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jmdict 1308305 Active (id: 2054785)
市場 [ichi1,news1,nf01]
しじょう [ichi1,news1,nf01]
1. [n]
▶ market (financial, stock, domestic, etc.)
▶ marketplace
▶ exchange
2. [n]
《usu. read いちば》
▶ (street) market
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 1308300 市場【いちば】 1. (town) market; (street) market; marketplace

11. A 2019-12-28 19:37:45  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I think this is the best approach.
10. A* 2019-12-27 22:11:41  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Given that いちば is always a physical market, and しじょう is usually "market" in the abstract sense, I think it's best to keep the entries separate and add a new sense here that points to いちば.
Probably don't need an econ tag if we go with this approach.
@@ -18,2 +18 @@
+<gloss>market (financial, stock, domestic, etc.)</gloss>
@@ -22,0 +22,7 @@
+<xref type="see" seq="1308300">市場・いちば・1</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="1308300">市場・いちば</xref>
+<s_inf>usu. read いちば</s_inf>
+<gloss>(street) market</gloss>
9. A* 2019-12-27 19:56:49  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I could live with a single entry provided it was clear that things like "futures market" 
were usually しじょう. I feel that two senses is the way to handle it. The JEs have two 
entries, with fairly distinct glosses.
8. A* 2019-12-25 14:11:24  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
any thoughts about merging this with いちば with a note?

at a minimum, i suggest copying the news tags in from there because it's quite likely that this entry is the source of most of those hits
@@ -6,0 +7,2 @@
@@ -10,0 +13,2 @@
7. A 2019-12-25 14:09:17  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
otoh, maybe not.  temp approve because i've just changed いちば so it is virtually identical with this entry
@@ -15 +15 @@
-<gloss>(the) market</gloss>
@@ -16,0 +17 @@
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