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jmdict 2844010 Active (id: 2063635)
1. [n]
▶ virologist

3. A 2020-04-06 14:26:12  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
On reflection, I should have let this one through. Ordinarily, I'd just check the references myself and ask the submitter to provide their own in future.
On this occasion, I rejected it partly out of frustration at seeing multiple pending submissions without any references, and not wanting to encourage bad practices.
However, we should all be assuming good faith, so I don't plan on rejecting any more submissions purely on those grounds.
2. A 2020-04-06 04:27:34  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
医学英和辞典, 中辞典, etc.
G n-grams: 831
I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect that someone submitting a proposed entry has 
done some checking beforehand, and includes details of that. It's a shared task, and I don't 
think it's appropriate to throw the whole verification process onto an editor.
I can usually check a term with a couple of copy/pastes, and in this case the term checks 
out, but I certainly prefer that it arrives with some sort of case for inclusion.
1. A* 2020-04-06 02:30:46 
Rejected once previously because "no references". 
But even if there had been a reference or two, wouldn't you have double-checked them? 
So why couldn't you just check your usual references or at least googled it the once? check it against the n-grams?
Doing that and rejecting it based on the word not being common enough or whatever, that I'd get. But rejecting a WORD, as a dictionary editor, because you're not happy with the SUBMISSION? Doesn't make any sense to me.

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