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jmdict 1171580 Active (id: 2197608)
烏帽子 [news2,nf41]
えぼし [news2,nf41]
1. [n] [hist]
▶ eboshi
▶ [expl] black-lacquered headgear made of silk, cloth or paper, originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2686000 布衣始【ほういはじめ】 1. ceremony in which an abdicated emperor puts on informal court clothes (i.e. a kariginu and eboshi) for the first time
  ⇐ see: 2842302 立烏帽子【たてえぼし】 1. upright eboshi
  ⇐ see: 2149970 皺【しぼ】 1. bumpy texture of a material (esp. woven fabric)
  ⇐ see: 2149960 皺烏帽子【さびえぼし】 1. creased eboshi hat
  ⇐ see: 2149700 揉烏帽子【もみえぼし】 1. soft, crumpled, unlacquered headwear (often worn by soldiers under their helmets from the Kamakura period onward)
  ⇐ see: 2040940 赤烏帽子【あかえぼし】 1. strange thing; eccentric taste; red eboshi
  ⇐ see: 2855640 雛頭【ひなさき】 1. slightly protruding part of the front of an eboshi

5. A 2022-07-21 06:21:00  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
@@ -18 +18 @@
-<gloss g_type="expl">black-lacquered headgear made of silk, cloth or paper. originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan</gloss>
+<gloss g_type="expl">black-lacquered headgear made of silk, cloth or paper, originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan</gloss>
4. A 2022-07-21 05:57:49  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I thought it was OK.
@@ -15,0 +16 @@
@@ -17 +18 @@
-<gloss g_type="expl">black-lacquered headgear made of silk, cloth or paper that was originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan</gloss>
+<gloss g_type="expl">black-lacquered headgear made of silk, cloth or paper. originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan</gloss>
3. A* 2022-07-21 05:19:22 
@@ -17 +17 @@
-<gloss g_type="expl">black-lacquered headgear (made of silk, cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan</gloss>
+<gloss g_type="expl">black-lacquered headgear made of silk, cloth or paper that was originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan</gloss>
2. A 2019-12-05 09:22:45  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Looks good.
1. A* 2019-12-05 06:27:16  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
shortening the expl is OK?
@@ -16 +16,2 @@
-<gloss>black-lacquered headgear (made of silk, cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan, and afterwards spreading to the common people</gloss>
+<gloss g_type="expl">black-lacquered headgear (made of silk, cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan</gloss>

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