4. |
A 2023-02-16 00:32:32 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
燃料費調整額 704
燃料費調整 4733
燃料費調整制度 1341
燃料費調整単価 1028 |
Comments: |
Since we have 燃料費調整 as an entry, I'm not sure 燃料費調整額 is needed. |
3. |
A* 2023-02-15 23:07:28 Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
燃料費調整額は、各月の燃料費調整単価に使用電力量を乗じて算定します。 |
Comments: |
I think it needs more detail.
We should also have an entry for 燃料費調整額, which is the usual term that appears on bills. I'm not sure if 燃調費 is considered an abbreviation. |
Diff: |
@@ -13 +13 @@
-<gloss>adjustment cost of gas and electricity prices</gloss>
+<gloss>(monthly) electricity (or gas) usage charge (calculated using the adjusted unit rate)</gloss> |
2. |
A* 2023-02-10 22:35:38 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
I think this is a little clearer. It's a complex matter. |
Diff: |
@@ -12 +12,2 @@
-<gloss>fuel adjustment cost</gloss>
+<xref type="see" seq="2857319">燃料費調整</xref>
+<gloss>adjustment cost of gas and electricity prices</gloss> |
1. |
A* 2023-01-28 02:08:22 Nicolas Maia
Refs: |
https://cs.myjcom.jp/knowledgeDetail?an=003829224 地域電力会社や他の新電力も燃調費の上限を撤廃しているのか? |