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jmdict 2854216 Deleted (id: 2183119)
1. [exp]
▶ let's go
▶ come on

3. D 2022-04-09 11:54:45  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
OK. I was going to xref いざ行かん to it, but I'll work around that.
2. A* 2022-04-08 14:12:07  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
さあこれから	26879	  
さあみんな	23852
さあどうする	20747
さあ帰ろう	11573	  
さあどうぞ	10596
さあ行こう	17466
レッツゴー	186863
I don't feel this is appropriate for a dictionary. Besides being obvious, it's not even the most common use of さあ. And it's significantly less common than レッツゴー.
1. A* 2022-04-07 23:36:35  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
さあ行こう	17466
さあいこう	4844
さあゆこう	411
Eijiro, RP, KOJ (EJ)
GG5: 彼は軽くうなずいた後, 私に「さあ行こう」と促した. After giving me a brief nod he urged me on with the words "Let's be going now."
2 Tanaka sentences
This may be regarded as a bit obvious, but I think it's useful to have it as a recognized stock phrase.
I was led to considering it when reviewing the proposed いざ行かん entry. Some of the comments associated with that phrase said it was a form of さあ行こう, and it would be good to include an xref here. If approved I'll reindex the two sentences.

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