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jmdict 1257760 Active (id: 2228564)
拳銃 [spec1,news2,nf37] けん銃 [sK]
けんじゅう [spec1,news2,nf37]
1. [n]
▶ pistol
▶ handgun
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 1418730 短銃【たんじゅう】 1. pistol

4. A 2023-04-14 10:53:07  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
拳銃	586,511	94.8%	
けん銃	32,437	5.2%
@@ -8,0 +9,4 @@
3. A 2023-04-14 01:40:18  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
GG5 and 中辞典 include "revolver", but I think it's best omitted.
2. A* 2023-04-13 15:06:56  Brian Krznarich <...address hidden...>
Image search. Wikipedia on 拳銃.
Majority of wikipedia images are not revolvers.  Great majority of google image hits are not revolvers.   

reverso for 拳銃: mostly "gun" and "handgun".

Limited to "revolver matches", context is provided directly (回転式拳銃) or indirectly (historical identification of a specific manufacturer's weapon)拳銃#revolver
one "revolver" example: リボルバー拳銃
another: 回転式拳銃
3rd: 6連発拳銃 six-shot revolvers.
4th: リボルバー拳銃
5th: 4口径のベルギー製ブリティッシュ・ブルドッグは1881年7月2日のチャールズ・J・ギトーによるジェームズ・ガーフィールド米大統領暗殺に使用された拳銃としても知られる。
A. calibre Belgian-made British Bulldog revolver was used to assassinate US President James Garfield on 2 July 1881 by Charles Guiteau.

And as with example 5, keep in mind that E->J translators are free to turn "revolver" into "handgun" if it suits them.
"Handgun" is a very broad category, and in modern times *most* 拳銃 are not revolvers.  拳銃 should not be turned into a "revolver" unless that is otherwise made explicit to the translator by context. (回転式拳銃, レボルバー, and some other more niche terms can be used if "revolver" is intended").

In the E->J direction, which is a secondary concern, translating "revolver" to 拳銃 just throws away information.  There are very common equivalents available for "revolver".

This is quite the translation from reverso:
Mk VI Revolverを除き、拳銃は全般的に12m以上の距離での性能が増しています。
With the exception of the Mark VI Revolver, Pistols are now generally better options for distances beyond 12 m.
拳銃 = pistols
拳銃 is treated as a category the completely excludes revolvers. (one specific revolver being able to stand up to modern pistols)

Not saying that's completely technically accurate, but it does emphasize that "revolver" is not a good gloss here.
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1. A 2018-01-14 05:41:56  Johan Råde <...address hidden...>
G n-grams 586381
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@@ -12,0 +14 @@

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