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jmdict 2105610 Rejected (id: 2045623)

なたナタ (nokanji)
1. [n]
▶ sturdy broad-bladed knife, used in woodcraft and hunting

17. R 2019-07-31 03:19:55  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
This is a fork.
16. A* 2019-07-30 11:43:38 
These are some other rectangular bladed knives, that are not and could not be used as cleavers. (in much the same way, that cleavers could not be used as なた)
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-<gloss>sturdy rectangular-bladed knife, used in woodcraft and hunting</gloss>
+<gloss>sturdy broad-bladed knife, used in woodcraft and hunting</gloss>
15. A* 2019-07-30 06:55:03 
Whilst I agree that the most "typical"/"normal" なた is superficially somewhat similar to a cleaver (though not nearly as broad), a fundamental defining characteristic of a cleaver is still that it is a butcher/kitchen knife. (and again, the many significant differences I mentioned before)
There are many knives that a layman wouldn't be able to tell apart, just to look at them, that are nevertheless in very distinct and different categories. (the same applies to, e.g., axes)

...and many なた do not have that distinctive rectangular shape, as is clear from the references I mention. Note that 剣鉈 and 鉈鎌 are types of 鉈.
14. A* 2019-07-30 05:37:38  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
To me, the distinctive feature of a なた is the cleaver-like rectangular blade. (When I showed a picture several nata to my wife and asked her what she'd call them, she said "a cleaver".)
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-<gloss>type of sturdy broad bladed knife, used in woodcraft and hunting.</gloss>
+<gloss>sturdy rectangular-bladed knife, used in woodcraft and hunting</gloss>
13. A* 2019-07-29 13:24:03 
A cleaver is a butcher/kitchen knife.
It has a completely different purpose and also possess very different blades, to a nata. A lot broader blade (a lot broader than the handle, notably) and though they are relatively thick and sturdy, they are significantly less so, than a nata. A lot of typical uses of a nata (especially splitting wood), would utterly ruin any cleaver.
The closest thing to a nata, would be a machete or a hunting knife. (and ken'nata do look like the latter, as well as being used as such, in addition to its other uses)
It is neither, however, so it would be wrong to call it such.

The angle is notable (though not universal/required), but I guess it's not really necessary to mention.
Also the blade is often of uniform breadth (basically a rectangle) aside from ken'nata (剣鉈), which have a more typical knife shape as well as usually being straight, but the same applies to that, so no need to mention it either, I suppose.
Speaking of which: Adding an entry for 剣鉈 may be a good idea.
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-<gloss>type of cleaver used in woodcraft and hunting</gloss>
+<gloss>type of sturdy broad bladed knife, used in woodcraft and hunting.</gloss>
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