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jmdict 2835262 Active (id: 1979924)

1. [exp] [sl,derog]
《from 自民が ..; used to mock critics of the LDP》
▶ it's the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan's fault
▶ LDP-blamer
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 1608020 自民党 1. Liberal Democratic Party; LDP

8. A 2018-05-23 06:05:05  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
7. A* 2018-05-23 06:02:05 
@@ -16,0 +17 @@
6. A 2018-04-08 06:01:05  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
I think it's fine as an entry. If I encounter ジミンガー I 
want to look it up. (Would prefer JIS-compatible 
@@ -15 +15 @@
-<s_inf>from 自民が…; used to mock critics of the LDP</s_inf>
+<s_inf>from 自民が ..; used to mock critics of the LDP</s_inf>
5. A* 2018-04-07 00:55:48  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
>"ジミンガー doesn't actually mean "blaming things on the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan". It's just an expression used to mock those who criticise the LDP."

When people say things like "またジミンガーかよ" or "なぜ4条改正反対なのか、何故憲法改正反対なのか、ジミンガーを使わずに述べてほしい。", I think "blaming things on the LDP" 
is a perfectly fair translation. It's not great when it's used like this, though: "ジミンガー言う前に自身の“変態報道”& #偏向報道 を省みなさい!" I've tried revising it 
a little.
>" a beginner learner or someone who isn't familiar with Japanese politics would have no idea what it means"

I'm not a beginner learner and I'm familiar with Japanese politics but I was stumped when I saw this (as 悪性ジミンガ病 or sth like that). I'm sure lots of Japanese 
people who aren't on 2ch or discuss politics on twitter (i.e. the vast majority) would have no idea what it meant either (with or without the 病). Case in point, I 
just showed one of the ジミンガー tweets to a native speaker, and their interpretation was "地味な人ってこと?"

I don't know that I would necessarily be opposed to including something like "but her e-mails" but one obvious difference is that this isn't actually stylized as 
"自民が・・・" where it's obvious what's intended and what each word is, i.e. it's as if "but her e-mails" were commonly stylized as "bthereemelz".
@@ -15,2 +15,2 @@
-<s_inf>from 自民党が…</s_inf>
-<gloss>blaming things on the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan</gloss>
+<s_inf>from 自民が…; used to mock critics of the LDP</s_inf>
+<gloss>it's the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan's fault</gloss>
4. A* 2018-04-06 20:21:06  Robin Scott <...address hidden...>
Perhaps not plenty more, but I don't consider this the sort of thing appropriate for a dictionary anyway.

ジミンガー doesn't actually mean "blaming things on the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan". It's just an expression used to mock those who criticise the LDP.

It would be like adding "But her emails" to an E->J dictionary.

I think we can safely ignore it. Sure, a beginner learner or someone who isn't familiar with Japanese politics would have no idea what it means, but dictionaries don't need to cover every bit of written language.
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