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jmdict 1481980 Active (id: 1917295)
煩悩 [spec2,news2,nf39] 煩惱 [oK]
ぼんのう [spec2,news2,nf39]
1. [n]
▶ worldly desires
▶ evil passions
▶ appetites of the flesh
2. [n] {Buddhism}
▶ klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2769170 百八煩悩【ひゃくはちぼんのう】 1. the 108 kleshas; the 108 afflictions
  ⇐ see: 2777900 纏縛【てんばく】 2. being bound by evil desires; klesha
  ⇐ see: 2188310 妄心【もうしん】 1. deluded mind (a mind polluted with klesha, incapable of understanding the original essence of things)
  ⇐ see: 2630380 使【し】 3. klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)
  ⇐ see: 2186150 三毒【さんどく】 1. the three kleshas that poison the heart of man (desire, ill will and ignorance)
  ⇐ see: 2270490 垢【く】 1. klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)
  ⇐ see: 2648130 貪瞋痴【とんじんち】 1. the three kilesas that poison the heart of man (greed, hatred and delusion)
  ⇐ see: 2844281 惑【わく】 1. klesha
  ⇐ see: 2203670 108【ひゃくはち】 2. the number of kleshas, worldly thoughts and passions

2. A 2015-06-16 05:09:57  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
1. A* 2015-06-16 04:21:36 
@@ -8,0 +9,4 @@

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