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jmdict 1476930 Active (id: 2223127)
八幡の藪知らず八幡の不知藪 [rK] 八幡の薮知らず [sK] 八幡の薮不知 [sK]
1. [exp,n]
▶ Yawata no Yabushirazu (bamboo grove in Chiba; impossible to find one's way out of according to popular legend)
2. [exp,n] [rare]
▶ thicket from which one cannot escape
▶ maze
3. [exp,n] [rare]
▶ getting lost
▶ being unable to find a way out

11. A 2023-02-28 02:12:02  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
10. A* 2023-02-28 00:43:38  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
I don't think "according" should be abbreviated.
@@ -25 +25 @@
-<gloss>Yawata no Yabushirazu (bamboo grove in Chiba; impossible to find one's way out of acc. to popular legend)</gloss>
+<gloss>Yawata no Yabushirazu (bamboo grove in Chiba; impossible to find one's way out of according to popular legend)</gloss>
9. A 2023-02-26 22:40:51  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
8. A* 2023-02-26 08:37:09  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
@@ -25 +25 @@
-<gloss>popular name for a bamboo grove in Chiba, famous for the legend that once you enter you can never leave</gloss>
+<gloss>Yawata no Yabushirazu (bamboo grove in Chiba; impossible to find one's way out of acc. to popular legend)</gloss>
7. A* 2023-02-26 00:56:01  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
This is how I read the kokugo definitions.
八幡の不知藪 is in daijr and koj.
@@ -5,0 +6,4 @@
@@ -15,4 +18,0 @@
@@ -22,0 +23 @@
@@ -30 +31 @@
+<gloss>thicket from which one cannot escape</gloss>
@@ -37,2 +38,2 @@
-<gloss>feeling of being lost</gloss>
-<gloss>feeling of being in a place where you cannot find a way out</gloss>
+<gloss>getting lost</gloss>
+<gloss>being unable to find a way out</gloss>
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