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jmdict 1570850 Active (id: 1118934)
すね [ichi1] はぎ (脛) [ok]
1. [n] [uk]
▶ shin
▶ shank
▶ lower leg
Cross references:
  ⇐ see: 1574670 骭【かん】 1. shin; shinbone

2. A 2012-12-18 04:38:00  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
the way to handle this is to submit a new entry for すねをかじる to us, and then the example sentence to  i have added the すねをかじる entry myself.  the example sentence references 親のすねをかじる, which is already an entry
1. A* 2012-12-17 20:18:41 
Hi, while there is an entry for すねかじり, there does not seem to be one for すねをかじる, which I understand to be the idiom used in the example sentence here (彼女はまだ親のすねをかじっている). Possibly this example sentence would be better at すねをかじる, with a new sentence created at すね to illustrate a more literal use of the word?

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