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1. |
▶ proof ▶ evidence ▶ sign ▶ testimony ▶ testament (to something) ▶ vindication |
2. |
《usu. 証し》 ▶ witnessing ▶ testifying ▶ testimony |
11. | A 2023-11-03 02:23:34 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
10. | A* 2023-11-03 00:10:39 Robin Scott <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I don't think we need a separate entry for 証し. I don't think the 証し人 x-ref is needed. |
Diff: | @@ -17,4 +16,0 @@ -<r_ele> -<reb>しょう</reb> -<re_restr>証</re_restr> -</r_ele> @@ -31,8 +26,0 @@ -<stagr>しょう</stagr> -<pos>&n-suf;</pos> -<gloss>certificate</gloss> -<gloss>license</gloss> -<gloss>membership card</gloss> -</sense> -<sense> -<stagr>あかし</stagr> @@ -42 +29,0 @@ -<xref type="see" seq="2859122">証し人</xref> @@ -48,12 +34,0 @@ -</sense> -<sense> -<stagr>しょう</stagr> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<field>&Buddh;</field> -<gloss>enlightenment</gloss> -</sense> -<sense> -<stagr>しょう</stagr> -<pos>&n;</pos> -<gloss>symptoms (in Chinese medicine)</gloss> -<gloss>patient's condition</gloss> |
9. | A* 2023-10-31 05:27:50 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I think this needs to be split into at least two and possibly three entries: - 証/あかし - sense 1 - 証/しょう - senses 1, 2, 4 and 5 - 証し/あかし - sense 3 |
8. | A* 2023-10-26 16:19:32 Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | 神の愛を証し 365 神の愛を証しする 77 <-- 20k googits (I know,...) explicit し wins in the [Christn] ngrams 神の愛を証する 20 <-- 2k googits キリストを証しする 537 76.3% <-- し wins again キリストを証する 167 23.7% Book: 証し 日本のキリスト者証し-日本のキリスト者-最相-葉月/dp/404601900X Review of said book; <書評>『証し 日本のキリスト者』最相葉月 著 読者は、本書を開くとまず、「証し」とは何かの定義を見る。「『証し』とは、キリスト者が神からいただいた恵みを言葉や行動を通して人に伝えること。証、証言ともいう」。 (use of "testimony"): Paul’s Testimony: The Gospel of the Grace of God 「 使徒パウロの証し:神の恵みの福音 」「-使徒パウロの証し:神の恵みの/ Bilingual memorial service: 証し Testimony Linked to timestamp with 証し Testimony on powerpoint slides. 「証(あか)しする」とは? 「賜物(たまもの)」とは? いずれも基本的に、信者がイエス・キリストの教えにしたがって生活し、そのことばと行いを通して、まわりの人々にキリストの愛を伝えることを表します。 google trans: living according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and communicating Christ's love to those around them through their words and deeds. (i.e. witnessing) It's not a word-for-word translation, but 証し is either "witnessing" or "share and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ". Also, [vs,vt]あらゆる機会をとらえてキリストの復活を証し/ またパウロが引き裂かれそうになっているのを見てローマの司令官はパウロを兵営へ連れ戻しました。パウロはもう一度絶妙に機会をとらえて、いのちをもものともせず、キリストの復活を証しました。 But Paul is once again witnessing to the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is the pivotal point of the Gospel. Paul again uses every opportunity to share and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ. =========== 何々の証し, eijiro is riddled with "a testament to"... collocations証し Testament examples (17)証し#testament One of the references is sense [3], and uses [vs,vt]: Such evidence witnesses to the fact that the New Testament was recognized far earlier than the Council of Carthage このような証拠は、新約聖書が紀元397年のカルタゴの会議よりもはるか前から認識されていた事実を証しています。 |
Comments: | Might be worth splitting しょう and あかし. (not jmdict's fault, but there's quite a mess in Japanese between あかしする あかす しょうする しょうす あかし しょう). (note: I read all the previous comments on this) I have a wrinkle for you. I think [3] is also [n], and still distinct from [1] (just as "witness" has these senses in English). And, in that context, it's not only the reading that may prefer あかし, but the kanji form itself as 証し (with the し). All modern refs use this form. Also note, sankoku gives *only* 証し. So while 証 might have some historical weight as あかし, it doesn't appear to be the preferred form today, and looking at Christian websites, し seems to appear explicitly. (though it is hard to search for usage without it). I am grateful that [3] is here, even though the kokugos don't call it out. I hope I don't inadvertently push you to remove it. It is specifically relevant to the context I just encountered it. A mystical villain appears who goes by the name "sloth"(怠惰), identifies himself as one of 6 disciples of a powerful witch (the central mysterious antagonist of the series) structured around the 7 deadly sins, carries a black Bible-like book he calls his 福音(gospel), speaks constantly of the witch's love, and describes the book using 証し(subtitled with this orthography). The relevance to Christianity is unmistakable. If we didn't have [3] here, I'd miss the weight of the vocabulary choice entirely. As he repeats 証し 証し 証し in Japanese, the English translation is "proof". Later he describes the book as 寵愛の証し, which is subbed "proof of love". This may overlap adequately with [1]. This is one of the later senses of "witness" in the dictionary: openly profess one's religious faith. "one of the purposes of his coming was to nerve the disciples to witness to Jesus" I think there may also be some nuance differences that cannot be identified with しょう and おかし stuck together in [1]. (I'm not sure if "proof of love" especially needs to be called out, but there do seem to be reasons for preferring one term over the other). |
Diff: | @@ -26,0 +27 @@ +<gloss>testament (to something)</gloss> @@ -37,0 +39 @@ +<pos>&n;</pos> @@ -39 +41,8 @@ -<gloss>to testify (usu. Christian religious context)</gloss> +<pos>&vt;</pos> +<xref type="see" seq="2859122">証し人</xref> +<xref type="see" seq="2859122">証し人</xref> +<field>&Christn;</field> +<s_inf>usu. 証し</s_inf> +<gloss>witnessing</gloss> +<gloss>testifying</gloss> +<gloss>testimony</gloss> |
7. | A 2018-08-09 23:12:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | Quite a bit of discussion in 2007 about sense 3. Interesting comment from Kanji Haitani: "Not an amendment, just a comment. 証する is usually read しょうする。 証す is read あかす。 It appears that 証する is read あかしする only in the Christian Church in Japan. e.g. 福音をを証する(あかしする)。 神の愛を証する(あかしする)。" |
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