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jmdict 2752640 Active (id: 1115786)

1. [n] [arch]
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4. A 2012-10-25 03:18:28  Jim Breen <...address hidden...>
Well, at some stage in the distant past 彙 was used to write はりねずみ (hedgehog), so 広辞苑, etc. have it thus in their 漢和 entries, but it's not used for that any more. 広辞苑 has it as a solo word read "い" (formerly ヰ), meaning たぐい, etc. No other 国語 I have does that, so it must be very obscure.
I'll put that with "arch".
@@ -8,1 +8,1 @@
@@ -12,1 +12,4 @@
-<gloss>same kind</gloss>
3. A* 2012-10-20 11:35:04  Francis
Thanks for your comment. I cannot return to the text at the moment, but when I go back to the library I shall try and find it again. However, the sequence of my search was this: it was just the kanji "彙" in the text [the reading "はりねずみ" was not used]; I did not know the meaning or the reading so I searched on Jim's site under "multi-radical kanji" and  up came "彙 [JIS] 5743 [Uni] 5f59 [部首] 58 [教育] 8 [画数] 13  [音] イ  [訓] はりねずみ  [英]  same kind"; hedgehog came into my mind, but that was only a triggered thought and the kanji used for that are different anyway, plus it did not seem relevant, hence my comment; then I did some further searching around to see if I should make a submission because that kanji entry [彙] did not come up on Jim's main dictionary, nor any others, as a single kanji; I seached on Google for the kanji and up came a load of entries, but mostly combinations; I searched for "彙" and "はりねずみ" as a combined search and up came quite a few sites, e.g.,彙/page.html; this site confirmed the kanji entry in Jim's "multi-radical kanji"; then I checked various other search results, many of which results simply linked back to Jim's site with the "same kind" of result [sorry about the pun!!]; then I made the submission because I thought that maybe Jim would like to include it as an entry, especially as the reading was the same as for hedgehog and the searcher could be confused if there were two meanings from one reading without both meanings being shown.

I hope that is helpful.

If it is simply the case that the "multi-radical kanji" on Jim's site is in error, then a correction there may solve the problem [especially as the main dictionary “examine kanji” shows that result when a combination comes up which includes “彙”. 

If “彙”means both the “same kind” and also “hedgehog”, then that can be shown on the "multi-radical kanji" entry with readings as appropriate and that would resolve the matter. Perhaps then “彙” could be added to the entry for hedgehog [針鼠; 蝟 ]. In fact,彙 shows the following:-

Han character
彙 (radical 58 彐+10, 13 strokes, cangjie input 女一月田木 (VMBWD), four-corner 27904)
1. collect, compile, assemble 
2. hedgehog 

So, perhaps the combination of a pigs head and the other bits gives that result. I shall look forward to seeing your conclusion.
2. A* 2012-10-18 12:09:55  Marcus Richert <...address hidden...>
It's most certainly not read "はりねずみ" when it has this 
meaning. I find no evidence for this being used by itself, not 
in any of the usual references but also not on Google. Could 
you please type the text it appeared in?
1. A* 2012-10-17 15:06:10  Francis
This was in the text which I was reading. It gets lots of Google hits. It get lots of use on your [A] link. It is confirmed on the site kanji "examine" section, namely:

彙 [JIS] 5743 [Uni] 5f59 [部首] 58 [教育] 8 [画数] 13  [音] イ  [訓] はりねずみ  [英]  same kind

I know that the reading "はりねずみ" is also a hedgehog, but only the kanji on its own was in the text which I was reading and hedgehog did not fit the context!!

It is used in combinations,"図彙,彙類, etc", in your main dictionary, but it seems to appear as an individual kanji on Google sufficiently often to justify an entry.

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