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jmdict 1341490 Active (id: 2284478)
じゅん [spec2]
1. [pref]
▶ semi-
▶ quasi-
▶ associate

7. A 2023-11-27 23:16:24  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I don't think this is a different sense. The JEs don't split.
@@ -16,3 +15,0 @@
6. A* 2023-11-12 16:51:19  Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
Random quasi/semi terms with 準:
準決勝	1120047	88.1%
準急	112414	8.8%
準工業地域	13531	1.1%
準特急	12183	1.0%
準結晶	5903	0.5%
準否定	144	0.0%
準天頂	6805	0.5%
準連接的	0	0.0%

Same terms with 准:
准決勝	0	0.0%
准準急	0	0.0%
准工業地域	0	0.0%
准特急	0	0.0%
准結晶	0	0.0%
准否定	0	0.0%
准天頂	0	0.0%
准連接的	0	0.0%


The "quasi"-looking example given in kanjipedia.  These are all the same thing (apparently), they are [arch], and and we don't have any of them:
准三后	564	16.6%
准后	2366	69.5%
准三宮	473	13.9%

I guess this is kind of "quasi-后" treatment? ("like the queen")准后-77668
. The provision of economic treatment, such as nenkan, nenkoku, fuko, etc., to members of the imperial family, regents, monks, etc., in accordance with the Sannomiya (grand empress dowager, empress dowager, and empress), and those who have been given such treatment.
We do not have a *single* term in jmdict glossed with "semi" or "quasi" that uses 准, and ngrams seem to agree. (I grabbed a bunch of 準 terms to check). 

This is in spite of the fact that the "kanji metadata" say that 准 includes "quasi" and 準 does not.
准 quasi-, semi-, associate
準 semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate

kanjipedia has an example for the "quasi" meaning, a term we do not have(comments in ref):

Given that the "quasi" gloss appears at very least unproductive for 准, there seems to be little point in indicating it in this entry.

The truth is that 准 is also unproductive for "associate", essentially limited to the terms 准看護婦 and 准教授.  While 准 appears as a prefix in other terms, the gloss never contains "assistant", "associate", "etc". Basically we have:
warrant officer
commodore; brigadier general
warrant officer (JASDF)
approval; sanction

That's about it, outside of prof. and nurse.   

I was going to have :


but as it's rare and unproductive, there's really no reason to list 准 as a prefix at all. Even having [2] at all seems questionable, but given entries like "準構成員"(associate member (esp. of a crime syndicate), it at least seems plausible that neologisms would use this.
@@ -6,4 +5,0 @@
@@ -19,0 +16,3 @@
5. A 2014-10-05 03:48:08  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
4. A* 2014-10-05 01:46:10  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
i don't think i meant to drop the spec
@@ -9,0 +10 @@
3. A 2011-08-23 23:07:36  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
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