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jmdict 2134590 Active (id: 2222581)
<entry id="2222581" stat="A" corpus="jmdict" type="jmdict">
<ent_corp type="jmdict">jmdict</ent_corp>
<gloss>(showing signs of) embarrassment</gloss>
<audit time="2007-01-21 00:00:00" stat="A">
<upd_detl>Entry created</upd_detl>
<audit time="2010-05-26 23:42:05" stat="A">
<upd_name>Kef Schecter</upd_name>
<upd_detl>"embarrassment" was misspelled</upd_detl>
<upd_diff>@@ -13,1 +13,1 @@
-&lt;gloss&gt;(showing) signs of embarassment&lt;/gloss&gt;
+&lt;gloss&gt;(showing) signs of embarrassment&lt;/gloss&gt;</upd_diff>
<audit time="2012-08-11 22:39:12" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Jim Breen</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>Very irregular reading. Won't merge.</upd_detl>
<upd_refs>Daijr, GG5, etc.</upd_refs>
<upd_diff>@@ -9,0 +9,1 @@
@@ -12,0 +13,1 @@
+&lt;xref type="see" seq="1681810"&gt;含羞・がんしゅう&lt;/xref&gt;
@@ -13,0 +15,2 @@
<audit time="2012-08-12 10:53:29" stat="A">
<upd_name>Rene Malenfant</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>i'm not sure it should be a headword at all.</upd_detl>
<audit time="2023-02-22 17:17:33" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Brian Krznarich</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>Since the kanji are no longer visible, I've removed the [see=] reference, the [uk], and the [gikun] tags. If you search directly for 含羞, you'll of course get this and the related 含羞 entry (がんしゅう), but if you searched for はにかみ you won't get pointed at 含羞, which should be fine.

I thought maybe Rene was correct in 2012, and that this didn't need to be a headword, but there are quite a lot of derived terms, it seems. はにかみトライアングル is a popular light novel, and はにかみ王子 is the nickname for a Japanese pro golfer known for his bashful face... Even has an English wikipedia article explaining this.</upd_detl>
<upd_refs>Ryo Ishikawa (石川 遼, Ishikawa Ryō, born 17 September 1991), also known by the nickname "Hanikami Ōji" (ハニカミ王子, literally, "Bashful Prince"), is a Japanese professional golfer.

Top 10 N-grams Lookup for はにかみ (Frequency Order)
はにかみ	85786	  
はにかみながら	21668	  
はにかみ王子	15650	  
はにかみトライアングル	7415	  (Not sure if this *means* anything, it's the title of a light novel) 
はにかみ屋	7025	  
はにかみや	4953	  
はにかみ笑顔	2941	  
はにかみながらも	2636	  
はにかみ王子って	2514	  
はにかみ屋さん	2434	  
はにかみ王子って何	2387</upd_refs>
<upd_diff>@@ -5,0 +6 @@
@@ -9 +9,0 @@
@@ -13,2 +12,0 @@
-&lt;xref type="see" seq="1681810"&gt;含羞・がんしゅう&lt;/xref&gt;
<audit time="2023-02-22 17:32:57" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Brian Krznarich</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>Noticed the wikipedia page for the golfer used ハニカミ, and double-checked the n-grams. I think katakana is prevalent enough to deserve a listing, but still beaten by hiragana (outside of the golfer's name).

Maybe not surprising since は に か  is just 3 common particles in a row. Maybe this wouldn't bother Japanese people, but it sure confuses me.</upd_detl>
<upd_refs>ハニカミながら	4622	
ハニカミ笑顔	3353	  
ハニカミ屋	1766	
ハニカミ顔	400	
ハニカミ屋さん	790
ハニカミながらも	397	
ハニカミ	306056	  
ハニカミ王子	156212	  
ハニカミ王子の	16721	  
ハニカミ王子こと	11313	  
ハニカミ王子に	7477	  
ハニカミ王子が	7180	  
ハニカミ王子石川	6913	  
ハニカミ王子こと石川	6894	  
ハニカミ王子石川遼	6498	  
ハニカミ王子こと石川遼	6193	  
ハニカミの	5850</upd_refs>
<upd_diff>@@ -9,0 +10,3 @@
<audit time="2023-02-22 18:29:58" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Robin Scott</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>I think we can drop the kanji form. My IME doesn't bring up it. I don't think 含羞 would ever be used for はにかみ without furigana.</upd_detl>
<upd_refs>含羞笑顔	        0		
含羞屋	        0
含羞み笑顔	0		
含羞み屋	        0</upd_refs>
<upd_diff>@@ -4,4 +3,0 @@
@@ -18 +14 @@
-&lt;gloss&gt;(showing) signs of embarrassment&lt;/gloss&gt;
+&lt;gloss&gt;(showing signs of) embarrassment&lt;/gloss&gt;</upd_diff>
<audit time="2023-02-22 19:51:34" stat="A">
<upd_name>Jim Breen</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>OK. I'll put the xref back.</upd_detl>
<audit time="2023-02-22 19:51:52" stat="A">
<upd_name>Jim Breen</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_diff>@@ -11,0 +12 @@
+&lt;xref type="see" seq="1681810"&gt;含羞&lt;/xref&gt;</upd_diff>
<audit time="2023-02-23 08:27:45" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Brian Krznarich</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>I'm surprised to see the cross-reference return.  If I were using, searched for ハニカミ, got this reference, and then saw [see=含羞], this would indicate to me that 含羞 is a *better* way to say "bashfullness". Obviously it is not.

If there were kanji on this term, I would understand "oh, these are two different readings of the same kanji, that's what the [see=] is for".  With the kanji gone, this cross-reference seems to do more harm than good.

That's why I removed [see=] in the original edit.

Maybe we could move [see=] over to the 含羞 entry instead? That will get less-popular-entry pointing at more-popular-entry.  Even there, no one will understand that these terms are related by kanji.</upd_detl>
<upd_refs>ハニカミ	306056
はにかみ	85786
含羞	6241
がんしゅう	413</upd_refs>
<audit time="2023-02-23 11:07:29" stat="A">
<upd_name>Robin Scott</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>I agree that the x-ref isn't needed. I wouldn't add one to the 含羞 entry either.</upd_detl>
<upd_diff>@@ -12 +11,0 @@
-&lt;xref type="see" seq="1681810"&gt;含羞&lt;/xref&gt;</upd_diff>

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