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jmdict 2428380 Active (id: 2276545)
1. [n]
▶ sake in a tumbler
▶ glassful of sake
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 2850499 カップ酒 1. cup sake; sake sold in a single-serve glass cup or can

4. A 2023-09-07 11:54:23  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
3. A* 2023-09-07 11:53:55  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
KOD: カップ酒 sake sold in a 180 ml glass tumbler.
GG5: コップ酒 〔商品〕 sake sold in a 180 ml glass tumbler; 〔飲み方〕 sake 「served in [drunk from] a tumbler; a full glass of sake.
中辞典 and ルミナス: sake in a tumbler; a glassful of sake.
The 2009 ref for the "drinking" sense is a bit ambiguous.
Can be simpler. I thought カップ酒 and コップ酒 could be aligned, but the images show they are different.
@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@
-<gloss>sake served in a regular-sized cup (i.e. rather than in a small sake cup)</gloss>
-<gloss>drinking sake from a regular-sized cup</gloss>
+<xref type="see" seq="2850499">カップ酒</xref>
+<gloss>sake in a tumbler</gloss>
+<gloss>glassful of sake</gloss>
2. A* 2023-08-28 14:02:37  Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
カップ酒	68572	84.6%
コップ酒	12487	15.4%

Looking at ngrams and yourei, the usual use is a variant of コップ酒を飲む. That is, "served in a cup" is more informative than "drinking from a cup".  This is also the first entry in daijs. This is definitely *not* [vs], so even though daijs also indicates drinking, I'm not sure how this would be done grammatically. 

Google image search result confirms that コップ酒 is not カップ酒.  daijs also agrees.

The "sake sold in a cup rather than a bottle" looks like an attempt at "カップ酒", and is not the same as [1]. It looks to essentially be the result of a spelling error/confusion. 

Potential resolutions:
1. Just simplify the gloss, as I've done.

2. Add the xref here, just in case. (not usually done for spelling errors, but コップ カップ is an endless source of confusion (for me at least)).

3. Add a gloss [2]:
  [note="mistaken reference to カップ酒"]
  sake sold in a cup rather than a bottle (or unify with the xref)

4. If the error is common enough, add コップ酒  as [sK] to the entry for カップ酒.  

Here's an example "mistake" that comes up in an image search: "コップ" appears once, カップ is used ~15 times.

Unlike me, I don't think native Japanese people generally have a problem with the コップ カップ distinction...
@@ -12,2 +12,2 @@
-<gloss>sake sold in a cup rather than a bottle</gloss>
-<gloss>drinking sake from a regular-size cup rather than from a small sake cup</gloss>
+<gloss>sake served in a regular-sized cup (i.e. rather than in a small sake cup)</gloss>
+<gloss>drinking sake from a regular-sized cup</gloss>
1. A 2009-02-17 00:00:00 
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