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jmdict 1429620 Active (id: 1091702)
跳ねる [ichi1,news2,nf40]
はねる [ichi1,news2,nf40]
1. [v1,vi]
▶ to jump
▶ to leap
▶ to prance
▶ to spring up
▶ to bound
▶ to hop
2. [v1,vi]
▶ to break up
▶ to close
▶ to come to an end
3. [v1,vi]
《instead of 撥ねる》
▶ to hit (e.g. to have a car hit something or someone)


2. A 2012-04-09 22:09:47  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Yes, I think it's that kanji.
1. A* 2012-04-09 19:02:41  Francis
See below.
I have not amended the above. My purpose in making this subission is related to the little flick-up in the downward strokes of some kanji, for example: "円".

In a kanji guide, it refers to this little flick-up as the "はねる", but it does not give the kanji for that reading, nor do my travelling dictionaries.

If "跳ねる" is the correct kanji, then it may be helpful to include the reference to the little flick-up in kanji in the entry for this. Then if anyone searched they would see the connection, e.g., to spring up.

Maybe, the correct kanji is "撥ねる 【 はねる 】 to point or curl up (e.g. ends of hair)".

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