5. |
A 2024-04-18 11:44:40 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
https://www.edrdg.org/wiki/index.php/Editorial_policy#References - "... more substantial changes must be accompanied by references and/or a case for the change in the Comments field." |
Comments: |
An edit like this needs a good case to be made, including showing that the term is used in English. Whoever you are, please follow our guidelines.
I'm putting it back to the previous version. |
Diff: |
@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@
-<lsource ls_wasei="y">""</lsource>
-<gloss>Boy's Love</gloss>
-<gloss g_type="expl">comics or novels about male homosexuality, targeted at young women</gloss>
+<lsource ls_wasei="y">boys love</lsource>
+<gloss>comics or novels about male homosexuality, targeted at young women</gloss> |
4. |
A* 2024-04-16 12:05:27
Diff: |
@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@
-<lsource ls_wasei="y">boys love</lsource>
-<gloss>comics or novels about male homosexuality, targeted at young women</gloss>
+<lsource ls_wasei="y">""</lsource>
+<gloss>Boy's Love</gloss>
+<gloss g_type="expl">comics or novels about male homosexuality, targeted at young women</gloss> |
3. |
A 2018-12-03 16:12:51 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
Diff: |
@@ -16 +16 @@
-<gloss>comics or novels about male homosexuality, targetted at young women</gloss>
+<gloss>comics or novels about male homosexuality, targeted at young women</gloss> |
2. |
A 2013-05-11 11:03:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update.Added additional dotted reading(s) via batch update.
-*- via bulkupd.py -*- |
Diff: |
@@ -6,0 +6,3 @@
+<reb>ボーイズ・ラブ</reb> |
1. |
A 2007-05-06 00:00:00
Comments: |
Entry created |