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jmdict 1578500 Active (id: 2284814)
古文書 [news1,nf19]
こもんじょ [news1,nf19] こぶんしょ
1. [n]
▶ historical document
▶ archives
▶ old manuscript
▶ paleograph
2. [n]
《paleography term》
▶ pre-Meiji era document addressed to someone in particular
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 1583840 文書【もんじょ】 2. document addressed to someone
  ⇐ see: 2746270 古記録【こきろく】 1. historical document written without a particular addressee (e.g. a diary)

12. A 2023-11-30 22:10:14  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
11. A* 2023-11-30 20:23:22  Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...>
Since sense 02 of 文書 only applies to もんじょ, I think we should include the reading in the <xref> element.
(My "app" always applies furigana to cross-referenced terms regardless of whether the reading is specified in the <xref> element, but it just naively fetches the first reading from the cross-referenced entry if it isn't specified)
@@ -26 +26 @@
-<xref type="see" seq="1583840">文書・2</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="1583840">文書・もんじょ・2</xref>
10. A 2023-11-30 18:43:48  Stephen Kraus <...address hidden...>
In addition to meikyo, shinsen kokugo also describes こぶんしょ as an あやまり.
こぶんしょ isn't mentioned in the NHK accent dictionary, sankoku, iwakoku, smk, etc.
I suspect こぶんしょ is recorded in daijirin, gg5, etc. in order to assist user lookups rather than to endorse it as a valid reading.
9. A 2023-02-17 13:46:32  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
@@ -26 +26 @@
-<xref type="see" seq="1583840">文書・ぶんしょ・2</xref>
+<xref type="see" seq="1583840">文書・2</xref>
8. A 2023-02-16 06:24:30  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
GG5, Diajirin and Shinjirin all have こぶんしょ without mention of a mistake. Best not to flag it.
@@ -16 +15,0 @@
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