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Got here by chance searching "offing". I had to look up "in the offing". I would rewrite with something more widely understood. "in anticipation of divorce", "with divorce likely". *except*, I'm not sure this is a word at all.
Is there kokugo support? This seems like a very specific gloss for a barely-existent term.
The way 別 gets next to 婚 is in strings like in the refs, and like:
年代別の婚活 / 年代別婚活
趣味別の婚活/ 趣味別婚活 ("searching for a marriage partner based on your hobbies", I think)
For example: 「趣味別婚活」の成功率が高い理由
There is a book titled 別婚夫 on amazon, with the tagline:
That doesn't seem to confirm this gloss...
Otherwise, a search for usage is basically fruitless.
別居, separate homes, is "separation", 別居婚 is "commuter marriage". 別婚 seems just as likely to be short for that as anything else. I don't see how we would verify a meaning.
At least two of the (few) google book results that seem to have 別婚 are actually misinterpreted instances of 別嬪(べっぴん). I found one in a reference book, and another in a novel here:
https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=4fBfAQAAQBAJ&pg=PT1285&lpg=PT1285&dq="別婚です""&source=bl&ots=PI5gpdtapJ&sig=ACfU3U36_9wUpO8tcRGiypICT5vO9hjXHQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFppC6_5yBAxUrgVYBHRZzB7sQ6AF6BAgOEAM#v=onepage&q="別婚です""&f=false |