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jmdict 2857531 Deleted (id: 2223570)
趣味を極める趣味を究める [sK]
1. [exp,v1]
▶ to pursue a hobby (esp. in depth, in earnest)


6. D 2023-03-03 20:03:11  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I think it's time to pull the plug here.
5. D* 2023-03-03 11:00:22  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
趣味	22542842
趣味を極める	1787
趣味を持つ	58107
My concern about this proposed entry is that it's a comparatively rare expression. If it was the standard way of saying one is following a hobby I'd expect it to be more than 0.01% of the usage of 趣味. It's not in any of the examples in the JEs, nor in any of the 125 Tanaka sentences using 趣味.
4. D* 2023-03-03 08:55:59  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
I'm not seeing a strong case for including this. Somebody coming across the Japanese phrase will face no issue with understanding it based on our current entries for 趣味 and 極める. I don't think 極める has a different meaning here than it does usually, but it might be that our entry for it could have more senses and glosses added to it.
3. D* 2023-03-03 04:58:35  Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
Re: a+b

Of the many, many glosses of all of the きわめる entries, "pursue" is not currently one of them (although maybe it should be).

If someone saw this term in isolation in the J->E direction and tried to translate it as a one-off, they might think it carries more weight than it actually does.

In E->J direction, it is all but impossible to guess that this is, apparently, is one of the most common form of "to pursue a hobby". (追求 would be a logical guess).

Machine translations all seem to gloss this incorrectly, so it doesn't seem so obvious to them.
2. D* 2023-03-02 17:05:24 
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