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jmdict 1007390 Active (id: 2276492)

1. [adj-i] [col]
▶ uncool
▶ lame
▶ unfashionable
▶ unstylish
▶ tacky
▶ tasteless
▶ ugly
▶ corny
▶ pathetic (behaviour)
▶ sad
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2848815 だせー 1. uncool; tacky; lame; corny
  ⇐ see: 2827641 ダサかっこいい 1. cheesy yet cool; so uncool it's cool; cool but uncool
  ⇐ see: 2202780 ダ埼玉【ダさいたま】 1. Saitama Prefecture
  ⇐ see: 2120740 ダサ男【ださお】 1. uncool man; dork; geek; dweeb; nerd
  ⇐ see: 2163270 ダサメン 1. unfashionable and unattractive man


18. A 2023-09-07 02:02:08  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
The author does not "distinguish between the two usages" but rather explains that ダサい is used for more than just appearances. I don't think the split you're suggesting is clear-cut or helpful. Why is the ダサい that describes a song/name/catchphrase/etc., more similar to the ダサい that describes an action/behaviour than to the ダサい that describes clothes or hair? A ダサい邦題 isn't "pathetic". It is uncool/lame, though, in much the same way an outfit or hairstyle might be. Which sense of the word is being used in ダサいポーズ? It wouldn't translate as unfashionable/ugly but it's still a comment on how something looks. When someone describes a 暴走族 as ダサい, it's typically in reference to their image and behaviour collectively. I don't think the distinction you're describing reflects how the word is used or conceptualised by native speakers.
And I'm not sure it's necessarily true that it "most commonly refers to clothing". Search ダサい on Twitter and not even half the results are clothing-related.
@@ -15,0 +16 @@
17. A* 2023-09-06 02:13:21 
Google ダサいといわれた and it's all about clothes.
"彼氏にダサいと言われたことはありますか? 好きな人に自分のセンスを批判されるのは辛いですよね。"
The author distinguishes between the two usages.
With due respect, I don't think it's about differences in English glosses at all, but a clear distinction in the Japanese between the most common usage, relating to clothes, and at least one other type of usage relating to more abstract things such as behavior and sure, a multitude of other things. Imagine a coversation where a Japanese person is called ダサい. Their first thought might very well be that their fashion sense is being called out (see the References box) but the utterer could respond "ちがう、服じゃなくて行動がだよ。 "

I'm not going to keep raising this but I would appreciate it if you could consider my proposal one more time. The entry as it's now certainly casts a wide net and covers most of the usage, but it's also all over the place, and it doesn't make it clear it most commonly refers to clothing.
16. A 2023-09-05 17:25:33  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
I don't find the argument convincing. Context is key. You're describing a distinction between English glosses. In Japanese, it's all the same sense. The matter is closed.
15. A* 2023-09-05 13:39:54 
But that's absolutely not the argument I just made.
14. A 2023-09-05 09:51:45  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I realise getting good references for colloquialisms is a challenge, but a subtitle added by a translator to an anime is not really enough to justify creating an extra sense.
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