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jmdict 2829645 Active (id: 2299360)

1. [aux-v,suf]
《after the -nai stem of a verb》
▶ not doing
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 2441300 ぬ 1. not

7. A 2024-04-26 23:40:39  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I don't think the proposed revision is very useful to the typical user of this dictionary. There may be scope somewhere for detailed etymological and morphological information about these sorts of terms, but I don't think this is the place.
I'm reverting the entry to the 2016 original so that the comments remain visible. I'll reopen it for a while in case there is further discussion.
@@ -10 +9,0 @@
@@ -14,11 +13,2 @@
-<s_inf>連用形 of ~ぬ acting as a conjunction</s_inf>
-<gloss g_type="expl">used to negate a verb and continue onto next sentence</gloss>
-<xref type="see" seq="2441300">ぬ・1</xref>
-<xref type="see" seq="2441300">ぬ</xref>
-<xref type="see" seq="2441300">ぬ</xref>
-<s_inf>used at sentence end; old 終止形 of ~ぬ</s_inf>
+<s_inf>after the -nai stem of a verb</s_inf>
+<gloss>not doing</gloss>
6. A* 2024-04-22 08:35:28  Non
After some consideration, the translation on [1] should be changed as conjunctive ず is not properly represented by it: this ず conflates coordination and negation into a single morpheme, english has no such morpheme and thus lacks a direct translation. I have considered something such as "does/will not... and..." but that seemed confusing without an example sentence so I opted for an explanatory definition that is, hopefully, clear enough.

I realise I have forgotten to say why I have removed the notes on connection: I did so as I assume the notes will compel a reader to click the cross-reference to ぬ, leading them to learn that from there.

An additional idea that came to mind: this entry could be merged with ぬ by adding ず as a reading and adding this glossary to its, it would only need a few "as ~ず" or "as ~ぬ" to be added to the notes, the same could be done with ん. This practice could be applied to merge other entries that are variations of the same thing and with that trim down the number of individual entries with the benefit of consolidating currently scattered items under their corresponding set.
@@ -15 +15 @@
+<gloss g_type="expl">used to negate a verb and continue onto next sentence</gloss>
5. A* 2024-04-20 11:47:44  Non
The notes only do two things: tell you what it is and tell you what it does. Do you presuppose that a reader does not wish to know either or neither of these things?
Of course shoving 連用形 or "conjunction" in there will not automatically allow them to directly download information concerning those concepts unto their brain, I truly hope you did not think this to have been my intent. 
The terms are put there so that the reader may research them on their own, they can even be researched back with this dictionary if someone wishes to research through translation. Could you construct an argument against these points, so that we can have a productive discussion and make a better entry?
The information is not there to "cater to grammar nerds" as you so creatively put, it is there to teach the language: grammar plays an important part of second-language acquisition for many, especially adults, even more so when there is such a disparity between the structures of Japanese and several Indo-European languages. Did you learn Japanese without studying any form of grammar? I would doubt that unless you grew up using Japanese.
4. A* 2024-04-20 10:51:20 
"連用形" etc. isn't helpful. 99% of users won't know what it's a reference to. If you really were as smart as you seem to think, you'd realize the goal here isn't to cater to the 1% elite grammer nerds
3. A* 2024-04-20 07:59:10  Non
daijs, daijr
Entry was missing the information that ず can form a conjunction.
Added second sense as terminal ず can still be found in set phrases as well as certain media.
Opted for 連用形 and 終止形 over translations as the original Japanese can likely be researched with less potential of wrong results than something such as connective form or terminal form, they can also be looked up within the dictionary whereas translations cannot.
@@ -9,0 +10 @@
@@ -13,2 +14,11 @@
-<s_inf>after the -nai stem of a verb</s_inf>
-<gloss>not doing</gloss>
+<s_inf>連用形 of ~ぬ acting as a conjunction</s_inf>
+<xref type="see" seq="2441300">ぬ・1</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="2441300">ぬ</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="2441300">ぬ</xref>
+<s_inf>used at sentence end; old 終止形 of ~ぬ</s_inf>
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