3. |
A 2023-04-06 23:50:34 Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
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The only reason I can see for splitting out "baton" into a separate entry is that [rK] on 采 only applies to the "dice" sense. If it weren't for that, a [restr=采] tag on sense 2 would have sufficed.
We'd need a better source for the ateji claim. None of the kokugos mark 賽 and 采 as ateji.
abbr was on the wrong sense.
I think the さえ reading can be dropped. Only koj and nikk have it. Presumably archaic. |
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@@ -6 +6,4 @@
@@ -12,5 +14,0 @@
@@ -19,3 +16,0 @@
@@ -26 +20,0 @@
-<misc>&abbr;</misc> |
2. |
A* 2023-04-06 17:03:03 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
This is probably the most important piece of info right here:
賽の目 13866 17.2%
采の目 585 0.7%
Do a google image search, and 采の目 doesn't even return dice. However much 采 might sometimes mean 賽, it is not by any means a common form (its odd blessing as an alternate form in 賽は投げられた being the seemingly-odd exception).
Other forms:
さいの目 37860 47.0%. WARNING: cubed vegetables
サイの目 8044 10.0%. WARNING: "eyes of a rhino" (google images) 犀=サイ
賽子の目 53 0.1%
サイコロの目 20120 25.0% The modern form wins out over any kanji entry
骰子の目 45 0.1%
Rolling dice:
サイコロを振る 10799 80.8%
賽を振る 1149 8.6%
サイを振る 348 2.6%
采を振る 71 0.5% #采 rare, and this expression means "to wave a baton"
賽を投げた 627 4.7%
サイコロを投げた 284 2.1%
サイを投げた 90 0.7%
采を投げた 0 0.0% 采 does not make it onto the ngrams at all
50% さい
50% サイコロ
sankoku さい:賽・骰子
*さいは投げられた...句 (we have this)
Reverso 采+dice (no matches)
Reverso 賽+dice a few results
采 not used, except for a final note at the end(Note, also identifies these as ateji):
「さいころ」の「さい」は、「塞」または「簺」の音読みであり、双六に似たゲーム、もしくはそれに使うサイコロのことである。それに接尾辞「ころ」が付いて、「さいころ」となった。 「采・賽」は当て字である。
yourei baton examples (just looked to see if 采 ever appears there as "dice") 采振りの二人 = two baton-waving individuals
Waving a flag or baton after a battle:
敵の本隊さえたたきつぶせば、なんのこともないからだ。「かかれ」 鳶の巣山の戦いにややおくれて、勝頼さまは采を振られた。ご本陣から最前線まで、さほどのへだたりはない。
In short, maybe 5~10+ baton-wavers among the results, no dice.
The gambling game with ピンゾロ (a roll of all ones)... Same as yahtzee- wikipedia articles on dice games just use サイコロ, in kana, which lends credence to this being [form]
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/チンチロリン |
Comments: |
Main points:
1. sankoku doesn't give 采
2. wikipedia doesn't list 采 for dice in its intro. (Does list さい・賽)
3. image results return no dice for formulations with 采
4. 采を振る, rare already, doesn't primarily mean "roll dice", it means "wave a baton" 采配を振る (at least most commonly)
5. rather than just count ngrams of 賽 and 采, I have considered them in the context of doing dice-like things (を振る、を投げる,~の目) which confirm that sankoku has a reason to omit 采 entirely.
I think this entry needs to be split. I've deleted the baton meaning with the idea that someone might re-create it as a separate entry. I've made this entry look like I think it *should* look for dice. This includes a single-mora reading of 骰子, given by sankoku and seemingly confirmed by furigana.info. Marked 賽 as [form] following sankoku, but that seems a little strong. But certainly サイコロ is the common, everyday form.
Here is a perfect match(and the only image match for 采を振って) on twitter (a mascot at a traditional sporting event waving a baton):
This was meaning [2], for which 采 may be the only applicable kanji (short for 采配). It is certainly the primary kanji for this meaning. I have not looked at this in detail.
賽を振って many pictures, half of which actually have dice:
Learners should learn サイコロ. If they want to learn the single-mora form, they should learn 賽. 采 appears to be a point of odd trivia (it does appear in daijs next to 賽). |
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@@ -5 +5,2 @@
@@ -8 +9,7 @@
@@ -18 +25 @@
-<xref type="see" seq="1574680">骰子</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="1574680">サイコロ</xref>
@@ -19,0 +27 @@
@@ -22,6 +29,0 @@
-<xref type="see" seq="1295140">采配・1</xref>
-<gloss>baton (of command)</gloss> |
1. |
A 2007-10-06 00:00:00
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Entry created |