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jmdict 1185780 Active (id: 2207178)
下駄 [ichi1,news2,nf30]
げた [ichi1,news2,nf30] ゲタ (nokanji)
1. [n]
▶ geta
▶ [expl] traditional Japanese wooden sandal
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 1185800 下駄屋【げたや】 1. clog shop; geta shop
  ⇐ see: 2559620 吾妻下駄【あずまげた】 1. Azuma geta; type of geta for women with a tatami mat insole
2. [n] {printing}
《printed as 〓, resembling the teeth of a geta》
▶ turn (in set-type proofing)
▶ upside-down character
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 1602660 伏せ字 2. turn (in set-type proofing); upside-down character
3. [n] {go (game)}
《esp. ゲタ》
▶ net
▶ geta

19. A 2022-08-31 03:56:04  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Hard to add more without adding quite a lot.  This is close to Collins and MW.
18. A* 2022-08-30 12:21:14  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
MW "a Japanese wooden clog for outdoor wear"
RH "a traditional Japanese wooden clog that is worn outdoors, with a thong that passes between the first two toes and with two transverse supports on the bottom of the sole."
collins: "a type of Japanese wooden sandal"
enwiki: "Geta (下駄) (pl. geta)[1] are traditional Japanese footwear resembling flip-flops. A kind of sandal, geta have a flat wooden base elevated with up to three (though commonly two) "teeth", held on the foot with a fabric thong, which keeps the foot raised above the ground."
It's interesting to see how different dictionaries define it. 
I guess I'm OK with sandal,, but maybe we could provide more details, like the 英英 dictionaries do?
17. A* 2022-08-30 02:50:21  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I see that the definition of "clog" is something like "footwear usually with wooden soles" (WN), so geta fits with that. The JEs tend to have both, e.g. GG5 has "a Japanese wooden 「clog [sandal]". To me, a clog typically has a closed body, at least at the front, so I'm more comfortable with the current gloss. We could add "or clog".
16. A* 2022-08-30 01:48:51  Marcus Richert
Is "wooden sandals" really better than "clogs"? When I think of geta, I immediately "hear" the sound they make, which is very similar to that of clogs. I'm not sure at all what a wooden sandal would sound like when used. I don't know if this is a weird way of thinking of it, but I do think geta are much closer to clogs than sandals also in structure
15. A 2022-08-30 01:43:39  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
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