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jmdict 1169360 Active (id: 1908578)
引っ掛ける [ichi1,news2,nf39] 引っかける引っ懸ける
ひっかける [ichi1,news2,nf39]
1. [v1,vt]
▶ to hang (something) on (something)
▶ to throw on (clothes)
2. [v1,vt]
▶ to hook
▶ to catch
▶ to trap
▶ to ensnare
3. [v1,vt]
▶ to cheat
▶ to evade payment
▶ to jump a bill
4. [v1,vt]
▶ to drink (alcohol)
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 2843885 一杯引っ掛ける【いっぱいひっかける】 1. to have a drink; to grab a drink
5. [v1,vt]
▶ to splash someone (with)
Cross references:
  ⇒ see: 1632550 ぶっ掛ける 1. to dash (water, etc.; on someone or something); to throw (on); to pour (over)
6. [v1,vt] {baseball}
▶ to hit the ball off the end of the bat


1. A 2014-12-20 17:15:01  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
@@ -57 +57,2 @@
-<gloss>to hit the ball off the end of the bat (baseball)</gloss>
+<gloss>to hit the ball off the end of the bat</gloss>

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