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jmdict 2840463 Active (id: 2035292)
1. [exp]
▶ with a view to marriage
▶ with marriage in mind

10. A 2019-06-26 18:44:39  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
匿名を条件に(警察に話す, etc.)
病気を理由に(解雇される, etc.)
データを根拠に(判断する, etc.)
勝利を目標に(練習する, etc.)
家を担保に(お金を借りる, etc.)
Marcus: My argument is that expressions that use this very common and ordinary structure (see examples above) aren't really worth adding unless they're idioms (or in some other way interesting).
結婚を前提に is certainly very common but it's also literal.

Jim: I still think the meaning would be obvious enough in context, but I'm not going to contest it any further.
I don't think it should be tagged as adv.
@@ -12 +11,0 @@
9. A* 2019-06-26 12:01:24  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
8. A 2019-06-26 12:00:47  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
The thing that stood out with this expression was the "view to" and "in mind" associated with 前提 as this wasn't really what we or other JE dictionaries were saying (e.g. preamble; premise; reason; prerequisite; condition; assumption; hypothesis; given). That entry has now been extended, so the case is weakened a little, but I think that anyone approaching 結婚を前提に with the usual lexical resources would probably go for "prerequisite" or "premise". I think this can go in.
I'll approve it and reopen.
7. A* 2019-06-26 08:58:47  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
150+ hits on twitter past 24 hrs for 結婚を前提に
I'm not proposing to add this because I think the particular structure of [noun]を[noun]に is uncommon or particularly 
interesting. It's not a grammar point - it's just a very a common expression that happens to have this specific structure, so I 
don't really understand the argument that you could replace 結婚 or 前提 with plenty of other words (with different meanings). 
Yes, of course you could, but then it wouldn't be the same set phrase.
6. A* 2019-06-25 14:38:33  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
I just see it as a rather uninteresting example of a particular grammar point. You can swap out 結婚 and 前提 with so many different 
words to create other expressions that I don't believe are any more or less noteworthy.
The meaning of 世界を舞台に is less obvious so I think it's easier to make a case for including it. From what I can see, the only 
other similar entry we have is 憂さを晴らしに.
I'd prefer just to create an example sentence for 前提 which uses 結婚を前提に.
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