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1. |
▶ to marry (of a woman) ▶ to become a bride ▶ to marry into (a family)
2. |
▶ to have sexual intercourse |
5. | A 2012-06-22 01:59:05 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | OOps, sense 2 is in both Koj and Daijr. I think it's old. |
Diff: | @@ -26,0 +26,1 @@ +<misc>&arch;</misc> |
4. | A* 2012-06-20 02:58:28 Jim Breen <...address hidden...> | |
Comments: | I can't find sense 2 anywhere. |
3. | A* 2012-06-19 15:43:59 Nils Roland Barth <...address hidden...> | |
Refs: | GG5 daijr koj |
Comments: | * Clarify that this is *of a woman*. (I used this of myself (I’m male) in conversation and got a *very* weird stare. It’s clear from the kanji 嫁(よめ).) * Add other sense of “have sex” (I suspect it’s obsolete/archaic, but dunno) |
Diff: | @@ -19,1 +19,2 @@ -<gloss>to marry</gloss> +<gloss>to marry (of a woman)</gloss> +<gloss>to become a bride</gloss> @@ -22,0 +23,5 @@ +<sense> +<pos>&v5g;</pos> +<pos>&vi;</pos> +<gloss>to have sexual intercourse</gloss> +</sense> |
2. | A 2011-12-31 01:24:48 Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...> | |
1. | A* 2011-12-30 06:22:53 Paul Upchurch | |
Refs: | ALC, Luminous, prog, nc, 研究社 新和英中辞典 |
Diff: | @@ -20,0 +20,1 @@ +<gloss>to marry into (a family)</gloss> |