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jmdict 2859994 Active (id: 2290379)
1. [exp,vs-i]
《usu. in the negative》
▶ to budge
▶ to move even slightly
▶ to move even an inch
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2128140 だに 1. even


4. A 2024-01-28 10:58:13  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Thanks. I should have noticed that.
3. A* 2024-01-28 09:53:17  Fryderyk Mazurek <...address hidden...>
Fixed reading.
@@ -8 +8 @@
2. A 2024-01-27 11:07:34  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
GG5 and 中辞典 examples.
Worth having.
@@ -11,0 +12 @@
1. A* 2024-01-24 14:49:22  Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
微動	159952	  
微動だ	85505	<--- fully half the time used with this structure.  Very large absolute # of ngrams
微動だに	83666	  
微動だにしない	37577	  <-- しない
微動だにせず	25451	  <---  or せず
微動だにしなかった 6949 <--- or なかった	  
微動の	6857	  
微動だにしません	6747	<-- or しません
微動が	4355	  
微動を	4309

微動だに	88725	56.1% <--- 微動 is the most common use of だに, even though 予想 is *way* more common.
予想だに	58941	37.2%
一顧だに	10597	6.7%

予想	19922234  99.1%  <--- 0.2 % だに
微動	159974	0.8%       <-- 50%+ だに collocation
一顧	13587	0.1%だにしない
budge not an inch [a millimeter]
not move an inch
not move at all
not stir an inch
be perfectly [absolutely, completely, entirely, totally] motionless
perfectly [absolutely, completely, totally, entirely, fully] still

be utterly unmoved by

stand completely still all the time

lie absolutely still
I don't think this is a case of "better as an example sentence", but I know there may be disagreement. 

sankoku gives this as the sole example for 微動: [-だにしない].  It is also the first of two examples for the だに entry(the other is [思うだに悲しい], which is rare and has 0 ngrams).  I saw this in a "sword in the stone" description.  Many heroes tried to remove the sword, but it never even budged.

I think "to budge" is a great gloss, but it would be weird to try and stick it as noun into the main 微動 entry("budging"?) *and* there would still be no clue there as to the importance of だに.

If you search eijiro for だにせず, there are 6 collocations, 5 of them are with 微動.  If you search だにしない, you'll also see 予想だに and 一顧だに.  But this noun is perhaps the most-common common use of だに, which I'd never seen before this.

微動だにする with a [note] avoids the alternative of separate (or no) entries for: 
... and some other neg forms I found:
微動だにすることなく	184
微動だにできない	556	  
微動だにできず	256	  
微動だにできなかった	235	 

but I would rather see an entry with any of those than no entry at all.

It looks like だに, which we mark (and kokugos mark) as [form/lit] is perhaps not actually either of those in this fixed expression.  I'm going to pitch an xref here from だに.  I would also suggest one from 微動 itself, as this is fully 50% of uses.

Modeled a bit after 釈然とする and 飽きもせず entries.  Maybe wishful thinking to propose this, but I believe this is useful on several levels.

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