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jmdict 2741520 Active (id: 2238124)
1. [n]
▶ gathering to remember a deceased person
▶ memorial gathering
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 2827634 偲ぶ会 1. gathering to remember a dead person; memorial meeting
  ⇐ see: 2838876 お別れの会【おわかれのかい】 1. gathering to remember a deceased person; memorial gathering
2. [n]
▶ farewell party
▶ goodbye party
▶ send-off party
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 1286100 告別式 2. farewell ceremony (e.g. for a retiree)

6. A 2023-05-21 21:58:01  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
The refs have the more general term first, but I agree with the swap.
@@ -12 +12,7 @@
-<xref type="see" seq="1286100">告別式・1</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="2827634">偲ぶ会</xref>
+<gloss>gathering to remember a deceased person</gloss>
+<gloss>memorial gathering</gloss>
+<xref type="see" seq="1286100">告別式・2</xref>
@@ -16,6 +21,0 @@
-<xref type="see" seq="2827634">偲ぶ会</xref>
-<gloss>gathering to remember a deceased person</gloss>
-<gloss>memorial gathering</gloss>
5. A* 2023-05-18 11:28:30  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
Google images are all sense 2, I think it should lead.
4. A 2023-05-18 11:26:18  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
GG5: 〔従来の葬式とは別の告別の会〕 a farewelling; a final leave-taking.
Not really a euphemism. Trimming unnecessary xrefs.
@@ -11,0 +12 @@
+<xref type="see" seq="1286100">告別式・1</xref>
@@ -19,3 +20 @@
-<xref type="see" seq="1286100">告別式・1</xref>
-<gloss>memorial service</gloss>
+<gloss>gathering to remember a deceased person</gloss>
@@ -23,2 +21,0 @@
-<gloss>memorial meeting</gloss>
-<gloss g_type="expl">gathering to remember a deceased person, pet, etc. (esp. more secular, social events)</gloss>
3. A* 2023-05-17 12:09:01  Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
Sense[1] 別れ会い
鉄道研究部 お別れ会
Sense[1] 別れの会い
「高知南高等学校 お別れの会」卒業生大歓迎♪

法事	602565	71.6%
More secular/social events
お別れ会	144156	17.1%
お別れの会	27312	3.2%
偲ぶ会	64427	7.7%
お別れセレモニー	1528	0.2%
お別れのセレモニー	697	0.1%
偲ぶセレモニー	605	0.1%
Funeral (service):
告別式	219545

pet example, お別れ会

Another pet  お別れ会
お別れ会 ( ペットのお通夜 ) (i.e. "wake")

お別れ会[2] = 忍び会 (i.e. same thing):

お別れの会[2] = 忍び会 example with の (i.e. same thing):
これらは表現の違いだけで、明確な定義はありません。 <-- Just different expressions, no real difference in meaning
Dead and deceased both mean “no longer living,” but deceased is a gentler term, and people often use it when the person who died was close to them or when they are talking to someone who knew the person who died.

On the variant 別れの会お別れの会
a home-going service <-- THIS is sense 2, should also apply to 別れ会

On 別れ会 (no entry for 偲ぶ会). eow.alc seems to have missed [2] entirely (at least explicitly)別れ会
gathering to bid farewell to, goodbye party, farewell game, family send-off

A random, careful translation. Aligns お別れ会, 偲ぶ会,  "remembrance", "farewell party", "memorial service" all in one go:
2022/12/21のダニエルお誕生日/お別れ会(偲ぶ会)について December 21, 2022 Birthday Remembrance/Farewell Party for Daniel (Memorial Service)のダニエルお誕生日お別れ会偲ぶ会について-december-activity-7003963270743154689-kqYm/?originalSubdomain=jp

宗教色が薄いお別れの会 <ー farewell party, with a light religious tone
We cordially invite your attendance to a (remembrance, farewell) event for our beloved teacher, Mr. ----- at (場所) on (日付) (時間). Please RSVP to (xxx
These comments cover お別れ会, お別れの会, and 偲ぶ会.

Not to be overly personal (ok, overly personal) but my dog passed away unexpectedly this morning.  I asked a doctor what to do by phone, and he asked me if I wanted an おわいかい or not (I misheard him).  Figured it out though, so I've be digging around these terms. 

Note: the related term  告別式 is similarly split into two senses. 
(告別式 seems to usually appear with a more solumn, black, saying-farewell-to-the-deceased "funeral"-like sense )

Long story short:
お別れの会 = お別れ会, senses [1] and [2] 
お別れ会[2] = 忍び会 (only one sense, nearly identical synonyms)
With maybe *one* exception: 偲ぶ会 doesn't seem especially applicable to pets (at least not commonly)
somewhat less frequent, セレモニー in place of 会
"deceased" is a tiny touchup since I am here. britannica confirms my intuition that this fits better with funerals.
google searches suggest the "funeral" usage [2] dominates [1] (especially with the の variant). Maybe they should be ordered in reverse.

=== End short version ===

I strongly think that a distinction between [1] and [2] adds clarity, even if [2] is essentially a euphemistic application of [1].  I think it makes the glosses and xrefs cleaner, and is unambiguous that this is a usable expression in both contexts.  We've already kind-of agreed on the existence of [2], which I just pulled from お別れの会.

I'd never heard the term "memorial meeting". Seems fine, but far less common than "memorial service", and a bit less common than the friendlier "memorial gathering". All of these describe the same activity.

"gathering to remember a dead person" should be expanded to "pet" (ペットの別れ会). "a dead person" is necessary in some form, somewhere, because we have a huge number of "memorial service" entries (war memorials, natural disasters, etc.). Only a handful are individual funeral/death specific and it would be good to distinguish them. I said "person, pet, etc..." but I don't know if anything actually comes after pet. Perhaps it's just "person or pet". 

home-going service/homegoing service are interesting glosses, and probably applicable in some cases, but they seem rather explicitly Christian
@@ -14,0 +15,10 @@
+<xref type="see" seq="2827634">偲ぶ会</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="1286100">告別式・1</xref>
+<gloss>memorial service</gloss>
+<gloss>memorial gathering</gloss>
+<gloss>memorial meeting</gloss>
+<gloss g_type="expl">gathering to remember a deceased person, pet, etc. (esp. more secular, social events)</gloss>
2. A 2012-09-05 23:19:50  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
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