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jmdict 1197950 Active (id: 1077365)
雅致 [ichi1]
がち [ichi1]
1. [n]
▶ artistry
▶ good taste
▶ elegance
▶ grace

2. A 2011-09-25 20:01:49  Rene Malenfant <...address hidden...>
it is in all my kokugo dictionaries (inc. "little" ones like meikyo and shinmeikai), as well as 必携 類語実用辞典 and gg5. FWIW, it gets more than 4 million google hits (although that's not particulary trustworthy).  it's offered by my IME, etc., etc.  i can't really see a call for it to be delisted
1. A* 2011-09-25 13:44:53  Avery Morrow <...address hidden...>
This is listed as a common word but it is extremely rare.

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