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jmdict 2859671 Active (id: 2286781)
ひょうかへいかりんご [gikun]
1. [n] [rare]
▶ apple (fruit)
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 1555480 【りんご】 1. apple (fruit)

2. A 2023-12-29 19:57:58  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
1. A* 2023-12-29 17:37:25  Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...>
I only see the りんご reading in iwanami dictionaries (iwakoku, koj). Iwakoku has it marked as a jukujikun.

Shinmeikai prefers the ひょうか reading, so I placed that one first. Daijisen gives equal weight to へいか and ひょうか.

Most of the refs are pretty explicit that this refers only to the fruit. 「リンゴの果実。」

smk: リンゴの、業界用語。
Given the relative rarity of this form, I think a [rare] tag might be appropriate.

Google N-gram Corpus Counts
│ 苹果  │     6,495 │  0.1% │
│ りんご │ 4,435,078 │ 58.0% │
│ 林檎  │ 1,204,319 │ 15.7% │
│ リンゴ │ 2,005,099 │ 26.2% │
Proposed split from 1555480

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