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1. |
《usu. followed by 育てる》 ▶ single-handedly (usu. of a male raising children) ▶ on one's own ▶ as a single father
2. | A 2024-02-01 06:30:33 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Matching styles. |
Diff: | @@ -16,0 +17,2 @@ +<gloss>single-handedly (usu. of a male raising children)</gloss> +<gloss>on one's own</gloss> @@ -18,2 +19,0 @@ -<gloss>single-handedly</gloss> -<gloss>on one's own (usu. of a male raising children)</gloss> |
1. | A* 2024-01-24 20:12:40 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 男手 28454 (31% this structure, vs 75% for women) 男手が 7888 男手一つ 4898 男手ひとつ 4071 男手の 1510 男手は 1469 男手が必要 1229 男手一つ 4898 男手一つで 4771 男手一つで育て 1564 男手一つで自分を 352 男手一つで育てられ 270 男手一つで娘 237 |
Comments: | Most comments at parallel proposal for 女手ひとつで Not as common for men as for women (either in absolute terms, or as a percentage of the base noun 男手/女手), but this particular structure is still principally about parenting. Search google news (or anything else) and you'll get lots of confirmation: "男手一つ" As an example, here was the first news headline that came up: 喜界島、双子バッテリー「勝ちたかった」全力2時間7分、亡き母に感謝 男手一つ父感慨/鹿児島 How to make sense of that... what's a 男手一つ父? (answer = single father after mom died). (男手一つ父 = 0 ngrams) Even more abbreviated: 【巨人】門脇誠の父寿光さん、猛打&1号に感激 3歳から男手一つ「365日あっという間でした」 3歳から男手一つ = (single father since his son was 3) "で" seems not strictly necessary, but it seems to me more like "男手一つで" is the original structure ("男手一つで育てえる") and the expression is so common that で can sometimes be omitted to make a noun. But a [n] entry of 男手一つ for "single father" seems like it would have more problems to me... |