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jmdict 1155300 Active (id: 1953106)
伊達 [news1,nf11]
だて [news1,nf11]
1. [n,adj-na] [uk]
▶ elegance
▶ dandyism
▶ sophistication
▶ having style
2. [n,adj-na] [uk]
▶ affectation
▶ showing off
▶ putting on an air
▶ appearances
▶ doing something just for show

8. A 2017-06-06 23:47:16  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
7. A* 2017-06-06 19:35:21  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Gloss to noun form.
@@ -31 +31 @@
-<gloss>just for show</gloss>
+<gloss>doing something just for show</gloss>
6. A 2013-06-20 07:11:21  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I am inclined to agree. I can't see evidence of ダテ being used that much.
5. A* 2013-06-20 05:58:01 
would it make sense, then, to remove the katakana reading?

I'm not seeing why it is included, and the instances I find on the www lead me to believe the katakana version is only used for stylistic effect (that is, to make the word stand out while avoiding kanji in hiragana-heavy sentences) or possibly because the writers feel their meaning is slangy (plausible for gloss #2); nevertheless, the katakana version is quite a bit more rare than both the kanji and hiragana versions.
@@ -13,4 +13,0 @@
4. A 2013-06-19 19:07:55  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
as you can see above it is not the primary one.  it appears first on wwwjdic as a result of having both [uk] and [nokanji] tags.  that is ~usually~ a good solution to the problem of biological species (which is where the [nokanji][uk] combo normally appears), as it means that 鴨[かも;カモ[nokanji]] appears as カモ 《鴨》【かも】on wwwjdic.
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