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jmdict 2852218 Active (id: 2172399)
<entry id="2172399" stat="A" corpus="jmdict" type="jmdict">
<ent_corp type="jmdict">jmdict</ent_corp>
<gloss>mother monkey</gloss>
<audit time="2021-12-04 23:28:50" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Rick Papo</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>Encountered while translating manga.  One character was warning another that it was dangerous to get too close to baby monkeys, as the mother is often near.
This led to recounting an old story about the mother monkey's love for her children.</upd_detl>
<audit time="2021-12-18 22:54:42" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Jim Breen</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>Not at all sure. The References usually don't have these 母X entries, which are very A+B.</upd_detl>
<upd_refs>母ザル	4491
母猿	2646
母熊	4156 - another entry from Rick
母鳥	9853 - 中辞典
母犬	74248 &lt;- not an entry
母猫	74534 &lt;- not an entry</upd_refs>
<audit time="2021-12-22 20:39:14" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Rick Papo</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>The key reason I posted this here was because of the pronunciation shift from haha+saru to hahazaru.  If it weren't for the shift, a normal dictionary-based sentence parsing program like the one I wrote ten years ago would catch the two words separately.  But lacking a dictionary entry for ザル meaning 'monkey' (and there is no reason you should have one), the parser does not catch the word and display the meaning correctly.</upd_detl>
<audit time="2022-01-02 05:55:30" stat="A">
<upd_name>Jim Breen</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>I see we have a 小猿 entry.</upd_detl>
<upd_refs>母ザル	4491
母猿	2646
母ざる	734</upd_refs>
<upd_diff>@@ -5,0 +6,6 @@
<audit time="2022-01-03 00:05:10" stat="A" unap="true">
<upd_name>Robin Scott</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>I don't think we should include a term for the sole reason that it makes things easier for a sentence parser.</upd_detl>
<audit time="2022-01-04 19:52:16" stat="A">
<upd_name>Jim Breen</upd_name>
<upd_email>...address hidden...</upd_email>
<upd_detl>That wasn't the reason I eventually let it in. It is marginal, certainly, but I thought it interesting that 母ザル was the most common form.</upd_detl>

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