
8. | A* 2022-01-29 05:53:25 Opencooper | |
Comments: | Don't need note with the rK tag now. |
Diff: | @@ -28 +28 @@ -<s_inf>じーっと is more emphatic. 凝乎と is rare.</s_inf> +<s_inf>じーっと is more emphatic</s_inf> |
7. | A 2021-11-07 01:20:00 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6 @@ +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> |
6. | A 2012-08-24 23:53:29 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Fixed the WWWJDIC bug. |
Diff: | @@ -24,1 +24,0 @@ -<pos>&n;</pos> @@ -34,1 +33,0 @@ -<pos>&n;</pos> @@ -42,1 +40,0 @@ -<pos>&n;</pos> @@ -50,1 +47,0 @@ -<pos>&n;</pos> |
5. | A* 2012-08-22 16:22:51 Nils Roland Barth <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 daijr koj |
Comments: | ** Display is a bit broken – these all give [uk], but displays the kanji first, instead of in 《》 ** elab glosses and usage examples (think, endure, etc.) (read in poem, for (standing) motionless: じっと立っていた) |
Diff: | @@ -29,1 +29,2 @@ -<gloss>motionlessly</gloss> +<gloss>motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait)</gloss> +<gloss>(be) still</gloss> @@ -36,1 +37,2 @@ -<gloss>fixedly (e.g. of staring)</gloss> +<gloss>fixedly (e.g. gaze, stare)</gloss> +<gloss>intently (e.g. listen, think)</gloss> @@ -43,1 +45,2 @@ -<gloss>patiently</gloss> +<gloss>patiently (endure)</gloss> +<gloss>stoically</gloss> |
(show/hide 4 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ corona
2. |
▶ coronavirus
3. |
▶ COVID-19
12. | A 2022-02-02 02:48:37 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I agree with Robin. We could add "(disease, pandemic)" but it's not really needed. |
Diff: | @@ -23,5 +22,0 @@ -<misc>&abbr;</misc> -<gloss>COVID-19</gloss> -</sense> -<sense> -<pos>&n;</pos> @@ -31 +26 @@ -<gloss>COVID-19 pandemic</gloss> +<gloss>COVID-19</gloss> |
11. | A* 2022-01-29 15:00:25 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I agree it doesn't have to be a separate sense or gloss, but I think we might as well spell it out, that yes, the word is used like this in Japanese too. |
10. | A* 2022-01-29 12:23:01 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think this needs to be a separate sense or gloss. The meaning is clear from context. "Covid" is used like this in English as well. |
9. | A* 2022-01-29 07:25:32 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 「コロナが落ち着いたらやりたいこと」を尋ねたアンケート調査 では、カラオケは旅行や外食などに次いで8番目に高く、帰省などを上回る水準となるなど、底堅い需要があったためだ。 (one of billion examples) |
Comments: | Could be a second gloss on the third sense, but that screws with calling it an abbr of 新型コロナウイルス感染症 not sure what to call this sense 4 an abbr of. コロナ過 is maybe the closest? enwiki has one article for COVID-19 and a separate one for the COVID-19 pandemic. The Japanese articles linked to these are 新型コロナウイルス感染症 (2019年) and 新型コロナウイルス感染症の世界的流行_(2019年-) |
Diff: | @@ -24,0 +25,6 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="2845216">コロナ禍</xref> +<misc>&abbr;</misc> +<gloss>COVID-19 pandemic</gloss> |
8. | A 2021-10-01 07:02:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 7 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ volt
1. | A 2022-01-29 15:49:04 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | etym split |
Diff: | @@ -15,5 +14,0 @@ -<sense> -<stagr>ボルト</stagr> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<gloss>bolt</gloss> -</sense> |
1. |
▶ manpower ▶ labor force ▶ workers |
3. | A 2022-01-29 12:25:08 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +11,2 @@ +<gloss>labor force</gloss> +<gloss>workers</gloss> |
2. | A* 2022-01-29 06:14:13 Opencooper | |
Refs: | JEs マンパワー 107985 マン・パワー 602 |
Comments: | Commonly one word. |
Diff: | @@ -8,3 +7,0 @@ -<r_ele> -<reb>マン・パワー</reb> -</r_ele> @@ -13 +10 @@ -<gloss>man power</gloss> +<gloss>manpower</gloss> |
1. | A 2013-05-11 11:19:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update.Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update. -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +8,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>マン・パワー</reb> +</r_ele> |
1. |
▶ first place ▶ first rank |
2. |
▶ units position (of a number) |
12. | A 2022-02-03 11:18:40 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
11. | A* 2022-02-02 16:33:47 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr |
Comments: | Splitting into senses. |
Diff: | @@ -19 +18,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -22 +21,4 @@ -<gloss>unit's position</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>units position (of a number)</gloss> |
10. | A 2022-02-02 00:13:57 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
9. | A* 2022-01-31 01:37:48 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Yes, that seems to make the most sense. |
Diff: | @@ -17,4 +16,0 @@ -<r_ele> -<reb>イチイ</reb> -<re_nokanji/> -</r_ele> @@ -22 +17,0 @@ -<stagr>いちい</stagr> @@ -28,6 +22,0 @@ -</sense> -<sense> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<misc>&uk;</misc> -<s_inf>usu. イチイ, also 櫟</s_inf> -<gloss>Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata)</gloss> |
8. | A* 2022-01-31 00:28:17 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Can't we just add 一位 to 2264890? |
(show/hide 7 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ first ▶ preliminary |
2. |
▶ primary (sources, industry, etc.) ▶ original |
3. |
▶ linear (function, equation) ▶ first-order |
4. | A 2022-01-29 06:56:42 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>1次</keb> |
3. | A 2020-09-22 12:07:03 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I agree, |
2. | A* 2020-09-21 22:07:39 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, prog, daij |
Comments: | Splitting into senses. Although this is a noun according to the kokugos, I believe senses 2 and 3 are always prenominal. |
Diff: | @@ -11,2 +11 @@ -<pos>&adj-na;</pos> -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> +<pos>&adj-f;</pos> @@ -15,2 +14,11 @@ -<gloss>primary</gloss> -<gloss>linear (equation)</gloss> +<gloss>preliminary</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&adj-f;</pos> +<gloss>primary (sources, industry, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>original</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&adj-f;</pos> +<field>&math;</field> +<gloss>linear (function, equation)</gloss> |
1. | A 2020-05-23 06:05:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Bulk update: Adjusting POS details -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -13 +13,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> |
1. |
▶ one dimension |
1. | A 2022-01-29 06:57:03 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>1次元</keb> @@ -12 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>one dimensional</gloss> +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> +<gloss>one dimension</gloss> |
1. |
▶ counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars
11. | A 2022-02-02 12:40:06 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -22 +22 @@ -<gloss>counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc.</gloss> +<gloss>counter for long and narrow things such as guns, scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars</gloss> |
10. | A 2022-02-02 05:12:36 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -22 +21,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1427240">丁・3</xref> |
9. | A 2022-02-02 05:10:46 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK. I need to fix a couple of sentences. |
8. | A* 2022-01-30 21:35:38 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr: ちょう【挺・梃・丁】 はさみ一丁 34 はさみ一挺 No matches 鉄砲一丁 87 鉄砲一挺 47 |
Comments: | 丁 isn't rare, it's the most common kanji for this counter. The reason it was in a note is that we already have this sense on 丁/ちょう (1427240). But I see no reason to split up the kanji forms. Daijr and daijs don't. I suggest leading with 丁 on this entry and dropping sense 3 from 1427240. |
Diff: | @@ -5 +5 @@ -<keb>挺</keb> +<keb>丁</keb> @@ -10 +10 @@ -<keb>梃</keb> +<keb>挺</keb> @@ -13,2 +13 @@ -<keb>丁</keb> -<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> +<keb>梃</keb> |
7. | A* 2022-01-29 15:16:11 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I'd prefer it like this |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,4 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>丁</keb> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> @@ -19,2 +23 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1427240">丁・ちょう・3</xref> -<s_inf>also 丁</s_inf> +<xref type="see" seq="1427240">丁・3</xref> |
(show/hide 6 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ ventilation |
3. | A 2022-01-29 03:40:25 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Top 10 N-grams Lookup for 換気の (Frequency Order) 換気の 67331 換気のため 8069 換気の良い 5780 換気のために 3851 換気の悪い 2730 換気の必要 2421 換気の良い場所 2079 換気のための 1977 換気の為 1876 換気の良い場所で 1802 換気のよい 1612 |
Comments: | I don't think this is adj-no |
Diff: | @@ -20 +19,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> |
2. | A 2022-01-22 01:32:18 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Correct POS order -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -18,0 +19 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> @@ -20 +20,0 @@ -<pos>&vi;</pos> |
1. | A 2021-11-18 00:34:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Meikyo vt and vi additions to n,vs entries -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -19,0 +20 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> |
1. |
▶ mobile phone ▶ cell phone
4. | A 2024-01-25 12:37:45 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Comments: | I think "mobile phone" should lead. |
Diff: | @@ -13,0 +14 @@ +<gloss>mobile phone</gloss> @@ -15 +15,0 @@ -<gloss>mobile phone</gloss> |
3. | A* 2024-01-25 12:21:34 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -14,2 +14,2 @@ -<gloss>mobile telephone</gloss> -<gloss>cellular telephone</gloss> +<gloss>cell phone</gloss> +<gloss>mobile phone</gloss> |
2. | A 2022-01-29 07:48:47 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -14 +13,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> |
1. | A 2018-04-05 07:12:41 Johan Råde <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | G n-grams 18885478 |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6 @@ +<ke_pri>spec1</ke_pri> @@ -8,0 +10 @@ +<re_pri>spec1</re_pri> |
1. |
▶ (by) one's side ▶ place close to one's person ▶ place within arm's reach |
2. |
▶ used in letters to refer to the recipient indirectly or written beside an addressee's name to show respect |
8. | A 2023-02-13 01:05:20 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Perhaps "yourself" or "your good self" would work. 座右の is often used for "favourite". I'm not sure that's clear from sense 1, but then the JEs don't make it explicit either. |
7. | A* 2023-02-12 19:49:35 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij, meikyo |
Comments: | I don't think we should use "you" for a term that's supposed to be an indirect way of addressing someone. |
Diff: | @@ -21 +20,0 @@ -<gloss>nearby location</gloss> @@ -23 +22 @@ -<gloss>area by one's hand</gloss> +<gloss>place within arm's reach</gloss> @@ -28,2 +27 @@ -<s_inf>epistolary style; sometimes also used as the name of the recipient</s_inf> -<gloss>you</gloss> +<gloss>used in letters to refer to the recipient indirectly or written beside an addressee's name to show respect</gloss> |
6. | A 2022-01-29 15:14:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -28 +28 @@ -<s_inf>epistolary style, sometimes also used as the name of the recipient</s_inf> +<s_inf>epistolary style; sometimes also used as the name of the recipient</s_inf> |
5. | A 2018-12-04 00:39:34 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -27 +26,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> |
4. | A* 2018-12-03 07:54:47 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19,0 +20 @@ +<gloss>(by) one's side</gloss> |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ fourth dimension ▶ four dimensions ▶ 4D |
1. | A 2022-01-29 06:59:50 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>4次元</keb> @@ -14,0 +18 @@ +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -16,0 +21 @@ +<gloss>4D</gloss> |
1. |
《esp. 上手い, 巧い》 ▶ skillful ▶ skilful ▶ skilled ▶ good ▶ expert ▶ clever (expression, trick, etc.) ▶ apt ▶ appropriate
2. |
《esp. 旨い, 美味い, 甘い》 ▶ delicious ▶ tasty ▶ good ▶ nice
3. |
《esp. 旨い》 ▶ good (deal, idea, etc.) ▶ profitable ▶ promising ▶ lucky ▶ fortunate ▶ successful ▶ satisfactory ▶ splendid |
15. | A 2022-02-06 22:13:44 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I have to say I agree with Robin. All sorts of adjectives can be used that way. It doesn't mean they are another sense of the term. |
Diff: | @@ -65,5 +64,0 @@ -</sense> -<sense> -<pos>∫</pos> -<gloss>well said! (of a pun)</gloss> -<gloss>that's a good one!</gloss> |
14. | A* 2022-01-29 01:06:04 | |
Refs: | ダジャレとか言ったら、すぐに“うまい!”って言っちゃう。だって本当に面白いんだもん。 |
Diff: | @@ -68,0 +69 @@ +<gloss>that's a good one!</gloss> |
13. | A* 2022-01-28 21:20:35 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | It's not wrong but I don't think it's needed. We rarely have int senses on adjective entries. |
12. | A* 2022-01-28 20:02:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Reference?? |
11. | A* 2022-01-28 14:40:54 | |
Diff: | @@ -65,0 +66,4 @@ +<sense> +<pos>∫</pos> +<gloss>well said! (of a pun)</gloss> +</sense> |
(show/hide 10 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to take (something) along ▶ to bring with one ▶ to carry (something) away ▶ to bear |
7. | A 2022-02-03 00:31:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
6. | A* 2022-01-29 16:00:55 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | something, not someone |
Diff: | @@ -35 +35,3 @@ -<gloss>to take</gloss> +<pos>&vt;</pos> +<gloss>to take (something) along</gloss> +<gloss>to bring with one</gloss> |
5. | A 2017-02-10 06:59:38 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2017-02-09 17:24:40 Johan Råde <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | G n-grams: 持っていく 1198805 持って行く 530237 もって行く 56080 持ってゆく 21807 もっていく 179236 もってゆく 5904 |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13,3 @@ +<keb>もって行く</keb> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> @@ -18,0 +22 @@ +<re_restr>もって行く</re_restr> @@ -24,0 +29 @@ +<re_restr>もって行く</re_restr> |
3. | A 2012-07-01 14:05:43 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ female doctor |
2. | A 2022-01-30 04:03:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5: a woman doctor 《【複】 women doctors》; a lady doctor. |
Comments: | Despite GG5 et al. I think we can just have the slightly more neutral term. |
Diff: | @@ -18 +17,0 @@ -<gloss>woman doctor</gloss> |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 22:00:35 koolerpanda <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | "Woman doctor" seems kind of a degrading and inconsiderate definition. Also, female doctor seems more accurate too which is why I added it as a definition. |
Diff: | @@ -18,0 +19 @@ +<gloss>female doctor</gloss> |
1. |
▶ New Year's party (held in the beginning of the year, i.e. usually in January)
3. | A 2022-02-07 04:58:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>New Year's party (held in the beginning of a new year, i.e. usually in January)</gloss> +<gloss>New Year's party (held in the beginning of the year, i.e. usually in January)</gloss> |
2. | A 2022-01-29 20:20:19 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 07:07:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 新年会は、字のとおり、新しい年を迎えて行う会合です。 そのため、一般的には1月中に行うのが良いとされています。 |
Comments: | not a New Year's Eve party but one held in January |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>New Year's party</gloss> +<gloss>New Year's party (held in the beginning of a new year, i.e. usually in January)</gloss> |
1. |
▶ becoming more serious or severe ▶ aggravation ▶ intensification |
3. | A 2022-01-29 15:38:53 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> |
2. | A 2017-08-06 00:00:53 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2017-08-05 22:53:44 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Diff: | @@ -17 +17,3 @@ -<gloss>becoming more serious or severe (problem)</gloss> +<gloss>becoming more serious or severe</gloss> +<gloss>aggravation</gloss> +<gloss>intensification</gloss> |
1. |
▶ selection ▶ choice ▶ picking out |
2. |
《oft. written as センバツ》 ▶ National High School Baseball Invitational Tournament ▶ Spring Koshien
5. | A 2024-01-05 00:18:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2024-01-04 21:03:53 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Aligning. I don't think センバツ is used for sense 1. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<re_nokanji/> +<re_inf>&sk;</re_inf> @@ -30,2 +30,3 @@ -<s_inf>esp. センバツ</s_inf> -<gloss>National Invitational High-School Baseball Tournament</gloss> +<s_inf>oft. written as センバツ</s_inf> +<gloss>National High School Baseball Invitational Tournament</gloss> +<gloss>Spring Koshien</gloss> |
3. | A 2022-02-05 19:36:21 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 - has it as a sense. |
Diff: | @@ -13,0 +14,4 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>センバツ</reb> +<re_nokanji/> +</r_ele> @@ -20,0 +25,7 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="2621060">選抜高等学校野球大会</xref> +<misc>&abbr;</misc> +<s_inf>esp. センバツ</s_inf> +<gloss>National Invitational High-School Baseball Tournament</gloss> |
2. | A* 2022-01-29 02:45:29 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | センバツ 180804 センバツ出場 16452 センバツ“不可解選考”にネット炎上 【一覧】センバツ出場32校完全データ 戦力評価、主なOB・OG付き |
Comments: | センバツ is common to refer to koshien as I understand it. could be an abbr 2nd sense xreffed to 選抜高等学校野球大会, maybe? |
1. | A 2021-11-18 01:07:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Meikyo vt and vi additions to n,vs entries -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17 @@ +<pos>&vt;</pos> |
1. |
▶ to hit ▶ to strike ▶ to knock ▶ to beat ▶ to punch ▶ to slap ▶ to tap ▶ to bang ▶ to clap ▶ to pound |
2. |
▶ to strike (noon, etc.) ▶ to sound (cymbals, etc.) ▶ to beat (a drum, etc.) |
3. |
▶ to beat (rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.) |
4. |
▶ to move ▶ to impress ▶ to touch |
5. |
▶ to drive in ▶ to hammer in ▶ to put in ▶ to inject ▶ to vaccinate |
6. |
▶ to type ▶ to send ▶ to transmit |
7. |
▶ to insert ▶ to write in ▶ to mark |
8. |
▶ to make (noodles, etc.) ▶ to prepare |
9. |
▶ to till (soil) |
10. |
▶ to sprinkle ▶ to throw ▶ to cast |
11. |
▶ to do ▶ to carry out ▶ to play ▶ to perform ▶ to engage in (gambling, etc.) |
12. |
▶ to pay (a deposit, etc.) |
13. |
▶ to visit (on a pilgrimage) |
14. |
▶ to line (a coat) |
15. |
▶ to bind (a criminal) |
16. |
▶ to drop (a piece) |
19. | A 2023-12-26 20:36:46 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
18. | A* 2023-12-25 17:17:43 matsugase <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -134,0 +135,6 @@ +<sense> +<pos>&v5t;</pos> +<pos>&vt;</pos> +<field>&shogi;</field> +<gloss>to drop (a piece)</gloss> +</sense> |
17. | A 2022-02-03 11:50:26 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | nikk doesn't explicitly say they only apply to the first sense and even if they might not apply in equal measure to each and every sense, we're already signalling they're barely/only rarely used with the rK in the first place, so I think this is fine for now. |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9,16 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>拍つ</keb> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>搏つ</keb> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>撲つ</keb> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>擣つ</keb> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> @@ -19 +34,0 @@ -<s_inf>also written as 拍つ, 搏つ, 撲つ, 擣つ</s_inf> |
16. | A* 2022-01-29 02:07:58 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Nikk doesn't seem to say so? |
15. | A* 2022-01-22 21:54:21 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Don't they only apply to sense 1? If they go in as "rK" kanji forms we'd need 打つ as a restriction on the 14 other senses. I'd put them in their own entry. |
(show/hide 14 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ chapter one ▶ first chapter |
1. | A 2022-01-29 15:41:37 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>第1章</keb> |
1. |
▶ difficult voyage ▶ stormy passage ▶ hard flight |
2. |
▶ rough going ▶ running into trouble ▶ proceeding with difficulty ▶ rough passage |
2. | A 2022-01-29 20:03:55 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 08:01:15 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | mk |
Diff: | @@ -18,0 +19 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> @@ -19,0 +21 @@ +<gloss>stormy passage</gloss> @@ -24,0 +27 @@ +<pos>&vi;</pos> @@ -25,0 +29,2 @@ +<gloss>running into trouble</gloss> +<gloss>proceeding with difficulty</gloss> @@ -27,2 +31,0 @@ -<gloss>running into trouble</gloss> -<gloss>stormy passage</gloss> |
1. |
▶ second |
2. |
▶ secondary |
3. |
▶ quadratic (function, equation, etc.) ▶ second-order |
4. |
《also written as 虹》 ▶ fictional (in relation to anime, manga, etc.) ▶ drawn ▶ two-dimensional
5. | A 2024-05-26 21:07:56 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Thanks |
4. | A* 2024-05-26 20:02:57 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | See comments on 1463740. |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +11,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>虹</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -30,0 +35,9 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="1461900">二次元・2</xref> +<misc>&abbr;</misc> +<s_inf>also written as 虹</s_inf> +<gloss>fictional (in relation to anime, manga, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>drawn</gloss> +<gloss>two-dimensional</gloss> |
3. | A 2022-01-29 06:55:40 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -7,0 +8,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>2次</keb> |
2. | A 2020-09-23 08:15:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2020-09-22 21:40:26 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, prog, daij |
Comments: | Splitting into senses. |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -16 +17,4 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> +<gloss>second</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&adj-f;</pos> @@ -18 +22,6 @@ -<gloss>subordinate</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&adj-f;</pos> +<field>&math;</field> +<gloss>quadratic (function, equation, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>second-order</gloss> |
1. |
▶ after-party ▶ second party (of the night)
2. |
▶ second meeting |
3. | A 2022-01-29 06:58:32 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -7,0 +8,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>2次会</keb> |
2. | A 2020-08-19 12:00:08 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2020-08-19 10:53:01 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij |
Comments: | I don't think "same" is needed. Daijr/s have a second sense. |
Diff: | @@ -16,2 +16,6 @@ -<gloss>afterparty</gloss> -<gloss>second party of the same night</gloss> +<gloss>after-party</gloss> +<gloss>second party (of the night)</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>second meeting</gloss> |
1. |
▶ two dimensions |
2. |
▶ fictional (in relation to anime, manga, etc.) ▶ drawn ▶ two-dimensional
8. | A 2022-01-29 06:56:15 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki leads w this |
Diff: | @@ -7,0 +8,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>2次元</keb> |
7. | A 2022-01-26 19:46:51 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Looks fine. Thanks. |
6. | A* 2022-01-26 12:47:42 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think sense 2 should be adj-no without n. 二次元の彼女 yes, but I'm not sure 二次元 by itself, as a noun, has any specific anime meaning, I think it's weird to gloss it as "character" or "world"... Also I don't think that sense is really net-sl, sl or even col? |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16 @@ +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -19,3 +20,4 @@ -<pos>&n;</pos> -<misc>&net-sl;</misc> -<gloss>characters in anime, manga, video games, etc.</gloss> +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> +<gloss>fictional (in relation to anime, manga, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>drawn</gloss> +<gloss>two-dimensional</gloss> |
5. | A* 2022-01-26 01:07:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Daijs (sense 2): (主にアニメーションファンの間で)アニメやテレビゲームなどのキャラクター。印刷物やディスプレーなどの平面に表示されることから。→二・五次元 →三次元二次元/ |
Comments: | Maybe this? |
Diff: | @@ -21 +21 @@ -<gloss>fictional world of anime, manga, video games, etc.</gloss> +<gloss>characters in anime, manga, video games, etc.</gloss> |
4. | A* 2022-01-15 12:25:11 dine | |
Comments: | I copied it from the English Wiktionary. Maybe it was a Chinese usage just like the term "ACG" (referring to the Japanese subculture represented by anime, comic (= manga), and video games) |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ fake ▶ forgery ▶ counterfeit ▶ imitation
2. |
▶ unusual item ▶ something strange |
6. | A 2022-01-29 20:23:39 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 15:04:06 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I suggest making it rK. (I think "demoting" it to a note actually ends up making it more prominent) |
Diff: | @@ -9,0 +10,4 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>偽物</keb> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> @@ -17 +20,0 @@ -<s_inf>also written 偽物</s_inf> |
4. | A 2015-03-03 07:04:33 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2015-02-03 22:13:25 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Daijr, GG5, etc. N-grams (confirms "uk") |
Comments: | I know 大辞泉 has 偽物 in its いかもの entry, but no-one else has. Kojien points out it's an abbreviation of 如何様物, which make the いかもの reading of 偽物 a bit unlikely. I suggest demoting it to a note. |
Diff: | @@ -10,4 +9,0 @@ -<k_ele> -<keb>偽物</keb> -<ke_inf>&iK;</ke_inf> -</k_ele> @@ -18,0 +15,3 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1577800">偽物・にせもの</xref> +<misc>&uk;</misc> +<s_inf>also written 偽物</s_inf> @@ -19,0 +19,9 @@ +<gloss>forgery</gloss> +<gloss>counterfeit</gloss> +<gloss>imitation</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<misc>&uk;</misc> +<gloss>unusual item</gloss> +<gloss>something strange</gloss> |
2. | A* 2015-02-03 11:54:02 | |
Comments: | whoops, meant daijisen, not daijr |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ stroke ▶ cerebral haemorrhage ▶ cerebral hemorrhage |
1. | A 2022-01-29 03:26:53 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16 @@ +<field>&med;</field> |
1. |
▶ Fire Horse (43rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1906, 1966, 2026)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:46:39 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Horse (43rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1906, 1966, 2026)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Horse (43rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1906, 1966, 2026)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:55:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Let them look it up! 8-)} |
2. | A* 2020-06-26 01:33:32 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支・1</xref> |
1. | A* 2020-06-26 01:16:37 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | "renowned for disasters and the birth of women destined to kill their husbands" Do we want to mention this as well? |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15 @@ -<gloss>43rd year of the sexagenary cycle (year of the Fire Horse, renowned for disasters and the birth of women destined to kill their husbands)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Horse (43rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1906, 1966, 2026)</gloss> |
1. |
▶ professor emeritus ▶ emeritus professor |
2. | A 2022-01-29 20:27:56 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | emeritus professor 164246 professor emeritus 649287 |
Comments: | Both are used. |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<gloss>emeritus professor</gloss> |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 03:09:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>emeritus professor</gloss> +<gloss>professor emeritus</gloss> |
1. |
▶ depression
14. | A 2024-10-28 02:31:45 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | の can follow any disease/condition. I don't think adj-no is applicable here. Our use of the tag is much more restricted now. |
Diff: | @@ -25 +24,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> |
13. | A 2024-10-27 03:05:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | うつ病 1910683 うつ病の 288070 |
Comments: | Fairly common. |
12. | A* 2024-10-27 02:23:43 parfait8 | |
Refs: | Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーー─┬───────────┬───────╮ │ うつ病 │ 1,910,683 │ 82.7% │ │ 鬱病 │ 369,525 │ 16.0% │ │ ウツ病 │ 12,767 │ 0.6% │ add sK │ 欝病 │ 6,984 │ 0.3% │ add sK │ うつびょう │ 10,287 │ 0.4% │ ╰─ーーーーー─┴───────────┴───────╯ |
Comments: | i'm not sure this is [adj-no] |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -16 +17 @@ -<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
11. | A 2022-01-29 20:28:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
10. | A* 2022-01-29 15:48:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | うつ病の 288049 うつ病の症状 28958 うつ病の治療 25663 うつ病の人 16299 うつ病の方 10495 うつ病の妻 8733 うつ病の原因 6962 うつ病の治療が 6289 うつ病のこと 5929 うつ病の悩み 5086 うつ病の患者 5082 自閉症の息子と鬱病の夫、体が不自由な実母・義母との5人同居生活 |
Diff: | @@ -23,0 +24 @@ +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> |
(show/hide 9 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to hammer into place |
2. |
《also うちどめる》 ▶ to end (a performance) |
3. |
▶ to kill (with a gun, sword, etc.) ▶ to slay ▶ to shoot dead ▶ to cut down
4. | A 2022-02-23 03:46:57 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2022-02-22 16:06:22 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 打ち止め 119904 撃ち止め 555 討ち止め No matches |
Comments: | Given how uncommen 撃ち止める and 討ち止める are, I don't think the x-refs are needed. |
Diff: | @@ -33,2 +33 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2853610">撃ち止める・うちとめる</xref> -<gloss>to kill</gloss> +<gloss>to kill (with a gun, sword, etc.)</gloss> |
2. | A 2022-02-14 03:41:39 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK, it's quite a mess. Here a split. |
Diff: | @@ -4,3 +3,0 @@ -<k_ele> -<keb>撃ち止める</keb> -</k_ele> @@ -14,6 +10,0 @@ -<keb>討ち止める</keb> -</k_ele> -<k_ele> -<keb>撃止める</keb> -</k_ele> -<k_ele> @@ -21,3 +11,0 @@ -</k_ele> -<k_ele> -<keb>討止める</keb> @@ -32,4 +19,0 @@ -<stagk>打ち止める</stagk> -<stagk>打ち留める</stagk> -<stagk>打止める</stagk> -<stagk>打留める</stagk> @@ -41,4 +24,0 @@ -<stagk>打ち止める</stagk> -<stagk>打ち留める</stagk> -<stagk>打止める</stagk> -<stagk>打留める</stagk> @@ -53 +33 @@ -<s_inf>撃ち止める refers esp. to a gun, and 討ち止める to a blade</s_inf> +<xref type="see" seq="2853610">撃ち止める・うちとめる</xref> |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 15:21:48 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 撃ち止める 100 打ち止める 336 打ち留める 54 討ち止める No matches 撃止める No matches 打止める 31 討止める No matches 打留める No matches removing freq tags. |
Comments: | sense 1 and 2 look quite messy. gg5 has 討ち止める・撃ち止める, not the others. daijr does have 打(ち)止める・打(ち)留める】 with a note on the kill sense: (多く「撃ち止める」「討ち止める」と書く). Could we split out the 3rd sense, maybe? Or just move the 討ち止める and 撃止める to the note? They're obviously not common to begin with based on the ngrams |
Diff: | @@ -6,2 +5,0 @@ -<ke_pri>news1</ke_pri> -<ke_pri>nf09</ke_pri> @@ -32,2 +29,0 @@ -<re_pri>news1</re_pri> -<re_pri>nf09</re_pri> |
1. |
▶ frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice) ▶ annoyed ▶ chagrined ▶ (bitterly) disappointed ▶ bitter ▶ vexed ▶ frustrating ▶ annoying ▶ regrettable
14. | A 2024-10-18 06:00:30 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | くやしーい 998 0.4% |
Diff: | @@ -22,0 +23,4 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>くやしーい</reb> +<re_inf>&sk;</re_inf> |
13. | A 2023-10-31 12:23:20 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 悔やしい 727 |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>悔やしい</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
12. | A 2023-08-21 06:13:26 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | "envious" is not showing up in references. I don't think the case for adding is strong. It would have to a different sense, anyway. |
Diff: | @@ -31 +30,0 @@ -<gloss>envious</gloss> |
11. | A* 2023-08-17 17:44:44 hiroto42 <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | 誰かが自分より優れているときに使われる「悔しい」というのは妬む = to envy というのが適切だと思います。 |
Diff: | @@ -30,0 +31 @@ +<gloss>envious</gloss> |
10. | A 2022-02-22 05:54:56 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK. Done. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> @@ -18,4 +18,0 @@ -</r_ele> -<r_ele> -<reb>くちおしい</reb> -<re_restr>口惜しい</re_restr> |
(show/hide 9 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to take (someone to a place) ▶ to take (someone) with one ▶ to take along ▶ to lead away |
11. | A 2023-10-21 10:19:16 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
10. | A* 2023-10-21 01:02:03 Michael H <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Seems to be a superfluous ; in the meaning. |
Diff: | @@ -35 +35 @@ -<gloss>to take (someone; to a place)</gloss> +<gloss>to take (someone to a place)</gloss> |
9. | A 2022-01-30 23:05:11 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Comments: | Yes. We put the direct object in brackets. I think this is clearer. "(someone, somewhere)" could be read as "someone OR somewhere". |
Diff: | @@ -35,3 +35,4 @@ -<gloss>to take (someone, somwhere)</gloss> -<gloss>to take (someone) along</gloss> -<gloss>to lead (someone) away</gloss> +<gloss>to take (someone; to a place)</gloss> +<gloss>to take (someone) with one</gloss> +<gloss>to take along</gloss> +<gloss>to lead away</gloss> |
8. | A* 2022-01-29 15:59:34 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | brackets around "someone" as it's vt, right? |
Diff: | @@ -34,3 +34,4 @@ -<gloss>to take someone (to some place)</gloss> -<gloss>to take someone along</gloss> -<gloss>to lead someone away</gloss> +<pos>&vt;</pos> +<gloss>to take (someone, somwhere)</gloss> +<gloss>to take (someone) along</gloss> +<gloss>to lead (someone) away</gloss> |
7. | A 2017-02-10 11:54:53 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 6 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ user's manual ▶ instruction manual
7. | A 2022-01-30 12:14:59 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1599000">取り扱い説明書・とりあつかいせつめいしょ</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="1599000">取り扱い説明書</xref> |
6. | A 2022-01-29 16:41:09 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 取説 279337 取り説 54004 とりせつ 691 トリセツ 38939 めんどくさい人のトリセツその1:矢継ぎ早に詰問してくる人 |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,4 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>トリセツ</reb> +<re_nokanji/> |
5. | A 2019-08-15 19:32:18 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | G n-grams: 取説 279337 取り説 54004 |
Comments: | Indeed. |
Diff: | @@ -17,0 +18 @@ +<gloss>instruction manual</gloss> |
4. | A* 2019-08-15 13:36:25 | |
Comments: | 取説 is more common |
Diff: | @@ -5 +5 @@ -<keb>取り説</keb> +<keb>取説</keb> @@ -8 +8 @@ -<keb>取説</keb> +<keb>取り説</keb> |
3. | A 2018-09-02 23:03:26 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | matching apostrophe usage at 取り扱い説明書 |
Diff: | @@ -17 +17 @@ -<gloss>users' manual</gloss> +<gloss>user's manual</gloss> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Wood Rat (1st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)
9. | A 2022-01-29 01:49:53 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Rat (1st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Rat (1st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)</gloss> |
8. | A 2020-06-26 01:32:00 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Rat (first year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Rat (1st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)</gloss> |
7. | A 2020-06-26 00:42:25 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>year of the Wood Rat (first year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Rat (first year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)</gloss> |
6. | A 2020-06-23 07:26:27 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>year of the Wood Rat (1st year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Wood Rat (first year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-23 00:20:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Removing the tags. Not sure of the order of readings, but it's not a big deal. |
Diff: | @@ -6,2 +5,0 @@ -<ke_pri>news1</ke_pri> -<ke_pri>nf03</ke_pri> @@ -11,2 +8,0 @@ -<re_pri>news1</re_pri> -<re_pri>nf03</re_pri> |
(show/hide 4 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ heart attack ▶ myocardial infarction |
1. | A 2022-01-29 03:26:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16 @@ +<field>&med;</field> |
1. |
▶ third |
2. |
▶ tertiary |
3. |
▶ cubic (function, equation, etc.) ▶ third-order |
5. | A 2022-01-29 06:57:48 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -7,0 +8,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>3時</keb> |
4. | A 2020-09-24 01:13:53 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Aligning like that makes sense. |
3. | A* 2020-09-24 00:05:13 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Could be but I was following the format of 一次 and 二次. The first sense refers specifically to occurrences (i.e. third time). |
2. | A* 2020-09-23 20:21:10 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | should third and tertiary be the same sense? |
1. | A* 2020-09-22 21:59:33 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Comments: | Splitting into senses. |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -16,2 +17,11 @@ -<gloss>three times</gloss> -<gloss>cubic</gloss> +<gloss>third</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&adj-f;</pos> +<gloss>tertiary</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&adj-f;</pos> +<field>&math;</field> +<gloss>cubic (function, equation, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>third-order</gloss> |
1. |
▶ finishing reading |
2. |
▶ non-serialised story (e.g. in a magazine) ▶ complete story ▶ one-shot |
3. |
▶ breaks and pauses (in a sentence)
6. | A 2022-01-29 20:30:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 06:03:12 Opencooper | |
Refs: | wiktionary:読み切り |
Comments: | Common in manga contexts. |
Diff: | @@ -25,0 +26 @@ +<gloss>one-shot</gloss> |
4. | A 2018-04-15 22:57:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2018-04-15 11:27:26 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, koj |
Comments: | "complete novel" is 読み切り小説. Not "punctuation" for sense 3. Koj redirects to 句読 sense 1. |
Diff: | @@ -7,0 +8,3 @@ +<keb>読切り</keb> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> @@ -10,3 +12,0 @@ -</k_ele> -<k_ele> -<keb>読切り</keb> @@ -19 +18,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -25,2 +24,2 @@ -<gloss>non-serialised stories (e.g. in magazines)</gloss> -<gloss>complete novel</gloss> +<gloss>non-serialised story (e.g. in a magazine)</gloss> +<gloss>complete story</gloss> @@ -30 +28,0 @@ -<pos>&adj-no;</pos> @@ -32 +30 @@ -<gloss>punctuation</gloss> +<gloss>breaks and pauses (in a sentence)</gloss> |
2. | A 2012-06-29 23:08:01 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
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1. |
▶ small brazier ▶ hand-warmer |
4. | A 2022-01-29 20:31:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2022-01-29 05:46:30 Opencooper | |
Refs: | G n-grams: 手焙り 452 手あぶり 4312 |
Diff: | @@ -5 +5 @@ -<keb>手焙り</keb> +<keb>手あぶり</keb> @@ -8 +8 @@ -<keb>手あぶり</keb> +<keb>手焙り</keb> |
2. | A 2010-09-01 18:18:50 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2010-09-01 17:22:20 Scott | |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>手あぶり</keb> |
1. |
{food, cooking}
▶ meat, fish or vegetables preserved in miso ▶ preserving in miso
7. | A 2024-11-14 02:25:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 味噌漬け 178822 79.4% みそ漬け 40770 18.1% 味噌づけ 2724 1.2% みそづけ 3011 1.3% 味噌付け 4152 |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,5 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>味噌付け</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
6. | A 2022-01-30 04:20:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -20 +20 @@ -<gloss>meat, fish or vegetables preserved in miso:</gloss> +<gloss>meat, fish or vegetables preserved in miso</gloss> |
5. | A 2022-01-30 03:56:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | The JEs just have the substance. |
Diff: | @@ -19,0 +20 @@ +<gloss>meat, fish or vegetables preserved in miso:</gloss> @@ -21 +21,0 @@ -<gloss>meat, fish or vegetables preserved in miso</gloss> |
4. | A* 2022-01-30 02:02:18 | |
Refs: | daij |
Diff: | @@ -9,0 +10,3 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>味噌づけ</keb> +</k_ele> @@ -14,0 +18,3 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1527040">味噌・1</xref> +<field>&food;</field> +<gloss>preserving in miso</gloss> |
3. | A* 2022-01-30 01:37:56 | |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15 @@ -<gloss>meat or fish or vegetables preserved in miso</gloss> +<gloss>meat, fish or vegetables preserved in miso</gloss> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ passing along (in order) ▶ sending on |
4. | A 2022-01-29 12:29:53 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 順送り 12191 順送 6335 |
3. | A* 2022-01-28 06:38:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | テーブル送りの順送機を得意としておりますので 順送プレスとは? 順送り金型と呼ばれる専用の型を使い行うプレス加工の方法。順送プレス以外にも、プログレやPRGという名称もあります。複数のプレス加工における工程の凹凸がひとつの金型の中に作られており、ロール状の長いコイル材をプレス機にセットしてゆっくりと順送りすることで加工を行います。 |
Diff: | @@ -7,0 +8,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>順送</keb> +<ke_inf>&io;</ke_inf> |
2. | A 2022-01-15 13:08:44 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16,2 +16,2 @@ -<gloss>sending along</gloss> -<gloss>passing along</gloss> +<gloss>passing along (in order)</gloss> +<gloss>sending on</gloss> |
1. | A* 2022-01-14 08:44:46 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5: passing sth on (in order). |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16,2 @@ -<gloss>sending or passing along</gloss> +<gloss>sending along</gloss> +<gloss>passing along</gloss> |
1. |
▶ guess ▶ guesswork ▶ hunch |
9. | A 2024-09-27 17:02:58 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | ヤマカン 14,552 ヤマカンで 2,732 |
Comments: | Hiding ヤマ勘. |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
8. | A* 2024-09-27 10:11:30 | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12,4 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>ヤマカン</reb> +<re_nokanji/> |
7. | A 2024-09-22 23:00:52 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
6. | A* 2024-09-22 22:40:58 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | luminous, wisdom, daij 山勘 13,906 39.0% ヤマ勘 4,079 11.5% やまかん 17,632 49.5% --- 山勘で 3,409 74.9% ヤマ勘で 921 20.2% やまかんで 221 4.9% |
Comments: | I don't think it's uk. Not an adjective. |
Diff: | @@ -15,3 +15 @@ -<pos>&adj-na;</pos> -<xref type="see" seq="1302680">山・やま・6</xref> -<misc>&uk;</misc> +<gloss>guess</gloss> @@ -19 +16,0 @@ -<gloss>speculation</gloss> |
5. | A 2022-01-29 20:35:15 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | We're making them simpler. |
Diff: | @@ -12,5 +11,0 @@ -<re_restr>山勘</re_restr> -</r_ele> -<r_ele> -<reb>ヤマかん</reb> -<re_restr>ヤマ勘</re_restr> |
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1. |
▶ lunisolar calendar ▶ lunar calendar
7. | A 2022-01-29 20:41:22 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Best as the leading gloss. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<s_inf>sometimes also refers to a lunisolar calendar</s_inf> +<gloss>lunisolar calendar</gloss> |
6. | A* 2022-01-29 15:12:07 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I feel that the note isn't a note on usage but should be a gloss or a separate sense. |
5. | A 2011-02-16 23:08:15 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2011-02-16 22:50:30 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | 曆 appears to be illegal in wwwjdic: 太陰暦; 太陰(oK) 【たいいんれき】 (n) (sometimes also refers to a lunisolar calendar) (See 太陰太陽暦) lunar calendar [G][GI][S][A][W] [JW] [G][GI][S][A][W] [JW] |
Diff: | @@ -6,4 +6,0 @@ -</k_ele> -<k_ele> -<keb>太陰曆</keb> -<ke_inf>&oK;</ke_inf> |
3. | A 2010-10-25 04:31:15 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
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1. |
▶ symbolic ▶ symbolical |
1. | A 2022-01-29 15:24:21 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17 @@ +<gloss>symbolical</gloss> |
1. |
▶ Earth Snake (6th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1929, 1989, 2049)
7. | A 2022-01-29 01:39:55 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Snake (6th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1929, 1989, 2049)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Snake (6th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1929, 1989, 2049)</gloss> |
6. | A 2020-06-26 00:41:38 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Earth Snake (6th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1929, 1989, 2049)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Snake (6th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1929, 1989, 2049)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-23 07:29:47 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Earth Snake (6th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Earth Snake (6th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1929, 1989, 2049)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 04:09:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Daijr 3.0 only has きし, with つちのとみ given as a meaning. That's why I preferred it, but I'm really not fussed. |
Diff: | @@ -8 +8 @@ -<reb>きし</reb> +<reb>つちのとみ</reb> @@ -11 +11 @@ -<reb>つちのとみ</reb> +<reb>きし</reb> |
3. | A* 2020-06-23 03:12:58 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | I'm happy to align all of them either way, but I think we should decide if it's the onyomi or kunyomi that comes first for all of these. in the 甲子 entry, Rene said "pretty sure きのえね is most common (e.g. the only one that meikyo has and the one that wiki lists first) so listing it first and moving the usage tags" but on the other hand, daijs only has actual entries for かっし, and then mention こうし and きのえね in the description, e.g.: 1 干支 (えと) の一。こうし。きのえね。 daijr does have entries for all 3 (at weblio - impossible to tell now at kotobank because the recent horrible "re-design") jitsuyo only has きのえね 難読語辞典 only has こうし searching for 丙午, the one that's seen a lot of discussion because of low birth rates, everyone seems to be calling it ひのえうま and nothing else (most provide hiragana) on balance, Rene was maybe right, and if so, つちのとみ should come first here as well? |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Water Ox (50th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1913, 1973, 2033)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:45:27 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Ox (50th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1913, 1973, 2033)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Ox (50th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1913, 1973, 2033)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:21:33 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>50th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Ox (50th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1913, 1973, 2033)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:31:20 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Comments: | all the rest are going in with the japanese reading first; i see no reason to change |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>きちゅう</reb> +<reb>みずのとうし</reb> @@ -11,1 +11,1 @@ -<reb>みずのとのうし</reb> +<reb>きちゅう</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:41:19 Scott | |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +10,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>みずのとのうし</reb> +</r_ele> |
1. |
▶ Water Sheep (20th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1943, 2003, 2063)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:44:30 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Sheep (20th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1943, 2003, 2063)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Sheep (20th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1943, 2003, 2063)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:47:52 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Sheep (20th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1943, 2003, 2063)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Sheep (20th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1943, 2003, 2063)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 00:55:48 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>20th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Sheep (20th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1943, 2003, 2063)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:33:44 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>きび</reb> +<reb>みずのとひつじ</reb> @@ -11,1 +11,1 @@ -<reb>みずのとのひつじ</reb> +<reb>きび</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 14:30:26 Scott | |
Comments: | twenty is enough for now |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +10,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>みずのとのひつじ</reb> +</r_ele> |
1. |
▶ taking one's children along (to an event, into a new marriage, etc.) |
2. |
▶ parent with child |
5. | A 2024-03-23 12:17:29 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 子供連れ 358311 83.6% 子ども連れ 65991 15.4% こども連れ 4104 1.0% こどもづれ 85 0.0% |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> @@ -11,0 +13 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
4. | A 2022-01-29 20:42:30 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2022-01-29 15:34:19 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 子連れ 3056289 子供連れ 358311 子ども連れ 65991 こども連れ 4104 その一方で、厚生労働省のウェブサイト上で公開されている『子ども虐待対応の手引き』の第2章「発生予防」には、虐待が発生しうる「リスキーな家庭環境」として他の要因とともに「子ども連れの再婚家庭」があげられています。 |
Comments: | Aligning w 子連れ maybe this and 子連れ should have adj-no on sense 1? |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,6 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>子ども連れ</keb> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>こども連れ</keb> @@ -12 +18,5 @@ -<gloss>accompanied by children</gloss> +<gloss>taking one's children along (to an event, into a new marriage, etc.)</gloss> +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&n;</pos> +<gloss>parent with child</gloss> |
2. | A 2012-02-08 00:55:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | An old romaji conversion problem. |
1. | A* 2012-02-08 00:53:22 Mishel Sabbah <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Just changed the reading from こどもずれ to こどもづれ. 連れ reading is づれ and since ずれ sounds the same, I assumed it is a mistake because in all other combinations of something with 連れ the reading uses づれ. |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>こどもずれ</reb> +<reb>こどもづれ</reb> |
1. |
▶ to present one's card |
5. | A 2022-01-29 15:10:38 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 刺を通ずる No matches 刺を通じる No matches |
Comments: | I don't think that note is needed in an already obsc entry. |
Diff: | @@ -14 +13,0 @@ -<s_inf>also 刺を通じる</s_inf> |
4. | A 2010-11-24 09:13:55 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I'll add a note about 刺を通じる. |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +14,1 @@ +<s_inf>also 刺を通じる</s_inf> |
3. | A* 2010-11-24 02:39:45 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | i'm sure there's nothing wrong with that version, but this is the one that all the kokugos have |
Diff: | @@ -5,1 +5,1 @@ -<keb>刺を通じる</keb> +<keb>刺を通ずる</keb> @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>しをつうじる</reb> +<reb>しをつうずる</reb> @@ -12,1 +12,2 @@ -<pos>&v1;</pos> +<pos>&vz;</pos> +<misc>&obsc;</misc> |
2. | A* 2010-11-23 17:01:53 Scott | |
Comments: | It's in gg5, but it has a mere 47 googits |
1. | A 2010-11-23 05:04:26 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Added additional PoS via batch update.Added additional PoS via batch update. -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +12,1 @@ +<pos>&v1;</pos> |
1. |
▶ Metal Boar (48th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1911, 1971, 2031)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:49:02 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<gloss>Metal Boar (48th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1911, 1971, 2031)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Boar (48th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1911, 1971, 2031)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 02:03:45 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | since I went with "year of the Boar" |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<gloss>Metal Pig (48th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1911, 1971, 2031)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Boar (48th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1911, 1971, 2031)</gloss> |
2. | A 2020-06-26 01:34:21 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支・1</xref> |
1. | A 2020-06-26 01:20:06 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>48th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Pig (48th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1911, 1971, 2031)</gloss> |
1. |
▶ Fire Boar (24th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1947, 2007, 2067)
5. | A 2022-06-15 15:11:15 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | jitsuyo |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9,3 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>ひのとい</reb> |
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:48:19 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<gloss>Fire Boar (24th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1947, 2007, 2067)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Boar (24th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1947, 2007, 2067)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 02:03:37 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | since I went with "year of the Boar" |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<gloss>Fire Pig (24th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1947, 2007, 2067)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Boar (24th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1947, 2007, 2067)</gloss> |
2. | A 2020-06-26 01:34:33 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支・1</xref> |
1. | A 2020-06-26 01:00:03 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>24th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Pig (24th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1947, 2007, 2067)</gloss> |
1. |
▶ Fire Rooster (34th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1957, 2017, 2077)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:48:09 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Rooster (34th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1957, 2017, 2077)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Rooster (34th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1957, 2017, 2077)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 01:56:04 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Rooster (34th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 2057, 2017, 2077)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Rooster (34th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1957, 2017, 2077)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:08:14 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16,2 +16 @@ -<gloss>34th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> -<gloss>thirty-fourth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Rooster (34th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 2057, 2017, 2077)</gloss> |
3. | A 2010-07-25 16:59:55 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 16:58:53 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>ひのとのとり</reb> +<reb>ひのととり</reb> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Earth Dragon (5th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1928, 1988, 2048)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:40:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Dragon (5th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1928, 1988, 2048)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Dragon (5th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1928, 1988, 2048)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 00:41:47 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Earth Dragon (5th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1928, 1988, 2048)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Dragon (5th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1928, 1988, 2048)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 07:29:09 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Earth Dragon (fifth year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Earth Dragon (5th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1928, 1988, 2048)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-23 05:52:05 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2020-06-22 08:03:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijs wiki |
Comments: | Hm. Rene placed these kunyomi before onyomi in Scott's submissions, but is it really right? Wikipedia does the same thing. But of course even today we speak of the boshin war (1868), not the tsuchinoetatsu war. |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +7,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>つちのえたつ</reb> +</r_ele> |
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1. |
▶ Earth Dog (35th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1958, 2018, 2078)
3. | A 2022-01-29 01:50:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<gloss>Earth Dog (35th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1958, 2018, 2078)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Dog (35th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1958, 2018, 2078)</gloss> |
2. | A 2020-06-26 01:34:48 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支・1</xref> |
1. | A 2020-06-26 01:09:02 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>35th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Dog (35th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1958, 2018, 2078)</gloss> |
1. |
{food, cooking}
▶ horse-meat sashimi ▶ basashi
6. | A 2022-01-29 14:58:43 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17 @@ +<field>&food;</field> |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 06:20:16 Opencooper | |
Refs: | * * * |
Diff: | @@ -17,0 +18 @@ +<gloss>basashi</gloss> |
4. | A 2011-04-20 12:22:36 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2011-04-20 10:55:29 Nils Roland Barth <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Link to general meat term |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +16,2 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1298490">桜肉</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="1298490">桜肉</xref> |
2. | A 2011-01-27 11:35:36 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ home environment ▶ family environment |
4. | A 2022-01-30 12:15:52 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think "one's" adds anything. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +11,0 @@ -<gloss>(one's) family environment</gloss> @@ -13,0 +13 @@ +<gloss>family environment</gloss> |
3. | A 2022-01-29 20:43:36 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2022-01-29 15:31:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>Uone's) family environment</gloss> +<gloss>(one's) family environment</gloss> |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 15:30:49 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>one's family (home) background (environment)</gloss> +<gloss>Uone's) family environment</gloss> +<gloss>home environment</gloss> |
1. |
▶ step-parent |
7. | R 2022-01-29 16:30:42 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | dupe |
6. | A* 2022-01-29 14:57:42 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | "継親" "ままおや" 6 googits "継親" "けいしん" 2 googits (1 false hit) |
Comments: | Maybe it's ebtter if ままおや leads for now. |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +7,6 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>まま親</keb> +</k_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>ままおや</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -9,3 +15 @@ -</r_ele> -<r_ele> -<reb>ままおや</reb> +<re_restr>継親</re_restr> |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 13:57:09 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 継親 669 まま親 2410 |
Comments: | Judging from the ngrams alone, it appears that ままおや is the more common reading. But it's hard to draw conclusions from these relatively low counts. |
4. | A* 2022-01-29 01:36:28 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | This was the documentary. The main voice over said けいしん. At least 2 people in different interviews also pronounced it like this. From this, it seems けいしん is the main reading today, but this isn't yet reflected in the kokugos. We're more agile than them so I think けいしん should lead. |
3. | A* 2022-01-28 20:16:44 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Given that almost all the references only have ままおや, I think it should lead. |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ step-parent |
7. | A 2022-02-02 00:21:38 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I agree. |
6. | A* 2022-01-29 14:57:43 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | "継親" "ままおや" 6 googits "継親" "けいしん" 2 googits (1 false hit) |
Comments: | Maybe it's ebtter if ままおや leads for now. |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +7,6 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>まま親</keb> +</k_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>ままおや</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -9,3 +15 @@ -</r_ele> -<r_ele> -<reb>ままおや</reb> +<re_restr>継親</re_restr> |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 13:57:09 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 継親 669 まま親 2410 |
Comments: | Judging from the ngrams alone, it appears that ままおや is the more common reading. But it's hard to draw conclusions from these relatively low counts. |
4. | A* 2022-01-29 01:36:28 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | This was the documentary. The main voice over said けいしん. At least 2 people in different interviews also pronounced it like this. From this, it seems けいしん is the main reading today, but this isn't yet reflected in the kokugos. We're more agile than them so I think けいしん should lead. |
3. | A* 2022-01-28 20:16:44 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Given that almost all the references only have ままおや, I think it should lead. |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to appear on the stage ▶ to be in the limelight |
2. | A 2022-01-29 02:02:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&id;</misc> |
1. | A 2010-11-23 05:04:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Added additional PoS via batch update.Added additional PoS via batch update. -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +12,1 @@ +<pos>&v1;</pos> |
1. |
▶ to put on the brakes |
2. |
▶ to put a stop to |
7. | A 2022-01-29 20:44:32 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
6. | A* 2022-01-29 02:02:35 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15,6 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&exp;</pos> +<pos>&v1;</pos> +<misc>&uk;</misc> +<misc>&id;</misc> |
5. | A 2015-09-17 22:44:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2015-09-17 17:05:10 | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&uk;</misc> |
3. | A 2010-08-20 10:52:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to warm the bench ▶ to stay on the bench (as a substitute) |
9. | A 2022-01-31 13:17:45 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Indeed. And it's helpful to know when the same idiom is used in both English and Japanese. The kokugos have this as an entry. |
8. | A 2022-01-31 05:56:32 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | We don't usually exclude idiomatic expressions or sayings based on them being obvious to an English speaker (or straightforward translations of an English expression) |
7. | A* 2022-01-31 04:46:26 Nicolas Maia | |
Comments: | Isn't this idiom a little too obvious? You could say the same in English and people would immediately understand it. |
6. | A 2022-01-31 00:22:27 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I wouldn't say it's joc. |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13,2 @@ -<misc>&joc;</misc> +<field>&sports;</field> +<misc>&id;</misc> @@ -15 +16 @@ -<gloss>to stay on the bench during a sports match</gloss> +<gloss>to stay on the bench (as a substitute)</gloss> |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 02:03:22 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | [sports]? |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&joc;</misc> |
(show/hide 4 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ cardiac ward ▶ cardiology ward ▶ cardiovascular clinic
3. | A 2022-01-29 21:31:56 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2022-01-29 03:26:16 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5循環器科 |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,3 @@ -<gloss>cardiology</gloss> +<gloss>cardiac ward</gloss> +<gloss>cardiology ward</gloss> +<gloss>cardiovascular clinic</gloss> |
1. | A 2005-03-05 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ backfire (of a spell, curse, etc.) |
8. | A 2022-01-29 20:02:05 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Looks good. |
7. | A* 2022-01-28 20:43:31 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Comments: | I think the context here is "magic". This term is used by people who believe in the occult. Pretty sure it should be "backfire", not "backlash". |
Diff: | @@ -12,2 +12 @@ -<misc>&col;</misc> -<gloss>backlash from using magic (e.g. in a game)</gloss> +<gloss>backfire (of a spell, curse, etc.)</gloss> |
6. | A* 2022-01-27 01:09:52 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | It needs context. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12,2 @@ -<gloss>backlash from using magic</gloss> +<misc>&col;</misc> +<gloss>backlash from using magic (e.g. in a game)</gloss> |
5. | A* 2022-01-20 13:37:58 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't see the point of having magic iquote marks, it's confusing |
Diff: | @@ -12,2 +12 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1681860">陰陽師</xref> -<gloss>backlash (after use of 'magic')</gloss> +<gloss>backlash from using magic</gloss> |
4. | A 2018-12-04 23:23:50 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ nutmeg |
5. | A 2022-01-29 20:12:22 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2022-01-29 08:05:32 Opencooper | |
Refs: | meikyo; daijs ナツメグ 83996 ナツメッグ 4068 ナッツメッグ 81 |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>ナツメッグ</reb> |
3. | A 2012-01-17 07:45:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2012-01-17 06:39:38 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | merge |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +6,3 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>ナッツメッグ</reb> |
1. | A 2005-12-22 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
《dialectal in contemporary Japanese》 ▶ I ▶ me |
13. | A 2024-10-18 06:13:21 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Maybe we can live without it. I was doing Stephen's list of entries in the other dictionaries we don't have ordered by ngrams frequency, 俺が came high up precisely because "おれが" I'm guessing. |
Diff: | @@ -26,7 +25,0 @@ -</sense> -<sense> -<pos>&adj-f;</pos> -<misc>&col;</misc> -<misc>&uk;</misc> -<s_inf>as 俺が..., e.g. 俺が国</s_inf> -<gloss>my (local pride)</gloss> |
12. | A* 2024-10-18 00:40:05 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | See deleted 2862674. Not sure it really works. |
Diff: | @@ -25,0 +26,7 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&adj-f;</pos> +<misc>&col;</misc> +<misc>&uk;</misc> +<s_inf>as 俺が..., e.g. 俺が国</s_inf> +<gloss>my (local pride)</gloss> |
11. | A 2022-02-10 00:27:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
10. | A* 2022-02-09 19:51:09 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |日本語の一人称代名詞#おら(俺ら) meikyo: 現代では方言的 |
Comments: | This is still used in certain dialects. I don't think we need rK tags on an archaic/dialectal entry like this. |
Diff: | @@ -9 +8,0 @@ -<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> @@ -13 +11,0 @@ -<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> @@ -23,2 +20,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1576870">俺</xref> -<misc>&uk;</misc> @@ -26,0 +23 @@ +<s_inf>dialectal in contemporary Japanese</s_inf> |
9. | A 2022-02-08 05:36:23 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | 199 sentences indexed to 俺. I think I've locked them to the おれ reading. |
(show/hide 8 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ pimp ▶ brothel tout |
5. | A 2022-02-08 05:26:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2022-01-29 15:12:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,5 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>牛</keb> +<ke_inf>&ateji;</ke_inf> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> @@ -11,0 +17 @@ +<re_restr>妓夫</re_restr> @@ -15 +20,0 @@ -<s_inf>ぎゅう is also written with the ateji 牛</s_inf> |
3. | A 2010-09-01 04:51:49 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I suspect it's not common. |
2. | A* 2010-09-01 00:45:33 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, daijr, daijs |
Comments: | wrong kanji. the 牛 could pass as a headword, but it's probably better as a note is this modern japanese? i'm not up on my whoring terminology |
Diff: | @@ -5,1 +5,1 @@ -<keb>妓女</keb> +<keb>妓夫</keb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<s_inf>ぎゅう is also written with the ateji 牛</s_inf> |
1. | A 2006-06-04 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ first in, first out ▶ FIFO |
6. | A 2022-01-30 03:50:57 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 15:08:52 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Better? |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13 @@ -<s_inf>also in accounting</s_inf> +<field>&bus;</field> |
4. | A 2015-05-15 23:23:08 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | リーダーズ+プラス says it's in accounting too. Mostly computing though, I think. |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<s_inf>also in accounting</s_inf> |
3. | A* 2015-05-15 07:54:03 | |
Comments: | hm, not quite sure after all. eij says this is used for the accounting sense as well. 先入れ先出し法 → 先入先出法 |
2. | A* 2015-05-15 07:52:02 | |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<field>∁</field> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to visit repeatedly (to make a request) |
2. |
▶ to walk back and forth in front of a shrine, praying a hundred times |
7. | A 2023-10-01 12:21:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9 @@ +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
6. | A 2022-02-02 10:28:05 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2022-01-31 15:03:49 Opencooper | |
Refs: | prog; chuujiten |
Comments: | This is in the JEs/meikyo/shinmeikai, so removing the obsolete tag. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +15,0 @@ -<misc>&obs;</misc> @@ -17,0 +17,5 @@ +</sense> +<sense> +<pos>&exp;</pos> +<pos>&v5m;</pos> +<gloss>to walk back and forth in front of a shrine, praying a hundred times</gloss> |
4. | A 2022-01-30 03:45:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Probably |
3. | A* 2022-01-29 01:56:58 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Is this the intended meaning? |
Diff: | @@ -17 +17 @@ -<gloss>to visit repeatedly (to request)</gloss> +<gloss>to visit repeatedly (to make a request)</gloss> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ flapping (of a flag, fan, etc.) ▶ fluttering ▶ whack-whack (e.g. beating dust out of a rug) ▶ whap-whap |
2. |
▶ pitter-patter (of footsteps) |
3. |
▶ quickly (making progress) ▶ in quick succession |
5. | A 2022-02-01 08:35:01 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2022-01-29 05:51:53 Opencooper | |
Refs: | G n-grams: ぱたぱた 81469 パタパタ 242444 ぱたぱたと 17155 パタパタと 58376 ぱたぱた歩く 129 パタパタ歩く 284 |
Diff: | @@ -5 +5 @@ -<reb>ぱたぱた</reb> +<reb>パタパタ</reb> @@ -8 +8 @@ -<reb>パタパタ</reb> +<reb>ぱたぱた</reb> |
3. | A 2017-11-23 06:38:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2017-11-11 23:36:26 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, prog, daij |
Comments: | Expanding. |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +7,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>パタパタ</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -8,0 +12 @@ +<pos>&adv-to;</pos> @@ -11 +15,4 @@ -<gloss>flap (sound of something light and thin such as a fan moving through the air)</gloss> +<gloss>flapping (of a flag, fan, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>fluttering</gloss> +<gloss>whack-whack (e.g. beating dust out of a rug)</gloss> +<gloss>whap-whap</gloss> @@ -15,2 +22,3 @@ -<pos>&vs;</pos> -<gloss>pitter-patter (sound of light footsteps)</gloss> +<pos>&adv-to;</pos> +<misc>&on-mim;</misc> +<gloss>pitter-patter (of footsteps)</gloss> @@ -20,2 +28,4 @@ -<pos>&vs;</pos> -<gloss>dealing with a situation quickly</gloss> +<pos>&adv-to;</pos> +<misc>&on-mim;</misc> +<gloss>quickly (making progress)</gloss> +<gloss>in quick succession</gloss> |
1. | A 2006-12-21 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ acrylic plate ▶ acrylic board |
2. | A 2022-01-29 03:34:24 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | reverso |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<gloss>acrylic board</gloss> |
1. | A 2007-03-28 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ to inject with a syringe |
3. | A 2022-02-01 08:40:29 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2022-01-29 02:08:33 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>to inject</gloss> +<gloss>to inject with a syringe</gloss> |
1. | A 2007-03-28 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ ground beetle ▶ carabid (esp. of subfamily Carabinae) |
2. |
▶ millipede |
2. | A 2022-01-29 03:58:02 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 歩行虫 398 筬虫 27 おさ虫 188 オサ虫 192 おさむし 2139 オサムシ 20030 |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9 @@ +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> @@ -11,0 +13,4 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>オサムシ</reb> +<re_nokanji/> |
1. | A 2007-05-06 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ ground beetle ▶ carabid (esp. of superfamily Caraboidea, but excluding subfamily Carabinae) |
2. |
▶ Anisodactylus signatus (species of ground beetle) |
2. | A 2022-01-29 03:57:02 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki ゴミ虫 6690 ゴミムシ 7144 塵虫 105 (mentioned in wiki) 芥虫 43 (mentioned in wiki) 芥虫 43 塵芥虫 No matches 歩行虫 398 ごみむし 10124 ごみ虫 358 |
Diff: | @@ -3,0 +4,3 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>ゴミ虫</keb> +</k_ele> @@ -8 +11 @@ -<keb>塵芥虫</keb> +<keb>歩行虫</keb> @@ -11 +14,2 @@ -<keb>歩行虫</keb> +<keb>塵芥虫</keb> +<ke_inf>&rK;</ke_inf> |
1. | A 2007-05-06 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ phi |
7. | A 2022-02-01 23:44:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Not sure that sense is needed, but anyway now we'd do it as a separate entry, so I'll split it off. |
Diff: | @@ -22,6 +21,0 @@ -</sense> -<sense> -<pos>&pref;</pos> -<pos>&suf;</pos> -<s_inf>confusion with ⌀ (ø), properly prefix read まる, also pronounced パイ</s_inf> -<gloss>diameter (units assumed, esp. mm)</gloss> |
6. | A* 2022-01-29 15:04:34 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | i don't understand the note. |
5. | A 2012-10-26 10:47:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | ϕ and ⌀ are being deleted as they are not JIS. The note looks a bit odd in WWWJDIC, but it's not a problem. |
4. | A 2012-10-21 08:29:25 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I suspect much of this will not get into EDICt2 (and hence WWWJDIC) as it has non-JIS characters. I'll come back to it if needs be. |
3. | A* 2012-10-21 07:08:05 Nils Roland Barth <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Add “ø” (Scandinavian letter) for clarity, as it has much wider font support. |
Diff: | @@ -26,1 +26,1 @@ -<s_inf>confusion with ⌀, properly prefix read まる, also pronounced パイ</s_inf> +<s_inf>confusion with ⌀ (ø), properly prefix read まる, also pronounced パイ</s_inf> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
《with neg. sentence》 ▶ (with just a) small amount ▶ a bit ▶ only a little
7. | A 2022-02-03 11:16:51 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
6. | A* 2022-02-03 02:17:28 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijs, koj, chujiten, gg5 |
Comments: | It's almost always 〜で or 〜の. |
Diff: | @@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ -<pos>&n;</pos> -<s_inf>usu. negated</s_inf> -<gloss>(not) merely</gloss> -<gloss>(not) simply</gloss> +<pos>&adv;</pos> +<s_inf>with neg. sentence</s_inf> +<gloss>(with just a) small amount</gloss> +<gloss>a bit</gloss> +<gloss>only a little</gloss> |
5. | A 2022-01-29 20:07:59 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2022-01-29 16:14:45 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | ちょっとやそっと 86089 一寸やそっと 368 kanji not needed |
Diff: | @@ -4,3 +3,0 @@ -<k_ele> -<keb>一寸やそっと</keb> -</k_ele> @@ -12,2 +9 @@ -<misc>&uk;</misc> -<s_inf>followed by a word in negative form</s_inf> +<s_inf>usu. negated</s_inf> |
3. | A 2018-01-12 05:38:39 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | safe to self-approve a change like this, i think |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to throw in the towel |
2. | A 2022-01-29 01:59:55 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&id;</misc> |
1. | A 2007-12-20 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ Metal Rooster (58th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1921, 1981, 2041)
9. | A 2022-01-29 01:44:56 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Rooster (58th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1921, 1981, 2041)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rooster (58th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1921, 1981, 2041)</gloss> |
8. | A 2020-06-26 01:51:56 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | oops. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Rooster (58th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1922, 1982, 2042)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rooster (58th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1921, 1981, 2041)</gloss> |
7. | A 2020-06-26 01:27:10 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -8 +8 @@ -<reb>しんゆう</reb> +<reb>かのととり</reb> @@ -11 +11 @@ -<reb>かのととり</reb> +<reb>しんゆう</reb> @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Rooster (58th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rooster (58th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1922, 1982, 2042)</gloss> |
6. | A 2020-06-26 00:42:44 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Metal Rooster (58th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rooster (58th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-17 09:10:27 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK. Let's go with that. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>58th year of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Metal Rooster (58th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
(show/hide 4 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ GNU (project, operating system, etc.) |
7. | A 2022-01-30 12:20:39 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>GNU (computer OS, project, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>GNU (project, operating system, etc.)</gloss> |
6. | A 2022-01-29 15:01:15 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>ニュー</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -16 +18,0 @@ -<s_inf>also ニュー</s_inf> |
5. | A 2015-06-10 05:07:31 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think it's OK here. |
4. | A* 2015-05-31 10:01:57 | |
Comments: | -> enamdict |
3. | A 2015-02-02 09:41:34 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | i think it makes more sense without |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to dismiss a dialog box |
6. | D 2022-01-29 01:59:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Seems the intention was to delete? |
5. | A 2010-08-04 23:39:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
4. | D* 2010-08-04 07:10:37 Paul Blay <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | How about a compromise - Delete from jmdict and I'll use it in an example. |
3. | D* 2010-08-04 01:05:00 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | i get 341 real hits, and it's a basic construction. delete? |
2. | A* 2010-08-03 21:24:28 Scott | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +12,1 @@ +<pos>&v1;</pos> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to poison ▶ to drug
3. | A 2022-01-29 11:14:22 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
2. | A* 2022-01-29 02:12:14 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijs 毒薬を調合する。 毒薬を飲ませる。 |
Diff: | @@ -13 +13,2 @@ -<gloss>to drug (someone, food, drink)</gloss> +<gloss>to poison</gloss> +<gloss>to drug</gloss> |
1. | A 2008-08-08 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ merchant's home
2. |
▶ rented home
3. |
《orig. meaning; also written as 棚》 ▶ store ▶ shop
4. | A 2022-01-29 15:14:21 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -24 +24 @@ -<s_inf>orig. meaning, also written as 棚</s_inf> +<s_inf>orig. meaning; also written as 棚</s_inf> |
3. | A 2012-07-10 02:03:06 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -13,1 +13,0 @@ -<misc>&abbr;</misc> @@ -23,1 +22,2 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2254810">店棚・2</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2254810">見世棚・2</xref> +<misc>&abbr;</misc> |
2. | A 2012-07-10 02:00:06 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,1 +12,1 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2409240">御店</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2409240">御店・1</xref> @@ -18,1 +18,1 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1440700">店子</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2409240">御店・2</xref> @@ -23,1 +23,1 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2254810">店棚</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2254810">店棚・2</xref> |
1. | A 2008-09-23 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ as a child ▶ when one was a child |
3. | A 2022-01-29 16:18:28 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 最近、『うちの息子の小さい頃の話を書いたら、今のお母さんたちの助けになるのでは?』と思い... |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17 @@ +<pos>&n;</pos> |
2. | A 2019-04-07 18:27:41 Johan Råde <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 小さい頃 1637729 小さいころ 257939 ちいさいころ 8110 |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6 @@ +<ke_pri>spec1</ke_pri> @@ -11,0 +13 @@ +<re_pri>spec1</re_pri> |
1. | A 2008-11-21 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ (department of) psychosomatic medicine |
3. | A 2022-01-30 12:31:46 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 |
Diff: | @@ -12,2 +12 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2450500">心身医学</xref> -<gloss>psychosomatic medicine</gloss> +<gloss>(department of) psychosomatic medicine</gloss> |
2. | A* 2022-01-29 15:55:22 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | should this be glossed as xx department; xx clinic; xx ward? |
1. | A 2010-04-27 00:00:00 | |
Comments: | Entry created |
1. |
▶ Earth Tiger (15th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1938, 1998, 2058)
8. | A 2022-01-29 01:51:43 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Tiger (15th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1938, 1998, 2058)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Tiger (15th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1938, 1998, 2058)</gloss> |
7. | A 2021-05-16 08:12:30 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I double-checked the 59 other entries and found no other duplicates. |
6. | A 2021-05-16 01:24:43 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | My bad. |
5. | A* 2021-05-15 21:22:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | It's been pointed out that in the Wikipedia page this is Earth, not Fire. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Tiger (15th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1938, 1998, 2058)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Tiger (15th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1938, 1998, 2058)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 00:39:45 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Fire Tiger (15th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1938, 1998, 2058)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Tiger (15th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1938, 1998, 2058)</gloss> |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Wood Horse (31st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1954, 2014, 2074)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:46:21 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Wood Horse (31st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1954, 2014, 2074)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Horse (31st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1954, 2014, 2074)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 02:00:19 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | oops. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Wood Horse (31st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1954, 2014, 2064)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Horse (31st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1954, 2014, 2074)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:05:11 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>31st of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Horse (31st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1954, 2014, 2064)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:27:56 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 14:16:10 Scott | |
Refs: |干支 |
1. |
▶ Wood Ox (2nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1925, 1985, 2045)
7. | A 2022-01-29 01:41:25 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Ox (2nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1925, 1985, 2045)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Ox (2nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1925, 1985, 2045)</gloss> |
6. | A 2020-06-26 00:42:14 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>year of the Wood Ox (2nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1925, 1985, 2045)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Ox (2nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1925, 1985, 2045)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-23 07:27:10 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>year of the Wood Ox (2nd year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Wood Ox (2nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1925, 1985, 2045)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-22 06:08:06 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Aligning |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>second of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Wood Ox (2nd year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
3. | A 2010-07-26 15:14:33 Paul Blay <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |乙丑 |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Fire Tiger (3rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1926, 1986, 2046)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:41:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Tiger (3rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1926, 1986, 2046)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Tiger (3rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1926, 1986, 2046)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 00:42:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Fire Tiger (3rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1926, 1986, 2046)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Tiger (3rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1926, 1986, 2046)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 07:27:43 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Fire Tiger (3rd year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Fire Tiger (3rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1926, 1986, 2046)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-22 06:08:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>third of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Fire Tiger (3rd year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:01:05 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Fire Rabbit (4th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1927, 1987, 2047)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:40:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Rabbit (4th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1927, 1987, 2047)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Rabbit (4th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1927, 1987, 2047)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 00:41:55 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Fire Rabbit (4th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1927, 1987, 2047)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Rabbit (4th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1927, 1987, 2047)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 07:28:31 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Fire Rabbit (4th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Fire Rabbit (4th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1927, 1987, 2047)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-22 06:09:29 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>fourth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Fire Rabbit (4th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 16:55:46 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki, koj |
Comments: | incorrect reading. fwiw, all of these recent sexagenary submissions have the more common reading last |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>ひのとのう</reb> +<reb>ひのとう</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Metal Horse (7th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1930, 1990, 2050)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:39:45 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Horse (7th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1930, 1990, 2050)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Horse (7th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1930, 1990, 2050)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 00:41:28 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Metal Horse (7th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1930, 1990, 2050)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Horse (7th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1930, 1990, 2050)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 07:30:22 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Metal Horse (7th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Metal Horse (7th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1930, 1990, 2050)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-22 06:14:00 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>seventh of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Metal Horse (7th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:21:48 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Metal Sheep (8th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1931, 1991, 2051)
7. | A 2022-01-29 01:39:35 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Sheep (8th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1931, 1991, 2051)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Sheep (8th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1931, 1991, 2051)</gloss> |
6. | A 2020-06-26 00:41:19 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Metal Sheep (8th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1931, 1991, 2051)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Sheep (8th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1931, 1991, 2051)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-23 07:30:53 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Metal Sheep (8th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Metal Sheep (8th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1931, 1991, 2051)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 05:52:27 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2020-06-22 06:17:57 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | "year of the sheep" is 2-4x more common than goat/ram in the google books' ngrams sheep gets the most googits for "year of the metal x" also |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>eighth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Metal Sheep (8th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Water Monkey (9th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1932, 1992, 2052)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:39:25 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Monkey (9th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1932, 1992, 2052)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Monkey (9th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1932, 1992, 2052)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 00:41:07 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Water Monkey (9th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1932, 1992, 2052)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Monkey (9th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1932, 1992, 2052)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 07:32:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Water Monkey (9th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Water Monkey (9th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1932, 1992, 2052)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-22 06:18:27 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>ninth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Water Monkey (9th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:15:51 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Water Rooster (10th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1933, 1993, 2053)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:39:14 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Rooster (10th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1933, 1993, 2053)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rooster (10th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1933, 1993, 2053)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 00:40:56 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Water Rooster (10th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1933, 1993, 2053)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rooster (10th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1933, 1993, 2053)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 07:32:44 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Water Rooster (10th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Water Rooster (10th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1933, 1993, 2053)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-22 06:19:44 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | lots more googits than "year of the water cock" |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>tenth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Water Rooster (10th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:34:21 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>みずのとのとり</reb> +<reb>みずのととり</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Wood Dog (11th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1934, 1994, 2054)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:39:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Wood Dog (11th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1934, 1994, 2054)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Dog (11th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1934, 1994, 2054)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 00:40:48 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Wood Dog (11th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1934, 1994, 2054)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Dog (11th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1934, 1994, 2054)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-23 07:33:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Wood Dog (11th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Wood Dog (11th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1934, 1994, 2054)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-22 06:20:36 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 4x more googits for "year of the Wood Dog" vs "year of the Wooden Dog" |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>eleventh of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Wood Dog (11th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:28:43 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Wood Boar (12th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)
8. | A 2022-01-29 01:49:42 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Boar (12th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Boar (12th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)</gloss> |
7. | A 2020-06-26 02:04:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | since I went with "year of the Boar" |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Pig (12th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Boar (12th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)</gloss> |
6. | A 2020-06-26 00:40:40 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>year of the Wood Pig (12th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Pig (12th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-23 07:33:39 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>year of the Wood Pig (12th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Wood Pig (12th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1935, 1995, 2055)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-22 06:21:00 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>twelfth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Wood Pig (12th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Fire Rat (13th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1936, 1996, 2056)
10. | A 2022-01-29 01:41:39 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Rat (13th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1936, 1996, 2056)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Rat (13th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1936, 1996, 2056)</gloss> |
9. | A 2020-06-26 00:42:34 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Fire Rat (13th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1936, 1996, 2056)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Rat (13th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1936, 1996, 2056)</gloss> |
8. | A 2020-06-23 06:50:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Sorry, I forgot to say. I like "year of the Fire Rat (13th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1936, 1996, 2056)". |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Fire Rat (13th year of the sexagenary cycle)</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Fire Rat (13th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1936, 1996, 2056)</gloss> |
7. | A* 2020-06-23 06:31:37 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Sorry, fine as-is? Or fine to mention the actual years? |
6. | A 2020-06-23 05:48:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think that's fine. |
(show/hide 5 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Fire Ox (14th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1937, 1997, 2057)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:50:55 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Ox (14th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1937, 1997, 2057)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Ox (14th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1937, 1997, 2057)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 00:39:28 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Fire Ox (14th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1937, 1997, 2057)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Ox (14th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1937, 1997, 2057)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-23 07:34:40 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>fourteenth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Fire Ox (14th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1937, 1997, 2057)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 16:52:19 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 14:27:39 Scott |
1. |
▶ Earth Rabbit (16th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1939, 1999, 2059)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:51:06 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Rabbit (16th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1939, 1999, 2059)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Rabbit (16th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1939, 1999, 2059)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 00:40:03 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Earth Rabbit (16th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1939, 1999, 2059)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Rabbit (16th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1939, 1999, 2059)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-23 07:36:42 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>sixteenth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Earth Rabbit (16th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1939, 1999, 2059)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:20:17 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>つちのとのう</reb> +<reb>つちのとう</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 14:28:08 Scott |
1. |
▶ Metal Dragon (17th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1940, 2000, 2060)
7. | A 2022-01-29 01:50:45 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Dragon (17th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1940, 2000, 2060)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Dragon (17th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1940, 2000, 2060)</gloss> |
6. | A 2020-06-26 00:38:54 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK, I'll align the rest with this one. |
5. | A* 2020-06-23 23:31:38 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | How about this style? |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>(year of the) Metal Dragon (17th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1940, 2000, 2060)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Dragon (17th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1940, 2000, 2060)</gloss> |
4. | A* 2020-06-23 07:41:06 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 丙午に生まれた 55 丙午の年に生まれた 94 |
Comments: | hold on. Maybe "year of the..." should only be in brackets? |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>year of the Metal Dragon (17th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1940, 2000, 2060)</gloss> +<gloss>(year of the) Metal Dragon (17th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1940, 2000, 2060)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-23 07:37:37 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>seventeenth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>year of the Metal Dragon (17th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1940, 2000, 2060)</gloss> |
(show/hide 2 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Metal Snake (18th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1941, 2001, 2061)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:41:49 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Snake (18th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1941, 2001, 2061)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Snake (18th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1941, 2001, 2061)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 00:54:45 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>eighteenth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Snake (18th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1941, 2001, 2061)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:36:53 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>かのとのみ</reb> +<reb>かのとみ</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 14:29:12 Scott |
1. |
▶ Water Horse (19th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1942, 2002, 2062)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:41:58 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Horse (19th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1942, 2002, 2062)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Horse (19th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1942, 2002, 2062)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 00:55:17 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>nineteenth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Horse (19th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1942, 2002, 2062)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:13:44 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 14:29:47 Scott |
1. |
▶ Wood Monkey (21st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1944, 2004, 2064)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:42:07 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Wood Monkey (21st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1944, 2004, 2064)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Monkey (21st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1944, 2004, 2064)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 00:56:28 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>twenty-first of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Monkey (21st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1944, 2004, 2064)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:29:52 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>こうしん</reb> +<reb>きのえさる</reb> @@ -11,1 +11,1 @@ -<reb>きのえさる</reb> +<reb>こうしん</reb> @@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>twenty first of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>twenty-first of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:06:31 Scott |
1. |
▶ Wood Rooster (22nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1945, 2005, 2065)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:42:15 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Rooster (22nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1945, 2005, 2065)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Rooster (22nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1945, 2005, 2065)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 00:57:18 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>twenty-second of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Rooster (22nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1945, 2005, 2065)</gloss> |
3. | A 2010-07-26 17:35:34 Paul Blay <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |乙酉 |
2. | A* 2010-07-25 17:10:18 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, wiki |
Comments: | おつゆう from koj's えと page |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>きのとのとり</reb> +<reb>きのととり</reb> @@ -13,0 +13,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>おつゆう</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -15,1 +18,2 @@ -<gloss>twenty second of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>twenty-second of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:06:59 Scott |
1. |
▶ Fire Dog (23rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1946, 2006, 2066)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:42:27 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Dog (23rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1946, 2006, 2066)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Dog (23rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1946, 2006, 2066)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 00:57:52 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>twenty-third of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Dog (23rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1946, 2006, 2066)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:01:46 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>twenty third of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>twenty-third of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:07:23 Scott |
1. |
▶ Earth Rat (25th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1948, 2008, 2068)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:42:35 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Rat (25th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1948, 2008, 2068)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Rat (25th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1948, 2008, 2068)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 01:00:38 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>twenty-fifth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Rat (25th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1948, 2008, 2068)</gloss> |
4. | A 2010-07-26 01:22:16 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | perhaps. |
3. | A* 2010-07-25 19:02:12 Scott | |
Comments: | Ideally, they should probably have both glosses. |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:25:04 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Comments: | you should try to be consistent as to which ones you're writing as digits and which ones you're spelling out |
Diff: | @@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>twenty fifth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>twenty-fifth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Earth Ox (26th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1949, 2009, 2069)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:42:43 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Ox (26th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1949, 2009, 2069)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Ox (26th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1949, 2009, 2069)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:01:18 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>twenty-sixth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Ox (26th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1949, 2009, 2069)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:18:21 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>つちのとのうし</reb> +<reb>つちのとうし</reb> @@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>twenty sixth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>twenty-sixth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:08:14 Scott |
1. |
▶ Metal Tiger (27th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1950, 2010, 2070)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:42:52 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Tiger (27th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1950, 2010, 2070)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Tiger (27th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1950, 2010, 2070)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:02:21 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>twenty-seventh of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Tiger (27th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1950, 2010, 2070)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:22:10 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>twenty seventh of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>twenty-seventh of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:08:46 Scott |
1. |
▶ Metal Rabbit (28th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1951, 2011, 2071)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:45:09 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Rabbit (28th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1951, 2011, 2071)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rabbit (28th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1951, 2011, 2071)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:53:32 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | oops. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Rabbit (28th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1941, 2011, 2071)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rabbit (28th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1951, 2011, 2071)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:03:02 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>twenty-eighth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rabbit (28th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1941, 2011, 2071)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:36:23 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>かのとのう</reb> +<reb>かのとう</reb> @@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>twenty eight of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>twenty-eighth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:09:11 Scott |
1. |
▶ Water Dragon (29th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1952, 2012, 2072)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:45:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Dragon (29th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1952, 2012, 2072)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Dragon (29th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1952, 2012, 2072)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 01:54:03 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Oops. |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Dragon (29th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1942, 2012, 2072)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Dragon (29th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1952, 2012, 2072)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:47:44 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Dragon (29th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1942, 2012, 2072)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Dragon (29th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1942, 2012, 2072)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:03:39 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>twenty-ninth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Dragon (29th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1942, 2012, 2072)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:16:31 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>twenty ninth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>twenty-ninth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Water Snake (30th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1953, 2013, 2073)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:43:03 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Snake (30th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1953, 2013, 2073)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Snake (30th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1953, 2013, 2073)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:04:26 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>thirtieth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Snake (30th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1953, 2013, 2073)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:33:02 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>みずのとのみ</reb> +<reb>みずのとみ</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:10:26 Scott |
1. |
▶ Wood Sheep (32nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1955, 2015, 2075)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:46:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Sheep (32nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1955, 2015, 2075)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Sheep (32nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1955, 2015, 2075)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 01:55:20 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Oops. |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Sheep (32nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 2055, 2015, 2075)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Sheep (32nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1955, 2015, 2075)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:06:19 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>thirty-second of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Sheep (32nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 2055, 2015, 2075)</gloss> |
3. | A 2010-07-26 17:34:27 Paul Blay <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |乙未 |
2. | A* 2010-07-25 17:09:24 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, wiki |
Comments: | おつび from koj's えと page |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>きのとのひつじ</reb> +<reb>きのとひつじ</reb> @@ -13,0 +13,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>おつび</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -15,0 +18,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Fire Monkey (33rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1956, 2016, 2076)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:43:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Monkey (33rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1956, 2016, 2076)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Monkey (33rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1956, 2016, 2076)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:07:07 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>thirty-third of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Monkey (33rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1956, 2016, 2076)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:02:31 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:11:46 Scott |
1. |
▶ Earth Boar (36th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1959, 2019, 2079)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:47:22 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Boar (36th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1959, 2019, 2079)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Boar (36th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1959, 2019, 2079)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 02:03:28 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | since I went with "year of the Boar" |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Pig (36th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1959, 2019, 2079)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Boar (36th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1959, 2019, 2079)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:56:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Pig (36th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 2059, 2019, 2079)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Pig (36th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1959, 2019, 2079)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:09:50 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>thirty-sixth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Pig (36th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 2059, 2019, 2079)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:19:09 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>つちのとのい</reb> +<reb>つちのとい</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Metal Ox (38th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1961, 2021, 2081)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:43:55 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Ox (38th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1961, 2021, 2081)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Ox (38th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1961, 2021, 2081)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:47:34 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Ox (38th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1961, 2021, 2081)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Ox (38th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1961, 2021, 2081)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:11:22 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>thirty-eighth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Ox (38th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1961, 2021, 2081)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:35:42 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>かのとのうし</reb> +<reb>かのとうし</reb> @@ -15,1 +15,2 @@ -<gloss>thirty-eight of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> +<gloss>thirty-eighth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:34:39 Scott |
1. |
▶ Water Tiger (39th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1962, 2022, 2082)
5. | A 2023-11-12 06:29:35 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | 2 examplEs from the past, 1 present/future, was my thinking. Now, 2022 is in the past |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Tiger (39th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1902, 1962, 2022)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Tiger (39th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1962, 2022, 2082)</gloss> |
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:44:11 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Tiger (39th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1902, 1962, 2022)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Tiger (39th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1902, 1962, 2022)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:13:20 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | switching back to "2 past years, 1 future years" (made exceptions for 2020 and 2021) |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>thirty-ninth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Tiger (39th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1902, 1962, 2022)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:14:56 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:35:30 Scott |
1. |
▶ Water Rabbit (40th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1963, 2023, 2083)
6. | A 2024-11-15 23:35:00 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | 3 in total, one in the future |
Diff: | @@ -17 +17 @@ -<gloss>Water Rabbit (40th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1903, 1963, 2023)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rabbit (40th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1963, 2023, 2083)</gloss> |
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:45:18 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Rabbit (40th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1903, 1963, 2023)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rabbit (40th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1903, 1963, 2023)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:14:15 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Rabbit (40th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1903, 1963, 2023)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rabbit (40th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1903, 1963, 2023)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:13:57 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>fortieth of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rabbit (40th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1903, 1963, 2023)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:32:24 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>みずのとのう</reb> +<reb>みずのとう</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Wood Dragon (41st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1964, 2024, 2084)
5. | A 2024-11-15 23:34:38 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | 3 in total, one in the future |
Diff: | @@ -17 +17 @@ -<gloss>Wood Dragon (41st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1904, 1964, 2024)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Dragon (41st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1964, 2024, 2084)</gloss> |
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:45:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Wood Dragon (41st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1904, 1964, 2024)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Dragon (41st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1904, 1964, 2024)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:14:57 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>41st of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Dragon (41st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1904, 1964, 2024)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:30:19 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:37:53 Scott |
1. |
▶ Wood Snake (42nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1905, 1965, 2025)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:44:39 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Snake (42nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1905, 1965, 2025)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Snake (42nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1905, 1965, 2025)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 01:48:12 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Snake (42nd of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1905, 1965, 2025)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Snake (42nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1905, 1965, 2025)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:15:24 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>42nd of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Snake (42nd of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1905, 1965, 2025)</gloss> |
3. | A 2010-07-26 17:33:58 Paul Blay <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |乙巳 |
2. | A* 2010-07-25 17:08:37 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, wiki |
Comments: | おっし from wiki's 干支 page |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>きのとのみ</reb> +<reb>きのとみ</reb> @@ -13,0 +13,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>おっし</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -15,0 +18,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Fire Sheep (44th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1907, 1967, 2027)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:47:32 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Sheep (44th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1907, 1967, 2027)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Sheep (44th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1907, 1967, 2027)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:17:12 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>44th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Sheep (44th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1907, 1967, 2027)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 16:57:51 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>ひのとのひつじ</reb> +<reb>ひのとひつじ</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:38:51 Scott |
1. |
▶ Earth Monkey (45th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1908, 1968, 2028)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:48:40 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Monkey (45th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1908, 1968, 2028)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Monkey (45th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1908, 1968, 2028)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:17:47 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>45th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Monkey (45th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1908, 1968, 2028)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:27:21 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:39:24 Scott |
1. |
▶ Earth Rooster (46th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1909, 1969, 2029)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:43:22 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Rooster (46th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1909, 1969, 2029)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Rooster (46th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1909, 1969, 2029)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 01:18:44 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>46th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Rooster (46th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1909, 1969, 2029)</gloss> |
4. | A 2010-07-25 23:56:19 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | 'corrected' readings come from the actual wikipedia articles for each of the individual entries, kojien's table in its えと entry, and (when they exist) the alternate readings in kokugo dictionaries for the individual entries. as well as plain old consistency... you could throw の in between the readings of any of these kanji, like つちのと[の]とり. but there's no reason to include the の for only ~some~ of the entries |
3. | A* 2010-07-25 18:01:18 Scott | |
Refs: | All of these wrong readings come from the table on this page:干支 Your corrected meaning matches:己酉 Sadly, this one is not in either koj or daij. Do you have another source for these readings? (I must say that they do seem to be good) |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:21:22 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>つちのとのとり</reb> +<reb>つちのととり</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Metal Dog (47th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1910, 1970, 2030)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:44:19 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Dog (47th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1910, 1970, 2030)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Dog (47th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1910, 1970, 2030)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:19:34 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Dog (47th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1910, 1970, 2030)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Dog (47th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1910, 1970, 2030)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:19:16 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>47th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Dog (47th of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1910, 1970, 2030)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:22:29 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:40:10 Scott |
1. |
▶ Water Rat (49th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1912, 1972, 2032)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:49:33 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Rat (49th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1912, 1972, 2032)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rat (49th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1912, 1972, 2032)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:59:12 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Rat (49th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1912, 1972, 2032</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rat (49th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1912, 1972, 2032)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:20:41 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>49th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Rat (49th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1912, 1972, 2032</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:14:17 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:40:36 Scott |
1. |
▶ Wood Tiger (51st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1914, 1974, 2034)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:46:00 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Wood Tiger (51st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1914, 1974, 2034)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Tiger (51st term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1914, 1974, 2034)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:22:02 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>51st of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Tiger (51st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1914, 1974, 2034)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:28:16 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:41:47 Scott |
1. |
▶ Wood Rabbit (52nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1915, 1975, 2035)
6. | A 2022-01-29 01:46:30 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>Wood Rabbit (52nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1915, 1975, 2035)</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Rabbit (52nd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1915, 1975, 2035)</gloss> |
5. | A 2020-06-26 01:22:43 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>52nd of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Wood Rabbit (52nd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1915, 1975, 2035)</gloss> |
4. | A 2010-07-26 17:33:05 Paul Blay <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |乙卯 |
3. | A* 2010-07-25 17:08:09 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -18,0 +18,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
2. | A* 2010-07-25 17:07:14 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki, koj |
Comments: | おつぼう from koj's えと page |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>きのとのう</reb> +<reb>きのとう</reb> @@ -12,0 +12,3 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>おつぼう</reb> |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ Fire Dragon (53rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1916, 1976, 2036)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:47:50 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Dragon (53rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1916, 1976, 2036)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Dragon (53rd term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1916, 1976, 2036)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:23:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>53rd of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Dragon (53rd year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1916, 1976, 2036)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:02:59 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:42:43 Scott |
1. |
▶ Fire Snake (54th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1917, 1977, 2037)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:43:32 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Fire Snake (54th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1917, 1977, 2037)</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Snake (54th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1917, 1977, 2037)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:47:09 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>54th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Fire Snake (54th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1917, 1977, 2037)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 16:56:47 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Comments: | incorrect reading |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>ひのとのみ</reb> +<reb>ひのとみ</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:43:14 Scott |
1. |
▶ Earth Horse (55th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1918, 1978, 2038)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:48:50 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Horse (55th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1918, 1978, 2038)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Horse (55th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1918, 1978, 2038)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:24:18 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>55th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Horse (55th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1918, 1978, 2038)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:24:10 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:43:38 Scott |
1. |
▶ Earth Sheep (56th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1919, 1979, 2039)
4. | A 2022-01-29 01:49:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Earth Sheep (56th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1919, 1979, 2039)</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Sheep (56th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1919, 1979, 2039)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:24:48 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>56th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Earth Sheep (56th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1919, 1979, 2039)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:20:47 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>つちのとのひつじ</reb> +<reb>つちのとひつじ</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:44:04 Scott |
1. |
▶ Water Dog (59th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1922, 1982, 2042)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:50:05 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Dog (59th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1922, 1982, 2042)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Dog (59th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1922, 1982, 2042)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 02:28:04 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16,2 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Dog (59th year of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> -<gloss>e.g. 1922, 1982, 2042)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Dog (59th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1922, 1982, 2042)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:30:48 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16,2 @@ -<gloss>59th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Dog (59th year of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>e.g. 1922, 1982, 2042)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:15:23 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:44:44 Scott |
1. |
▶ Water Boar (60th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1923, 1983, 2043)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:49:23 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Boar (60th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1923, 1983, 2043)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Boar (60th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1923, 1983, 2043)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 02:03:57 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Water Pig (60th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1923, 1983, 2043)</gloss> +<gloss>Water Boar (60th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1923, 1983, 2043)</gloss> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:31:38 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>60th of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Water Pig (60th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1923, 1983, 2043)</gloss> |
2. | A 2010-07-25 17:31:51 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | wiki |
Diff: | @@ -8,1 +8,1 @@ -<reb>みずのとのい</reb> +<reb>みずのとい</reb> @@ -15,0 +15,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支</xref> |
1. | A* 2010-07-25 15:45:25 Scott | |
Comments: | It seems that I was feeling enthusiastic enough to enter all of them |
1. |
▶ to ensconce oneself (e.g. in a chair) ▶ to settle oneself down ▶ to plant oneself
3. | A 2022-01-29 02:04:29 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16 @@ +<misc>&id;</misc> |
2. | A 2010-09-21 08:53:23 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | koj, daij, meikyo |
Diff: | @@ -6,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>御輿を据える</keb> |
1. | A* 2010-09-21 05:25:21 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, Eijiro |
1. |
▶ firstborn ▶ first child ▶ eldest child |
3. | A 2022-01-29 02:41:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -3,0 +4,3 @@ +<k_ele> +<keb>第1子</keb> +</k_ele> |
2. | A 2011-03-09 22:14:35 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5, Eijiro |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +12,2 @@ +<gloss>firstborn</gloss> +<gloss>first child</gloss> |
1. | A* 2011-03-09 12:27:51 Nils Roland Barth <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | Used in TV program currently watching; reading is in anthy’s dictionary. |
1. |
《pun on 馬勝った, which is ateji for うまかった》 ▶ (that was) delicious
6. | A 2022-01-30 12:20:57 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 02:23:04 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -11 +11 @@ -<pos>&exp;</pos> +<pos>∫</pos> @@ -19 +19 @@ -<gloss>that was delicious</gloss> +<gloss>(that was) delicious</gloss> |
4. | A 2012-05-27 23:19:53 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2012-05-27 21:04:53 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +12,1 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1310460">うまい・2</xref> @@ -13,0 +14,1 @@ +<s_inf>pun on 馬勝った, which is ateji for うまかった</s_inf> |
2. | A* 2012-05-27 10:54:04 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |地口 |
Comments: | Better if it said in a note "pun on ...". |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ web hosting service ▶ hosting server |
5. | A 2022-01-29 12:35:54 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Diff: | @@ -18 +18,2 @@ -<gloss>WWW hosting service</gloss> +<field>∁</field> +<gloss>web hosting service</gloss> |
4. | A 2013-05-11 11:00:37 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update.Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update. -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -13,0 +13,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>ホスティング・サーバ</reb> +</r_ele> |
3. | A 2013-05-11 11:00:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update.Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update. -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +10,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>ホスティング・サーバー</reb> +</r_ele> |
2. | A 2012-09-13 22:23:20 Paul Upchurch <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 57k hits |
Diff: | @@ -4,0 +4,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>ホスティングサーバー</reb> +</r_ele> |
1. | A* 2012-09-12 13:51:06 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |ホスティングサーバ |
Comments: | Not quite wasei. 39k hits. |
1. |
Source lang:
eng "rental server"
▶ web hosting service
6. | A 2022-01-29 12:34:13 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
Comments: | I don't think "rental server" is used with this meaning. |
Diff: | @@ -19,2 +19,2 @@ -<gloss>WWW hosting service</gloss> -<gloss>rental server</gloss> +<lsource xml:lang="eng">rental server</lsource> +<gloss>web hosting service</gloss> |
5. | A* 2022-01-28 11:34:38 | |
Diff: | @@ -17,0 +18 @@ +<field>∁</field> |
4. | A 2013-05-11 11:57:30 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update.Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update. -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -13,0 +13,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>レンタル・サーバ</reb> +</r_ele> |
3. | A 2013-05-11 11:57:28 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update.Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update. -*- via -*- |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +10,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>レンタル・サーバー</reb> +</r_ele> |
2. | A 2012-09-13 22:22:17 Paul Upchurch <...address hidden...> | |
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1. |
▶ female principal ▶ headmistress |
4. | A 2022-01-30 10:49:24 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
3. | A* 2022-01-29 23:39:01 koolerpanda <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | This was missing the other term which was principal just like for 校長. |
Diff: | @@ -11,0 +12 @@ +<gloss>female principal</gloss> |
2. | A 2013-01-28 22:22:12 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I see the JWN ref is actually: Jpn: 女校長の地位; Eng: the position of headmistress; |
1. | A* 2013-01-28 02:50:17 winnie <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | |
1. |
▶ to draw a line (between) ▶ to make a distinction (between) ▶ to distinguish (between) |
8. | A 2022-01-29 02:13:12 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&id;</misc> |
7. | A 2020-12-18 20:24:42 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
6. | A* 2020-12-16 11:22:21 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | "vs-i" is used for expressions with the regular する verb, such as in お開きにする. "vs-s" is for the Kする verbs such as 令する. The inflection patterns are different in some cases. 画する is one of the latter. |
5. | A* 2020-12-16 05:19:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | what's the difference between vs-s and vs-i? |
4. | A 2020-01-03 01:00:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 3 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to run one's eye over (e.g. to check if it's OK) ▶ to glance over ▶ to skim through
14. | D 2022-01-30 12:21:29 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | 100% |
13. | D* 2022-01-29 02:10:25 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 一応目を通す 795 一応食べる 1230 |
Comments: | I still feel quite strongly this should be deleted. |
12. | A 2019-04-21 20:04:49 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | this has been sitting for weeks. closing |
11. | A* 2019-04-05 02:15:26 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr's definition of 目を通す is : "一通り見る。ざっと見る。" 一通り見る 5718 ざっと見る 9284 both those expressions 1) are more common than "一応目を通す" 2) would be more helpful as entries as the adv actually significantly affects the verb 3) should still in my opinion not be entries because they are simple adv+verb constructions where neither the adverb or the verb behave differently from what you'd normally expect. |
10. | A* 2019-04-05 02:00:32 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | "to run one's eye over (e.g. to check if it's OK) " is an OK gloss for the "目を通す" entry itself, as are the other glosses, but 一応 has no particular place in any of them. |
(show/hide 9 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ to cross the Rubicon ▶ to pass a point of no return |
3. | A 2022-01-29 02:05:13 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&id;</misc> |
2. | A 2017-02-04 22:39:26 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2017-02-04 21:32:58 Johan Råde <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | G n-grams: ルビコン川を渡っ 1287 ルビコン川を渡る 925 ルビコン川を渡り 309 |
1. |
▶ to help a long-term employee to establish a branch of the same shop |
4. | A 2022-01-29 02:40:12 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 暖簾を分ける 89 のれんを分ける 486 |
Diff: | @@ -5 +5 @@ -<keb>暖簾を分ける</keb> +<keb>のれんを分ける</keb> @@ -8 +8 @@ -<keb>のれんを分ける</keb> +<keb>暖簾を分ける</keb> |
3. | A 2022-01-29 01:53:39 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -15,0 +16 @@ +<misc>&id;</misc> |
2. | A 2018-05-07 06:40:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2018-05-06 14:09:56 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij, koj |
1. |
▶ SSS rank (esp. in video games)
9. | A 2023-03-12 00:55:04 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | It's probably not well represented in writing as "SSS" is the dominant form. |
8. | A* 2023-03-10 05:25:52 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I see that トリプルエス gets very few WWW hits, and none seem to be associated with this meaning. |
Diff: | @@ -8 +8 @@ -<reb>エスエスエス</reb> +<reb>エス・エス・エス</reb> @@ -11,0 +12,4 @@ +</r_ele> +<r_ele> +<reb>エスエスエス</reb> +<re_inf>&sk;</re_inf> |
7. | A 2022-02-01 06:31:29 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | エスエスエス 67 トリプルエス 241 |
Comments: | Much the same as the "also read トリプルエス" put in a few months ago. On balance, I think it should be searchable. BTW, テレビ was already searchable which makes it a bit different. |
6. | A* 2022-01-30 22:13:03 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I'm not sure トリプルエス can be considered a "reading" of "SSS". There was a similar discussion about adding "テレビ" as a reading to the "TV" entry and the decision was to leave it as a note. |
5. | A* 2022-01-29 15:03:01 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | the "also read" note is maybe unavoidable on SS, since it's the last sense in a multi-sense entry, but I'm not seeing the point of putting that reading in a note here? |
Diff: | @@ -9,0 +10,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>トリプルエス</reb> +</r_ele> @@ -13 +15,0 @@ -<s_inf>also read トリプルエス</s_inf> |
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1. |
▶ Metal Rat (37th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1960, 2020, 2080)
5. | A 2022-01-29 01:50:26 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | year→term |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16 @@ -<gloss>Metal Rat (37th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1960, 2020, 2080)</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rat (37th term of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1960, 2020, 2080)</gloss> |
4. | A 2020-06-26 01:36:40 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -14,0 +15 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1650120">干支・1</xref> |
3. | A 2020-06-26 01:10:53 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -15 +15 @@ -<gloss>thirty-seventh of the sexagenary cycle</gloss> +<gloss>Metal Rat (37th year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1960, 2020, 2080)</gloss> |
2. | A 2019-04-02 03:15:17 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | for some reason i thought i added all these... |
Diff: | @@ -9,0 +10,3 @@ +<r_ele> +<reb>こうし</reb> +</r_ele> |
1. | A* 2019-04-01 02:58:44 Nicolas Maia <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: |庚子 |
1. |
▶ being tired of dealing with (or worrying over) the COVID-19 pandemic ▶ pandemic fatigue |
12. | A 2022-01-29 07:20:47 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 内閣府が行った意識調査(*)によるとコロナ疲れを感じると回答した人が7割を超えるとのことです。 ... 内閣府によるとコロナ疲れの定義はなく、外出時にマスクをつけることや、外出自粛を続けること、飲食店の時短営業による不便さを我慢することなどが想定されるといいます。 |
11. | A 2021-07-23 06:39:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK #2 |
10. | A* 2021-07-23 06:31:53 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | "By “pandemic fatigue,” Dr. Nestadt is referring to the exhaustion you may be feeling after months of spending extra time and energy dealing with our new pandemic lifestyle and all the struggles it’s brought on." |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<gloss>pandemic fatigue</gloss> |
9. | A 2021-05-13 06:05:09 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OK |
8. | A* 2021-05-13 05:58:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | " COVID-related fatigue" refers to post-corona fatigue while the Japanese actually just refers to being tired with dealing with the pandemic. |
Diff: | @@ -12 +11,0 @@ -<gloss>COVID-related fatigue</gloss> |
(show/hide 7 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ COVID-19 pandemic ▶ coronavirus crisis ▶ COVID-19 crisis
10. | A 2022-02-02 02:49:49 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
9. | A* 2022-01-29 07:26:15 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think this is probably the best translation, actually? If not the most literal. The pandemic is the crisis. |
Diff: | @@ -13,0 +14 @@ +<gloss>COVID-19 pandemic</gloss> |
8. | A 2022-01-07 00:47:30 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6 @@ +<ke_pri>spec1</ke_pri> @@ -8,0 +10 @@ +<re_pri>spec1</re_pri> |
7. | A* 2022-01-06 10:18:27 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | google news search for コロナ禍 set to "order by recency"... |
Comments: | Can we mark this spec1 or spec2? I mean at this stage... |
6. | A 2021-11-19 19:19:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 5 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ main party (of the night) ▶ first party
3. | A 2022-01-29 06:58:52 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>1次会</keb> |
2. | A 2020-08-18 00:03:29 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | KOD追加語彙 |
1. | A* 2020-08-17 18:39:32 | |
Refs: |一次会 |
1. |
▶ to be partly responsible for ▶ to have a part in ▶ to play a role in |
4. | A 2022-01-29 02:12:45 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<misc>&id;</misc> |
3. | A 2020-08-22 21:30:56 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5: 一端を担う be in partial charge 《of…》; have partial responsibility 《for…》; be responsible [have responsibility] for part 《of…》 |
Comments: | Lexicographers often say that pos determination is the hardest part of the job. |
2. | A* 2020-08-22 09:17:12 Opencooper | |
Comments: | PoS is hard. |
Diff: | @@ -10,0 +11 @@ +<pos>&exp;</pos> @@ -12 +12,0 @@ -<pos>&vt;</pos> |
1. | A* 2020-08-22 07:57:53 Opencooper | |
Refs: | daijs:一端を担う/ 一端を担う 21202 |
1. |
▶ to face the wrong way ▶ to go in the wrong direction
5. | A 2022-01-30 22:07:42 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
4. | A* 2022-01-29 05:00:44 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | More commonly as あさっての方向 あさっての方を 1676 あさっての方向を 6073 |
3. | A 2022-01-29 01:54:57 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -19 +19,2 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="1584640">明後日・あさって・2</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="1584640">明後日・2</xref> +<misc>&id;</misc> |
2. | A 2021-07-16 22:52:45 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Possibly useful to flag it's not the common meaning of あさって. |
Diff: | @@ -18,0 +19 @@ +<xref type="see" seq="1584640">明後日・あさって・2</xref> |
1. | A* 2021-07-16 22:44:28 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daijr, meikyo, chujiten あさっての方を向いて 722 明後日の方を向いて 466 あさってのほうを向いて 165 |
1. |
▶ stepparent-stepchild relationship ▶ stepparent and stepchild |
2. | A 2022-01-29 12:29:22 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | daij, koj |
1. | A* 2022-01-28 20:15:00 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 |
1. |
▶ medical resources ▶ health resources |
3. | A 2022-01-30 07:07:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 医学英和辞典 |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13 @@ +<gloss>health resources</gloss> |
2. | A* 2022-01-29 08:19:37 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | (wadoku) |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 02:52:38 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 医療資源 11591 ...限られた医療資源をリスクの高い方へ重点的に提供したいと考えております。医療資源 46 examples |
1. |
▶ caring for oneself (at home; e.g. after testing positive for COVID-19) |
3. | A 2022-02-07 10:10:04 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Diff: | @@ -12 +12 @@ -<gloss>caring for oneself (in one's home; e.g. after testing positive for COVID-19)</gloss> +<gloss>caring for oneself (at home; e.g. after testing positive for COVID-19)</gloss> |
2. | A 2022-02-06 10:18:27 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 02:54:40 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 症状が軽く、重症化リスクの低い人は「自主療養」とする自治体も出始め、オミクロン株を主流とする「第6波」での闘いは転換期を迎えている。 受診せずに自宅で「自主療養」始まる 神奈川県 新型コロナ 自主療養について 感染された方は「自主療養」を選べます ... そこで、重症化リスクの低い方で抗原検査キットや無料検査で陽性が判明した場合は、医療機関の診断を待たずに自ら療養を始められるよう、「自主療養」をお選び頂けることとしました。 |
1. |
▶ strengthening of a partnership (esp. between nations) ▶ reinforcing a collaborative relationship |
2. | A 2022-02-06 20:38:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 02:57:44 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 連携強化 289489 (!) jitsuyo 日英両政府はジョンソン英首相が2月中旬に来日し、岸田文雄首相との首脳会談を実施する方向で最終調整に入った。...インド太平洋地域で台頭する中国をにらみ安全保障面で連携強化を図る。 |
1. |
▶ joint exercise ▶ joint training |
2. | A 2022-01-30 12:23:19 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 02:59:20 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 共同訓練 20489 jitsuyo 自衛隊と英国軍部隊の共同訓練などに関する「円滑化協定」の早期締結に向けた交渉も加速する。共同訓練 89 results |
1. |
▶ patient with a serious illness ▶ patient with a severe condition ▶ critically ill patient |
2. | A 2022-01-30 12:27:11 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | reverso |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13,2 @@ +<gloss>patient with a severe condition</gloss> +<gloss>critically ill patient</gloss> |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 03:02:06 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 重症患者 40287 gg5 英裕雄院長は「以前は20~40代の重症患者が圧倒的に多かったが... |
1. |
▶ telephone counselling ▶ telephone consultation |
2. | A 2022-01-30 12:27:28 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 03:03:45 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 eij 在宅医療専門の「ひなた在宅クリニック山王」(品川区)では、デルタ株が流行した昨夏の「第5波」ピーク時、1カ月間で約700人のコロナ患者を往診した。現在は電話相談が増えているが軽症例が多く、田代和馬院長は「往診はほとんどゼロだ」と語る。 |
1. |
▶ to rage (of a storm, flu, etc.) ▶ to be on a rampage ▶ to be rampant ▶ to wreak havoc
6. | A 2024-01-01 18:55:56 Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 猛威を〈振(る)/奮/揮/ふる〉う Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーーー─┬────────┬───────╮ │ 猛威を振るう │ 18,905 │ 65.8% │ │ 猛威をふるう │ 7,336 │ 25.5% │ │ 猛威を奮う │ 2,115 │ 7.4% │ │ 猛威を振う │ 226 │ 0.8% │ - add, sK │ 猛威を揮う │ 144 │ 0.5% │ - add, sK ├─ーーーーーー─┼────────┼───────┤ │ 猛威を振るっ │ 46,961 │ 59.5% │ │ 猛威をふるっ │ 25,350 │ 32.1% │ │ 猛威を奮っ │ 5,742 │ 7.3% │ │ 猛威を振っ │ 406 │ 0.5% │ │ 猛威を揮っ │ 465 │ 0.6% │ ╰─ーーーーーー─┴────────┴───────╯ |
Diff: | @@ -12,0 +13,8 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>猛威を振う</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>猛威を揮う</keb> +<ke_inf>&sK;</ke_inf> |
5. | A* 2024-01-01 18:37:55 penname01 | |
Refs: | Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーーー─┬────────┬───────╮ │ 猛威を振るう │ 18,905 │ 66.7% │ │ 猛威をふるう │ 7,336 │ 25.9% │ │ 猛威を奮う │ 2,115 │ 7.5% │ ╰─ーーーーーー─┴────────┴───────╯ |
Diff: | @@ -8,0 +9,4 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>猛威を奮う</keb> +<ke_inf>&iK;</ke_inf> |
4. | A 2023-11-19 00:54:44 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5, luminous |
Comments: | Nothing wrong with "rage". |
Diff: | @@ -16 +16,3 @@ -<gloss>to be on a rampage (of a storm, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>to rage (of a storm, flu, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>to be on a rampage</gloss> +<gloss>to be rampant</gloss> |
3. | A* 2023-11-17 17:56:22 | |
Refs: | gg5 Google N-gram Corpus Counts ╭─ーーーーーー─┬────────┬───────╮ │ 猛威を振るう │ 18,905 │ 72.0% │ │ 猛威をふるう │ 7,336 │ 28.0% │ ╰─ーーーーーー─┴────────┴───────╯ |
Diff: | @@ -5,0 +6,3 @@ +</k_ele> +<k_ele> +<keb>猛威をふるう</keb> @@ -13 +16 @@ -<gloss>to rage (of a storm, etc.)</gloss> +<gloss>to be on a rampage (of a storm, etc.)</gloss> |
2. | A 2022-02-02 03:10:58 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
(show/hide 1 older log entries) |
1. |
▶ subject (at school) ▶ course |
2. | A 2022-01-30 12:28:09 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5: 全履修科目で優秀な成績をあげる do exceedingly well in all the subjects studied. |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 03:15:55 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | gg5 has it ( but no definition) 必履修科目 4613 履修科目 34911 「履修」は何と読むのですか。どういう意味ですか? 「りしゅう」と読みます。「履修」とは、大学などにおいて、単位を修得するために必要な科目を学ぶことです。 毎年度の初めにその年度に学ぶ科目(=履修科目)を選択し、登録します(=履修登録という)。 reverso |
1. |
▶ related death ▶ death indirectly caused (by an accident, disease, etc.) |
2. | A 2022-02-06 22:31:15 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 03:20:37 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 関連死 5383 直接死 1229 災害関連死 205 震災関連死 372 関連死の予防.Ver9 関連死の発生機序とその予防 中越地震の関連死の特徴 季節性インフルエンザの致死率は関連死を含めて0.1%、直接死は0.03%程度ですから、オミクロン株の死亡リスクが低いとはいえません。 reverso (35 results)関連死 |
1. |
▶ direct death ▶ death directly caused by an accident, disease, etc. |
2. | A 2022-02-03 04:57:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 03:23:42 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 関連死 5383 直接死 1229 災害関連死 205 震災関連死 372 |
Comments: | I put n-suf on 関連死, not sure it applies here, google results seem to indicate it doesn't, at least not to the same extent 関連死 does |
1. |
▶ COVID-19 patient |
4. | D 2022-12-22 17:11:19 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Oops. |
3. | A 2022-01-30 14:28:24 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Ok, you're probably right. |
2. | A* 2022-01-30 11:48:58 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think it's needed. I think we're going a bit overboard with the Covid-related terms. |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 03:24:42 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | また、コロナ患者で医療機関が手いっぱいになり、... |
Comments: | A+B but...? |
1. |
▶ urgency ▶ emergency |
2. | A 2022-02-01 08:41:47 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2022-01-29 03:28:20 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 緊急性 112103 ...脳卒中や心筋梗塞などの緊急性のある患者が犠牲になっているといいます。緊急性 |