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jmdict 1309890 Active (id: 1143696)
指先 [news1,nf20]
ゆびさき [news1,nf20]
1. [n,adj-no]
▶ fingertip
▶ finger
2. [n,adj-no]
▶ toe tip
▶ toe

16. A 2013-07-14 08:24:06  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
OK. I'll close it for now.
15. A* 2013-07-14 01:42:10  Richard Warmington <...address hidden...>
I think that an *accurate* definition might be
"distal portion of a finger or toe"
but there is no commonly used word for that in English, as there is 
in Japanese, so it seems like a good idea to say "fingertip" 
and "finger", both of which approximate what 指先 seems to be.
14. A* 2013-07-13 22:59:08  Richard Warmington <...address hidden...>
Yes, Jim. That's what I'm thinking it should be. :-)
I contend that 先 doesn't really mean the "extreme end" necessarily. That would be more like 
端, but the Chinese word 指端, which really does mean "fingertip" never caught on in Japan, it 
seems! ;-)
Oh wait ... 指端 *does* seem to exist to some extent in Japanese, though:
指端 【したん】 fingertip; BU
指端距離 【したんきょり】 (n) arm span; LS
[i.e. the distance from fingertip to fingertip]
Consider words like 
矢先 arrowhead 
(the most forward *section* of the arrow, not necessarily the very "tip" of the arrow)
舳先 bow; prow
(the front *section* of a ship, not the very tip of the ship)
Although it seems like no J-E dictionaries include "finger" in the definition of 指先, there 
are numerous example sentences given where 指先 is rendered as "finger":
e.g. 指先が器用だ be skillful with one's fingers (ALC)
and other examples where it *should* be rendered as finger:
第二関節で切断された指先 【?】 fingertip severed at the second joint; WI4
13. A* 2013-07-13 20:59:50  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
How about this then? If the meaning is vague, let's make the gloss a bit vague too.
@@ -18,0 +18,1 @@
@@ -23,0 +24,1 @@
12. A* 2013-07-13 15:45:33  Richard Warmington <...address hidden...>
Well, one dictionary says fingertip = extreme end or tip of a finger, and that's my notion 
of a fingertip. 
That's a part of the finger even smaller than the distal phalange. A fingertip (or the tip 
of a toe) does not have a joint, and yet there are many thousands of websites referring to 
指先の関節. So clearly, there is a difference between 指先 and fingertip (or tip of the toe). 
As Marcus suggests, 指先 appears to be somewhat larger than fingertip. We just don't have an 
exactly equivalent word in English. I suggest that "fingertip" might work in some cases, 
but "finger" might be more appropriate in other cases (and similarly with "tip of the toe" 
and "toe").
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