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jmdict 1516990 Active (id: 1059130)
方向 [ichi1,news1,nf01]
ほうこう [ichi1,news1,nf01]
1. [n]
▶ direction
▶ orientation
▶ bearing
▶ way
2. [n]
▶ course (e.g. of action)

3. A 2011-03-02 07:16:43  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
2. A* 2011-03-02 02:42:15  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
At least they don't say "momentarily"  8-)}
Best to contact the Japanesepod101 people directly about that. WWWJDIC just points at their database, and that's where the message comes from. Jim
1. A* 2011-03-02 01:24:56 
Sorry, this is rather a picky comment. I think the message "The audio for this clip is currently not available; it will be recorded and uploaded shortly" is kind of weird. The word "shortly" conjures up an image of someone sitting in a studio at that very moment, poised to record and upload that very clip, which surely is not the case.

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