19. |
A 2021-11-30 01:29:21 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
18. |
A* 2021-11-29 06:45:46 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
Diff: |
@@ -33 +33 @@
-<gloss>ten o'clock (old time system)</gloss>
+<gloss>ten o'clock (in the old time system)</gloss> |
17. |
A 2021-11-22 11:25:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Diff: |
@@ -40 +40 @@
+<gloss>burakumin</gloss> |
16. |
A 2021-10-23 20:02:15 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
15. |
A 2021-10-23 04:30:25 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
Diff: |
@@ -24,0 +25 @@
+<gloss>4</gloss> |
(show/hide 14 older log entries)
14. |
A 2021-08-22 20:46:07 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
13. |
A* 2021-08-22 12:45:55 Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
層身分の人を差別意識から卑しめていう語 |
Comments: |
I was talking to my 70-y-o father-in-law about
growing up in impoverished southern Osaka
prefecture, he mentioned this, but he said it
was very rarely spoken, mainly signed by
showing four fingers (tbe thumb hidden, also
described in.the wiki article, should prob be
mentioned in.the.note) |
Diff: |
@@ -32,0 +33,7 @@
+<xref type="see" seq="1499560">部落民</xref>
+<s_inf>likely from cows and pigs having four feet</s_inf>
+<gloss>Burakumin</gloss> |
12. |
A 2020-05-24 12:44:05 Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
Numbers 3 to 9 have the same senses (number, age, time) so I'll add the missing senses to the entries that haven't been amended yet. |
11. |
A* 2020-05-23 04:04:57 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
10. |
A 2020-05-23 04:04:41 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
I have added extra senses to 七つ and 九つ as indicated by GG5. Daijirin has comments on some of the other ...つ entries, e.g.
- 五つ: 昔の時刻の名。今の午前と午後の八時頃。五つ時。
- 八つ: 昔の時刻の名。現在の午前と午後の二時頃。八つ時。やっつ。
I'm not sure what, if anything, should/could be added to them, so I'm leaving it.
I'll close this off, then reopen for a while. |
9. |
A* 2020-05-10 01:43:10 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
Thanks for the observation.
Checking references I see for the 〜つ number entries GG5 has the age meaning and Daijirin has it too, and the old time-of-day meanings. I'll go through and add those senses to the other entries.
I'll leave this open as a reminder. |
8. |
A* 2020-05-08 18:31:26 Frazer Robinson <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
None of the other number entries have the "years of age" or "old time system" senses. I think these senses should either be removed from here, or added to the other number entries as well, where
applicable. |
7. |
A 2019-10-07 05:01:54 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/四つ "相撲用語。四つ身の略。" |
Diff: |
@@ -37,0 +38 @@
+<misc>&abbr;</misc> |
6. |
A 2017-09-06 05:27:52 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
5. |
A* 2017-09-05 20:24:39 Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
gg5, daijr |
Diff: |
@@ -25,0 +26,14 @@
+<gloss>four years of age</gloss>
+<gloss>ten o'clock (old time system)</gloss>
+<xref type="see" seq="2023340">四つ身・1</xref>
+<gloss>cross grips</gloss>
+</sense> |
4. |
A 2012-08-03 04:54:33 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
3. |
A* 2012-08-02 23:57:17 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Refs: |
Daijr, GG5, 新和英中辞典, etc. |
Comments: |
Daijr says they are the same. Dunno how it was overlooked. |
Diff: |
@@ -19,0 +19,3 @@
+</r_ele> |
2. |
A 2010-07-14 13:25:11 Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
1. |
A* 2010-07-14 12:39:08 Jean-Luc Léger <...address hidden...>
Comments: |
normalising every number entries to use the 'num' POS tag. |
Diff: |
@@ -20,1 +20,1 @@
+<pos>#</pos> |