5. |
A 2023-04-04 00:10:55 Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Diff: |
@@ -17 +16,0 @@
-<gloss>center align</gloss> |
4. |
A 2023-04-03 23:59:43 Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
[comp] dropped from other -揃え entries. |
Diff: |
@@ -16 +15,0 @@
-<field>∁</field> |
3. |
A 2023-04-03 12:37:25 Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Diff: |
@@ -15 +15 @@
-<xref type="see" seq="2374810">中央揃え・ちゅうおうぞろえ</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="2374810">中央揃え</xref> |
2. |
A 2023-04-02 23:55:16 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
Noun. |
Diff: |
@@ -20 +20 @@
-<gloss>center justify</gloss>
+<gloss>center justification</gloss> |
1. |
A* 2023-04-02 07:49:45 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
Google image result is self-evident.
中央揃え 25389
センター揃え 1096
センターリング 11378 #Warning "Center Ring" is most common result
センタリング 141591 #Warning: broad category (soccer, for example), but this is probably another synonym
Reverso examples for the most common alignment, left alignment, provide "align" "alignment" "justified" "justification", etc.
https://context.reverso.net/翻訳/日本語-英語/左揃え |
Comments: |
A lot of the alignment entries need to be touched. Inconsistent application of [fld="comp"][fld="print"], somewhat haphazard application of rendaku. (Very hard to know what is "correct" without a general population survey, I think, but some entries are at least missing).
I don't personally feel the need for "centering" as a gloss, but it is the source of センタリング, and it's already on the xref, so I guess I will include it...
I would gloss "center alignment" as a literal meaning, but in practice "center align" is far, far more common in a computing context, so I have given both.(reflected in reverso results in practice) |