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jmdict 1612350 Active (id: 1995607)
和式 [ichi1]
わしき [ichi1]
1. [adj-no,n]
▶ Japanese-style (esp. in reference to squat toilets)

10. A 2019-01-21 03:08:00  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
OK with me.
9. A* 2019-01-21 01:18:58  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
I'm OK with this, I guess, but one issue 
now is that it's unclear what type of 
toilet "Japanese style toilet" actually 
refers to. In English, it can be used to 
refer to washlets too, but those are 
decidedly 洋式 in Japanese. I made an 
amendment which isn't very elegant, but 
somebody else can maybe come up with 
something better. Also 洋式 should be 
aligned with this entry.
@@ -15 +15 @@
-<gloss>Japanese-style (esp. toilet)</gloss>
+<gloss>Japanese-style (esp. in reference to squat toilets)</gloss>
8. A 2019-01-21 00:58:51  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
@@ -15 +15 @@
-<gloss>Japanese-style (usu. rooms, toilets, baths, etc.)</gloss>
+<gloss>Japanese-style (esp. toilet)</gloss>
7. A* 2019-01-20 23:54:21  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
It does refer to toilets in the vast majority of cases, I agree. (The room results are mostly Chinese.)
But I still don't know if we can really consider it an abbreviation. None of the kokugos do.
How about a single "Japanese-style (esp. toilet)" sense?
6. A* 2019-01-20 07:29:41  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
When I google 和式 (on Google Japan, while being in Japan), I ONLY get pictures of toilets, nothing else. No rooms. 
I did consider the point Robin made before submitting my amendment but I think the same thing could be said (that it can be used 
to refer to anything depending on the context) for a whole lot of other senses listed as "abbr" in daij. Take daijs' clay entry, 
for example: 
《「クレイ」とも》1 粘土。また、粘土製の物。2 「クレーピジョン」の略。3 「クレー射撃」の略。4 「クレーコート」の略。"

I doubt that クレー by itself is used to refer to "clay pidgeons" or " half as often as "和式" by itself is used to refer to 
"Japanese toilets".
Also consider that signs on toilet doors in Japan normally only say "和式"/"洋式" and not "和式トイレ"/"洋式トイレ"
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