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jmdict 2797230 Active (id: 2220172)
丑の刻参り牛の刻参り [sK] 丑の刻まいり [sK]
1. [exp,n]
▶ cursing ritual where one visits a shrine at 2am and nails a doll representing a person to a tree, praying for said person's death
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2797220 丑の時参り【うしのときまいり】 1. cursing ritual where one visits a shrine at 2am and nails a doll representing a person to a tree, praying for said person's death

8. A 2023-01-27 10:37:31  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
7. A* 2023-01-27 03:16:02  Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...>
Google N-gram Corpus Counts
│ 丑の刻参り    │ 8,696 │ 85.6% │
│ 牛の刻参り    │   574 │  5.6% │ - adding
│ 丑の刻まいり   │   343 │  3.4% │ - adding
│ 丑の時参り    │   227 │  2.2% │
│ うしの刻参り   │    81 │  0.8% │
│ うしのときまいり │    71 │  0.7% │
│ うしのこくまいり │   168 │  1.7% │
@@ -5,0 +6,8 @@
6. A 2020-05-26 01:48:45  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I think for brevity and consistency we should use "2am". I've added that to the policy, but happy to discuss alternatives.
@@ -13 +13 @@
-<gloss>cursing ritual where one visits a shrine at 2 in the morning and nails a doll representing a person to a tree, praying for said person's death</gloss>
+<gloss>cursing ritual where one visits a shrine at 2am and nails a doll representing a person to a tree, praying for said person's death</gloss>
5. A* 2020-05-26 00:11:54  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
I agree. I've raised the issue of time 
notation (2am? 2 a.m.? 2 AM?) in an edit 
to the 丑の刻 entry.
4. A* 2020-05-25 22:03:35  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
I think "2 in the morning" looks odd.
I suggest either "two o'clock in the morning" or "2am".
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