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jmdict 1283210 Active (id: 2051641)
高ぶる [news2,nf44] 昂る昂ぶる [io]
たかぶる [news2,nf44]
1. [v5r,vi]
▶ to become aroused (of emotions, nerves, etc.)
▶ to become excited
▶ to become stirred up
▶ to become worked up
2. [v5r,vi]
▶ to be proud
▶ to be haughty
▶ to be pompous
▶ to be self-important


8. A 2019-11-10 06:12:23  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
7. A* 2019-11-09 23:50:19  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
"株主総会場はやじと怒号で高ぶっていた. The shareholders meeting was tense with jeering and shouting."
We usually put that sort of information on the first gloss.
I think these glosses still work OK.
@@ -24,2 +24,2 @@
-<s_inf>of one's feelings, etc.</s_inf>
-<gloss>to become aroused</gloss>
+<gloss>to become aroused (of emotions, nerves, etc.)</gloss>
+<gloss>to become excited</gloss>
@@ -26,0 +27 @@
+<gloss>to become worked up</gloss>
@@ -33,0 +35 @@
+<gloss>to be self-important</gloss>
6. A 2019-11-08 22:57:48  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Probably better as a sense-wide note.
@@ -24 +24,2 @@
-<gloss>(of one's feelings, etc.) to become aroused</gloss>
+<s_inf>of one's feelings, etc.</s_inf>
+<gloss>to become aroused</gloss>
5. A* 2019-11-08 21:37:02  Richard Warmington <...address hidden...>
Sense #1 makes it seem like this is a verb that takes a person as its subject: "SHE is highly strung; HE is excited; THEY are worked up; etc." However, as far as I can see, たかぶる rarely takes a *person* as its subject. 
Typically, it takes one's *feelings* (感情, 気分 etc.) or one's *nerves* (神経) as its subject, NOT a person.
- 気持ちもすごく高ぶっています
- 高ぶった神経を落ち着かせ、
- 感情が高ぶって眠れなくなった
- 気持ちが高ぶったので
- 不安を感じる時、落ち着かない時、神経が高ぶっている時にできる ...
- 高ぶった肌にかすかに歯を立てられるのはどんな感じだろうと、
- 彼の気持ちが高ぶっている時 : 
- 高ぶったような気分と凝った体に 

In J-E dictionaries, the examples of usage that are given are also like that:
- 感情が高ぶる grow [get] excited 《at》; be worked up 《about》. (新和英中辞典)
- 試験の前で私の神経は*高ぶっていた I was very nervous before the examination. (ルミナス和英辞典)
- 気持ちが高ぶるのを抑えきれない. I am so full of emotion I can't suppress it. (GG5)
- 彼は今神経が高ぶっているから近づかないほうがいい. He is 「highly strung [worked up] right now, so it would be better to stay away from him. (GG5)
(So "highly strung" and "very nervous" and "worked up" seem to correspond to 神経が高ぶっている rather than just 高ぶっている.)

In J-J dictionaries, you get definitions of たかぶる that essentially mean "to become heightened, aroused"; not "to be highly strung".
- 興奮する。亢進する。 「神経が−・る」 (スーパー大辞林 3.0)
- (神経などのはたらきが)高まる。 (三省堂国語辞典)
The Sanseido definition, in particular, strongly suggests that たかぶる rarely if ever takes a person as its subject, and 高まる means "to become heightened" rather than "to be highly strung".
@@ -24,3 +24,2 @@
-<gloss>to be highly strung</gloss>
-<gloss>to get excited</gloss>
-<gloss>to get worked up</gloss>
+<gloss>(of one's feelings, etc.) to become aroused</gloss>
+<gloss>to become stirred up</gloss>
4. A 2017-06-18 17:14:14  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
@@ -32,0 +33 @@
+<gloss>to be pompous</gloss>
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