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jmdict 1189130 Active (id: 2145327)

どうぞ [ichi1]
1. [adv]
▶ please
▶ kindly
▶ pray
▶ I beg (of you)
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 1189140 何卒【なにとぞ】 1. please; kindly; I beg of you; if it pleases you
  ⇐ see: 1632200 如何か【どうか】 1. please; if you would; would you mind
2. [adv]
《when giving permission or accepting a request》
▶ by all means
▶ certainly
▶ of course
▶ (go) ahead
▶ (feel) free (to)
▶ (you are) welcome (to)
▶ please (help yourself to)
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 1189140 何卒【なにとぞ】 2. by all means; without fail
3. [adv]
《when handing something to someone》
▶ here you are
4. [vs] [chn]
▶ to give


18. A 2021-08-28 23:35:15  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Although sense 3 doesn't translate as an adverb in English, I think it would still be considered adverbial in Japanese.
@@ -28 +28 @@
-<s_inf>when handing over something</s_inf>
+<s_inf>when handing something to someone</s_inf>
17. A 2021-08-28 11:42:59  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Looks OK to me. I'll tweak the exampless.
16. A* 2021-08-28 08:00:54  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
If we define sense 3 as only used "when 
handing over something" though, it kind of 
ends up just being an int and never an adv, 
no? お茶をどうぞ (verb implied) is sense 2 "help 
yourself to some tea" rather than "here you 
are; tea." 

Tried to make my additions to sense 2 into 
adverb glosses.
@@ -22 +22 @@
-<gloss>feel free (to)</gloss>
+<gloss>(feel) free (to)</gloss>
@@ -23,0 +24 @@
+<gloss>please (help yourself to)</gloss>
15. A* 2021-08-28 00:56:30  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
I think it's fine to lead with sense 1 given how common it is in written/formal Japanese. (Have a look at the top 100 どうぞ〜 terms in the ngrams). I'm not totally opposed to the 2→3→1 order, though.
I think adv is correct for those senses. It's very much like "certainly" in English.
14. A* 2021-08-26 15:34:48  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
Should sense 3 (and also 2?) maybe be int 
rather than adv?
@@ -20,0 +21 @@
+<gloss>(go) ahead</gloss>
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