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jmdict 1256070 Active (id: 1151103)
1. [n]
▶ stage of ennui (esp. in one's married life)
▶ period of lassitude
▶ lethargic period
▶ rut

11. A 2014-01-19 11:03:51  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Seems fine.
10. A* 2014-01-18 08:54:11  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
i think the koj entry matches gg5's "ennui" pretty well.
9. A 2014-01-18 08:52:11  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
approving for now as this is a shit ton of entries in the queue, and i think we can agree that this proposed revision is at least as good as the current official revision "the stage of fatigue".
8. A* 2014-01-15 21:50:54  Richard Warmington <...address hidden...>
I noticed just now that "rut" was part of Rene's suggestion, which takes care of my proposal to have something more colloquial than a definition in terms of "ennui".
My concern now is that GG5's definition, which begins with "a period of lassitude; a lethargic period" (duplicated in Rene's proposal) emphasizes the literal meaning of the term. But is 倦怠期 ever used to mean "period of lethargy/lassitude" unrelated to some person or thing one has grown tired of? There is no such example in the dictionaries I have checked, including GG5 itself, and definitions written in Japanese tend to use the verb 飽きる rather than words like 疲れる or 疲労.
e.g. Kodansha: あきていやになる時期。夫婦間に用いることが多い。
スーパー大辞林 3.0: (主に夫婦の間で)互いにあきていやになる時期
Are there examples — on the Web, for example — where 倦怠期 is used to simply mean "a period in which one is lacking in energy" and where there is no person or thing one has become disenchanted with?
7. A* 2014-01-15 21:49:14  Richard Warmington <...address hidden...>
Oh, sure. But I only suggested "fall into a rut" as *part* of the definition ("stage where one's relationship with one's spouse, etc. has lost its spark and gotten into a rut"), 
...OR as a definition for 倦怠期になる, similar to 新和英中辞典's
倦怠期になる 〈夫婦が〉 get bored ┏with each other [with their marriage]; tire [《文》 get weary] of married life
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