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jmdict 2851212 Active (id: 2156438)

1. [n] {video games}
▶ arcade mode

2. A 2021-11-06 11:33:54  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
Quiet, self-approving
1. A* 2021-10-30 02:24:03  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
アーケードモード	23422
It's actually harder to explain than you may think.

The term dates back to the coin-op age. Basically, it's an increasingly difficult fixed length game mode, accompanied by a 
small story, either about the character you selected or just generally about the situation you were thrown into, or 
accompanied by no story at all. No extra content whatsoever, as in you would've just gotten in front of the coin-op cabinet, 
tossed in a coin and started playing.

Mostly used in fighting games or endless survivals (1 life, restart on lose, get as far as you can), It's a pick-up-and-play 
no-brainer mode where you can just fire up the game, press start and play; there's rarely any customization besides 
apparences, there are no quirks, no perks, no level ups, nothing else than the game's core itself.
hard to explain apparently but the word is used in English.

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